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Pulled out of my apartment at gun point by swat members


Regular Member
Mar 1, 2009
Marysville, Washington, USA


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
reason to file notice of trespass

I filed notice of trespass with my town .. no employees allowed on my property ... for any reason ..


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2009
Spokane, Washington, USA
Spokane PD is also under investigation by the Fed's for the same problems the Seattle PD has...

Can you believe that Thompson was CONVICTED of use of Excessive force...OVER A year ago!!!! and still has not spent one day in prison?

Stop it. As I pointed out the other day in another thread (http://forum.opencarry.org/forums/showthread.php?103693-quot-Just-like-a-sex-offender-quot, Post #8), Thompson was convicted in November 2011, LESS THAN one year ago. The one year mark will not be reached until November 2012. This being June there are still FIVE months to go to get TO the one year mark. So, to answer your question, I cannot believe it because that's not what happened.

Thompson hasn't spent a day in prison because he hasn't yet been sentenced. He hasn't yet been sentenced due to post trial motions that are still pending including possible juror misconduct and prosecutor misconduct (Feds withholding information from the defense - - read the motion here: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B2PT6IOp3GFDNXl5OGpIZnBRcGFrREE2dkpaanhmdw/edit?pli=1). Sorry hermannr, I just can't let you misstate the facts, especially in a thread where there has been so much discussion about what did or did not happen.
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sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
Bennie I believe we met at the Picnic in Spokane a few years ago, I am glad you didn't get "Birked".

If there is anything we can do to help you further in fighting this unjustified intrusion let us know.


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2006
SW Idaho
Hope you never need the fire department...or an ambulance.

I would gladly trade those two services (which you may/may not ever have need of, may/may not arrive in time, and may/may not make a dime's worth of difference), plus a substantial (to me, anyway) sum of money, in exchange for an ironclad guarantee that armed government employees would never set foot on my property.

In fact, that would be just about the best bargain in the history of the world.


Campaign Veteran
Oct 25, 2009
Federal Way, Washington, USA
I filed notice of trespass with my town .. no employees allowed on my property ... for any reason ..

Hope you never need the fire department...or an ambulance.

Who said they have to be public employees?

Ha Ha! I have fire insurance ... let it burn. Ambulance? Nah...drag me out to the street. Heart attack, smart attack ... like those guys on SNL, DA BEARS !

Yep, insurance is a good start.

I would gladly trade those two services (which you may/may not ever have need of, may/may not arrive in time, and may/may not make a dime's worth of difference), plus a substantial (to me, anyway) sum of money, in exchange for an ironclad guarantee that armed government employees would never set foot on my property.

In fact, that would be just about the best bargain in the history of the world.

I agree. And again, why can't the fire department be a private organization? (BTW, many ambulance companies are private)


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2006
SW Idaho
I agree. And again, why can't the fire department be a private organization? (BTW, many ambulance companies are private)

Totally agree. In fact, both volunteer and for-profit private firefighting operations have a long and successful history in this country.

For example, the Elk Grove district in rural Illinois put together a private fire service when they faced an imminent loss of protection by a nearby municipal fire department. They found that the private company was able to provide the service far cheaper than contracting with another local government. The private provider explains why:
“Our first-year contract was $300,000, and we were providing the same level of service the consultant said would cost $1 million,” Jensen said. “We continue to provide service as good as that of our municipal neighbors, but because we are private, we can operate more efficiently. We save 30 to 40 percent over what a similar municipal department would cost to operate.”
The savings come mainly in personnel. The fire district has 14 full-time firefighters and 28 paid-on-call firefighters, all of whom are privately employed. None is a union member.
“We don’t pay the insane salaries that our municipal neighbors pay,” Jensen said. “Our benefits are more in line with traditional industry. We are non-union, which gives us a lot more flexibility in dealing with our employees. Salaries and benefits are the big savings, but we [also] have a shop where we can rebuild and refurbish fire apparatus for our own use.
“We save money in purchasing almost anything a fire department would use, just by shopping around. We’re very cost-conscious. We watch every penny we spend,” Jensen added.
Many more cities would probably follow this road if it were not for the strong union opposition. Privatizing fire departments is not a high priority for many people, because the cost of public fire service is not a large portion of each year’s taxes paid. However, those who have studied it have found that—just as Elk Grove saved through private sector provision—private fire services are cheaper and more efficient.


Regular Member
Jul 17, 2007
, ,
This is why I don't answer my door.

On the rare occasion that I do answer my door, my gun is in my hand, behind my back. I maintain most of my body behind the door, and firmly plant my foot along the edge to prevent someone from just pushing it.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind
And again, why can't the fire department be a private organization? (BTW, many ambulance companies are private)
The very history of fire departments and fire insurance are completely linked in private roots.

If you ever visit the historic portions of Philadelphia, you'll see various "fire medallions" on the old buildings. These were issued by the fire insurance companies, to alert their private fire departments which buildings were covered.

Ben Franklin founded the first fire company in Philadelphia, the Union Fire Company, a purely private and voluntary affair. Others soon sprang up, and the various companies cooperated in purchasing major equipment together.
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Campaign Veteran
Jun 30, 2008
Snohomish, WA, ,
How did we go from an original post about the Spokane Police Dept. pointing guns at an OC'er and rousting him from his lawful abode, to personal attacks on the public firefighting/paramedic/EMS agencies?

Might the off topic or social lounge be a better place for the current discussion while we await news from Spokane?


Regular Member
Apr 20, 2009
South Whidbey, Washington, USA
How did we go from an original post about the Spokane Police Dept. pointing guns at an OC'er and rousting him from his lawful abode, to personal attacks on the public firefighting/paramedic/EMS agencies?

Might the off topic or social lounge be a better place for the current discussion while we await news from Spokane?

Welcome to OCDO. Where random tangents are nearly as populous as politicians' lies.


Campaign Veteran
Jun 30, 2008
Snohomish, WA, ,
Yes......Yes indeed. I actually grafted an extra millimeter of "thick hide" onto myself before hitting the "post" button for the expected onslaught of replies to what I perceived as a gentlemanly reminder of OCDO's propensity to wander far and wide within selected threads.:rolleyes:


Regular Member
Jul 2, 2006
SW Idaho
How did we go from an original post about the Spokane Police Dept. pointing guns at an OC'er and rousting him from his lawful abode, to personal attacks on the public firefighting/paramedic/EMS agencies?

Might the off topic or social lounge be a better place for the current discussion while we await news from Spokane?

Personal attacks? Or honest discussion as to whether such services are proper functions of limited, constitutional government, or would be better and more efficiently provided by private entities?

Methinks you need to tune down your sensitivity.

Are you a member of a public employee union, by any chance?


Campaign Veteran
Oct 25, 2009
Federal Way, Washington, USA
How did we go from an original post about the Spokane Police Dept. pointing guns at an OC'er and rousting him from his lawful abode, to personal attacks on the public firefighting/paramedic/EMS agencies?

Might the off topic or social lounge be a better place for the current discussion while we await news from Spokane?

Where are the personal attacks?