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Ron Paul for president


Regular Member
Feb 15, 2012
Conservative America is comprised of the folks who believe in conservative values, both in their lifestyles and in government.

That's stating the obvious. Sort of like: Q: What is voodoo culture? A: The culture of people who practice voodoo. So it doesn't really strike the target. :)

Conservatism is the opposite of Liberalism. Liberalism is responsible for the present occupant of the Oval Office.

"Conservatism" is not, I repeat -- NOT -- the "opposite" of "liberalism", folks. You're likely basing this incorrect assumption on what you've been told by others or the use of the antiquated and fallacious, one-dimensional "left-right spectrum" of the French Revolution. During the French Revolution, members of parliament were split; the "conservatives", those wishing to preserve the pre-existing social order (the loyalists, monarchists, religious, mercantilists, militarists, etc), sat on the right side, and the "liberals", those wanting to form a new social order (socialists, democrats and republicans, internationalists, libertarians, etc), sat on the left side. For some reason, we Americans have held onto this rather silly means of categorization to the point of becoming deluded with its false implications; so much so that it affects the way we vote. Think about this... We consider Ghandi to be of the "far left", but Stalin is also considered "far left": so how could a peace-loving activist and a murdering madman be at the same "extreme"? And with the similarities between Stalin and Hitler, how could they be opposites? How could fascism be the opposite of communism, and capitalism also be the opposite of communism? This makes no sense. Politics is not a one-dimensional spectrum, friends, and cannot be put into black and white -- left and right.

The terms left-wing and right-wing are widely used in United States but, as on the global level, there is no firm consensus about their meaning. The only aspect which is generally agreed upon is that they are the defining opposites of the United States political spectrum. Left and right in the U.S. are generally associated with liberal and conservative respectively, although the meanings of the two sets of terms do not entirely coincide. Depending on the political affiliation of the individual using them, these terms can be spoken with varying implications. -- Wikipedia

The terms "liberal" and "conservative" themselves are also extremely misleading, and have no uniform definition; nor are either of them uniform or consistent ideologies. I consider the terms rather vague and useless, and I encourage Americans to delve deeper into political science to find out "what" they really are. I tend to only use the terms "liberal" and "conservative" in the way we'd use them to describe the application of lotion or the spreading of butter on toast, haha. In America, "liberal" is little more than a code-word for socialist or social democrat, and conservative is a code-word for any number of things, including religious zealots, militarists, right-leaning Keynesians, nationalists, all of the above, etc. These two cliques in mainstream US politics are NOT opposites. On the contrary, they are more like brothers... conjoined twins, better yet. Together they comprise only a tiny sliver of the entire range of political thought (which is part of the reason I feel we are a very narrow-minded, "unenlightened" and "politically unsophisticated" country). When we look at the world through a pinhole, we don't see much... And to make matters worse, the historical usage of these terms makes the waters even muddier. There was a time when a hardcore "free market" and individual liberties guy like me would have been called a "liberal"... but now I'm called "classical liberal" or "libertarian". In fact, the Republican Party, the party of Lincoln, was a "liberal" party while the Democrats (who wanted to maintain the pre-existing social order and institution of slavery) were "conservative". Now things are quite different... The Democratic party has strong socialist leanings, while the Republican party has abandoned its roots in the libertarian realm and become an authoritarian party with Keynesian economic tendencies. And it gets worse... these terms mean different things all over the world! :banghead:

A better way of breaking down the political playing field is to use a two-dimensional spectrum. The X-axis (left to right) is the economic axis, and the Y-axis (top to bottom) is the social/state axis. When we look at it this way, things begin to make good sense... the "far left" is communism/collectivism, while the "far right" is total free enterprise/economic individualism; and the top is authoritarianism/totalitarianism, while the bottom is anarchism/libertarianism. These respective pairs are actually opposites. When we look at things this way, we also see a clearer picture of where prominent political figures rank:

