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Well here's a question to you all....
Since I have been OC'ing about 95% of the time now... I was wondering, have any of you noticed that the people who do speak to you have gotten a bit more polite... <G>.... I seem to notice alot more "Yes Sir" " No Sir" lately.
Even some of the younger more disrespectful kids I have run across are not giving me any disrespect..... It was just a funny thought that came to me after 4 youngkids approached me in the Wal-Mart parking lot the other day. That grunge look, acting all cocky. Yes I know it's sterotyping, but I went to yellow right away..
When one of them said "Hey man whatcha got in the bag man...?" I just said.. "Just bought about 400 rounds of ammo for my Beretta." and then I turned and they saw it on my hip...
"Oh cool SIR..." YOU HAVE A NICE DAY.. and they walked the other way.
Well here's a question to you all....
Since I have been OC'ing about 95% of the time now... I was wondering, have any of you noticed that the people who do speak to you have gotten a bit more polite... <G>.... I seem to notice alot more "Yes Sir" " No Sir" lately.
Even some of the younger more disrespectful kids I have run across are not giving me any disrespect..... It was just a funny thought that came to me after 4 youngkids approached me in the Wal-Mart parking lot the other day. That grunge look, acting all cocky. Yes I know it's sterotyping, but I went to yellow right away..
When one of them said "Hey man whatcha got in the bag man...?" I just said.. "Just bought about 400 rounds of ammo for my Beretta." and then I turned and they saw it on my hip...
"Oh cool SIR..." YOU HAVE A NICE DAY.. and they walked the other way.