legal right and individual right are two very different concepts so please do not obfuscate this issue by mixing apples and Kumquats.
'legal rights', as defined by black's, quote: the term given to a right or privilege that if challenged is supported in court. unquote.
not to be confused with the conversation also going on in this thread where folk are also discussing 'clear legal right' quote: a right that is based on a matter of the law that has been determined by totally accepted facts.
my commentary has been, the citizens time to adjudicate grievances from the citizen's perception, real or perceived, of mishandling of prior interaction(s) w/the nice LEs out in the street is through judicial oversight.
1. the individuals dressed in ski masks - one completely covering their face & the other just had their eyes showing; body armor; and having long gun and handgun readily at hand were not cited after their two encounters w/the nice beat cop(s) and Sgt they encountered ~ correct?
2. they individuals, as described above went to the DPD's headquarter's to complain about their treatment by the field LEs ~ correct?
3. we have absolutely no idea, except their provided commentary, what was said to the field LEs as they left each of the encounter(s), harsh, bravado, or threatening - real or perceived words, exchanged ~ correct?
4. we have established wearing of body armor by MI citizens is against established statute ~ correct? (I wasn't at nor observed the previous contact with the field LEs as to why it was not discussed or cited)
5. we have audio establishing these individuals, dressed as described in #1 failed, repeatedly to obey the 'lawful' orders of the nice LEs inside the DPD ~ correct?
these individual's alleged violation of their 'legal rights' as well as the validity of the citations they received due to their own actions, can and only be, as stated in the definition upheld by the judicial system. once that status has been decided, then and only then can we state these unique individuals have the 'clear legal right' to have done what they did!
at the moment, strictly due to their own volition and through their actions, they lost their firearms & i presume their body armor, and now must run the judicial gambit using someone's (read society's) hard earned money!!
so back to you 20OLD2W8, where do you believe their individual rights, as expressed in the constitution ~ which is where your term is gleaned, were violated as i am quite sure the nice LEs followed the established law to assure their 'rights' were upheld!