Click to enlarge...
1) George W Bush
2) Barrack Obama
3) Bill Clinton
4) Rick Santorum
5) Newt Gingrich
6) Rick Perry
7) Ron Paul
A) Joseph Stalin
B) Adolf Hitler
C) Ghandi
D) Milton Friedmann
E) Augusto Pinochet
F) Ludwig von Mises

You'll see some historical figures as well as modern politicians on the spectrum. Take a moment to think it over. Don't trouble yourself so much with the precision placement of each individual, but rather think about the concept and the implications of it. A cool website, Political Compass, has a similar spectrum. They also have a test which will place you on the spectrum, and I suggest everyone who hasn't tried it follow the link and take it! Though I disagree with some of their concepts and assumptions, and believe that all spectrums are inherently flawed to some degree, it's actually quite good!

You'll notice, now, that American politics cleanly fits into the little green circle (which may actually be over-sized for the sake of readability, imho). Inside of it you find the two cliques commonly called "liberals" and "conservatives", and the truth is that it is very difficult to distinguish between the two in many ways. Economically, both of them (if you consider them to be more than one thing to begin with) are virtually identical: all rabid Keynesians. Socially, they are also quite identical. While their views on particular issues (e.g., abortion, education, religion, sex, foreign policy) may differ, they still tend towards the same Y-axis position because of their views on the role of government and state power. Both tend to wield the state as a weapon, in matters of policy, against the other, making them two peas in a pod despite any policy differences!

But wait a minute... Who is this "crazy" Ron Paul guy, way to the right and south?! I'll tell you. He's an "OG Republican", lol, one who actually respects the views of our founding fathers and the original platform of the party. As a libertarian, he ranks in the lower hemisphere of the spectrum -- because he truly believes in small, limited government and the maximization of individual liberty. As an Austrian economist and hardcore "free enterprise" guy, in stark contrast to mainstream Keynesian politicians, he is a good ways to the right (more right than any other candidate). If you understand libertariansim, and free market economics (and especially if you understand Austrian economics), then you understand why this is so. All Republicans should love this guy. But far too many of us have been led astray and melded into the flock of "mainstream sheepism".

Mr. Paul is just too "left field" in his thinking concerning who is responsible for the dreadful and disdainful attacks on our nation on 9/11/2001. The "infidel hating" radical elements of Islam were responsible for the death and destruction of 9/11.

Again, "left" and "right" terminology only apply to economics... But, I'll still take a stab at this... Ron Paul thinks/knows that Islamic terrorists were responsible for 9/11, so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Pretty much everyone, save the "conspiracy nutters" and "Bush-did-it nutters", knows this. Ron Paul only differs here in one respect: he actually knows and fully understands why they attacked us. The terrorists did not attack because America is "free and prosperous"... they attacked because of our foreign policy! They attacked because of the things we have done to the middle east and the arabs... Let's take a hypothetical look at this:

Let's say China marches into North America, and we lack the strength to fight them. They set up military bases all over the continent, and coerce us into granting them large bases on our own soil. Then they take away the entire western US, and establish a new nation there, on American soil, called "New Asia". It becomes the new homeland for radical, America-hating Marxists. China pumps tons of money and weapons into New Asia, and the New Asians begin attacking us! They use their military, special forces and intelligence agencies to cross our borders, murder American men, women and children and they don't stop there. They declare open war on us and, supported by China, they seize even more American soil and annex it. Meanwhile, China is pumping more money into covert terror campaigns against our people. We fight back, in what ways we can, and resort to terrorism ourselves, but we're simply outmatched. China begins "sanctioning" us to death: they tell us what military equipment we're allowed to have, what weapons we can produce, how many men we can have, blah blah blah... They also control our scientific research; for example, they boss us around about what types of energy we're allowed to use, and ban nuclear energy research. Then we break one of the millions of Chinese sanctions (oops), and they invade us, kill millions more of our people, and stage a full-scale military occupation of our soil. Over the years they rape our country of its natural resources, funneling our timber, crops, oil, coal, metal and other materials out of America and into Asia. They stomp on our age-old traditions, culture and religious values as well. Wait a minute... Are we pissed at China yet? Are we ready to fight back by whatever means necessary? Might we want to make "the destruction of New Asia" an official state policy? Develop new WMDs for bargaining chips? Might some of us become "freedom fighters" (or "terrorists", as the Chinese call us)? Would we fight back with IEDs, car bombs, and even suicide bombing if that's what it takes?

