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openryan wrote:
SNIP But I believe that a lot of people are uncomfortable addressing a civilian with a firearm as they have been sensitized to them. It may be a nervous silence, or they may just want to get you out as fast as they can.
I have very good luck with being quite outgoing and even playful, and frequenting the same places. After the second or third visit, clerks, waiters, waitresses, counter staff, tellers, etc.remember me.
With waiters andwaitresses, I make it a point toask for the best serveron the first visit. If they are good, Iask for them from then on. Naturally, they are not always there, soanother server gets exposed to a friendly, fun customer who happens to OC. Word gets around.It helps to tip generously--no sense undoing your ambassadorial efforts by being stingy on the tip.
You can create a far more powerful impression than your sidearm. Thesidearm can't talk to people, make them feel noticed, tell them a joke, play with them.
When I OC'd in my bank for the first time,the tellers already recognizedmeas afriendly, even fun, customer. They saw thesidearm and gave me some additional "Sirs" that I hadn't gotten before, but there wasn't so much as a wince about the sidearm.
Try it. It works.