Yes, I think Americans would do all of the above. I know I would do my part in pushing the foreign invaders off our soil. And that is precisely how the Arab people feel about US foreign policy and Israel. I hope that example helps you see things from their point of view. This does not at all justify the murder of innocent civilians, like the 9/11 attacks, but can you not see why they were moved to do such a thing? To willingly kill themselves just to bloody our nose? If you can understand that, then you're probably starting to understand foreign policy a lot better. :p

His foreign policy troubles me greatly. These are the two things that trouble me most about this candidate.

It troubles me that his foreign policy troubles you. First of all, the US military is far weaker than it seems... and not for a lack of men, weapons or technology. We are logistically and strategically hyper-extended all throughout the world. We are incapable of defending ourselves from a forceful and well-organized assault. Sensible military experts, analysts and generals agree. We're scattered all about on "world police" and "nation builder" missions, playing in other people's sandboxes. We could not hope to fight a modern version of WWII today; we would be steamrollered off our own soil because of our countless foreign escapades and "holy war" adventures. Secondly, Ron Paul is not a pacifist or "push-over". He believes in strong national defense, and using our military at need (which any legitimate candidate should). However, he is against war mongering and using foreign policy to bully other countries (and intentionally start fights from which we stand to make an imperial gain/profit). He is also not an imperialist. That is not what America is about. America is supposed to be a peace-loving nation, and the Republican party is supposed to be a peace-loving party. The Democrats are supposed to be the war mongers and international imperialists, not us! But is there something else that troubles you? Tell me, my friend! And if it's anything to do with Iran, I must respectfully ask you to prepare to have your arguments "steamrollered", and your war drums will be confiscated! ;)

If he is, ultimately, the Republican candidate for President, I will vote for him...but I will doing so as a vote against Barack Hussein Obama.

We're getting there... But voting for Ron Paul is not choosing "the lesser of two evils"... Oh No! For a change, you'd actually be voting for a decent candidate! :idea:


Regular Member
Jun 12, 2011
The mean streets of WI
Conservative America is comprised of the folks who believe in conservative values, both in their lifestyles and in government.

I see people throw out "small government conservative" a lot for guys like Romney and Santorum and Newt. They also say Santorum is Tea party.

I like to ask those people: is the Patriot Act "small government conservatism?" Is the NDAA "small government conservatism?" How about Santorum voting to raise the debt ceiling five times? How about Romney's statements about "assault weapons?"

And what's the deal with guys like Paul Ryan? His proposed budget last year was absolutely ridiculous. It would add trillions to the debt for over a decade. He's also for TARP, the Patriot Act, and NDAA. For some reason, I keep gettting told he's some kind of small government conservative. I don't think those people have actually looked at his record.

Mr. Paul is just too "left field" in his thinking concerning who is responsible for the dreadful and disdainful attacks on our nation on 9/11/2001.

The CIA has said similar as Paul has. The 9/11 commission has said similar as Paul has. And they aren't the only ones.

Ever see the "What if the Chinese army had bases in Texas" video? Check it out.


Regular Member
Jun 4, 2008
sweetnsauer;17g07328 said:
2) Barrack Obama

Out of all that you post one thing can be for sure.

Obama is a #2.
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Regular Member
Feb 2, 2012
You folks do realize that all of these people share a common genetic link, don't you? Are you not able to recognize that an oligarchy runs this country, and always has? Ask the freemason "rodbender" how many presidents, founding fathers, and other politicians are part of his "fraternity". Why is it EVERY president, including Obama, are all related back to British royalty? Why is it Britain parked a WAR SHIP in our ports this past "4th of July", and why don't they call it "independence day" anymore? I know, you hardly noticed!

How is it that all of the bankers, media, politicians, entertainers, etc. are all related to each other? Why is it that each new generation of politicians or entertainers are just the offspring of the previous one? Do you still believe you have some say with your paltry vote? Why are Americans all pacifists who keep wanting to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result? Isn't that the definition of insanity?


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Ron Paul voted in favor of sending troops to hunt for Osama Bin Ladin. He recognized who it was that we needed to go after at that time.

As most people realized this, it's not an uncommon or uniquely characteristic trait.

Are you listening to soundbites or complete explanations from Ron Paul? He can be quite wordy in his speaking and most of the time the media breaks it down to one or two sound bites that do not actually reflect what he is trying to get across.

Brevity is key to clarity. One can be a genius, but if one cannot clearly communicate to the masses, one's genius will of little use. Ronald Reagan was called The Great Communicator, not for his speech writing, but for his speech delivery, and knowing who to pick as his speech writers.

Ron Paul does not use that wording. He cites our own Military studies that say attacks went up after we occupied some of these countries.

This casts doubt as to his genius. Would you expect anything different? What happened here in America when the British ramped up military action against the colonists? :eek:

Increasing attacks is not a reason to stay out of another country. It's merely the natural response of occupation. Reasons to stay out of another country include respecting their own sovereignty as much as we would like others to respect our own. Occupation should never be used except as a means of last resort to prevent regional or global catastrophe.

From what I have heard from Ron Paul, he will have no problem going after terrorists (such as Bin Ladin) but he also wants to remove some of the bases we have set up which the radicals use as an excuse to attack us. After those bases are gone, the radicals will not be able to say that they are attacking us because we occupy their land.

I'm not sure if you're familiar with the science of military logistics, but going after folks such as Bin Ladin can't be done from afar. We can certainly drop precision munitions from half-way around the world and hit the target. Going after one purpose like that, however, is assassination, which is prohibited by U.S. Law, International Agreement, and the laws of many countries, and for very good reason. Another question is: Where's the target? Discovering that requires real-time, boots on the ground intelligence, well-established repoir with the locals, etc. That can't be done from afar, as supporting the folks who're on the ground working it requires a rather large logistics footprint.
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Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...This casts doubt as to his genius. ...

Have you seen the video of Ron Paul's predictions from, what was it, 10 years ago?

Anyone have that link?

It's a shame it hasn't been blasted from every media outlet as the one guy in Congress who absolutely called the situation we are in and offered the fix back then! He can still fix it! It's just not "popular" or requires too much thinking outside of our happy box of big government.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind

A group of veterans have their say:



Regular Member
Feb 15, 2012

Oh, there are WAY more... It's almost scary... This man is PSYCHIC -- he's a SEER! Or wait... Maybe he just actually understands economics, politics, foreign policy and that sort of stuff... And maybe he's an Austrian, and doesn't buy into that Keynesian nonsense... :lol:

And by the look of it, people aren't that interested in him and he's not very well liked:

Hmm, well... He still doesn't have a chance!!!... At least they hope not... ::)

P.S. -- All those polls he wins and all those comments on Youtube, Google and the entire web full of his supporters must be the same guy just trying to fake it all! Erm, yeah... lol
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Regular Member
Feb 2, 2012
Your vote doesn't mean squat. The electoral college will not vote how you want them to. You only vote for these electors, and your new leadership is decided by your masters, not your vote.

Ron Paul is just the guy that plays the GOOD COP ROLE and nothing more.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
Your vote doesn't mean squat. The electoral college will not vote how you want them to. You only vote for these electors, and your new leadership is decided by your masters, not your vote. ...

How many times in a general election has a state's delegation voted for someone that the state's populace did not select?


Founder's Club Member
Sep 9, 2007
The Real World.
How many times in a general election has a state's delegation voted for someone that the state's populace did not select?

I don't wanna sound stupid here, and in my defense I've had several beers. Yet my answer is:

Twice. Linoln and Bush 43.
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Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
I don't wanna sound stupid here, and in my defense I've had several beers. Yet my answer is:

Twice. Linoln and Bush 43.
Which states? Dammit, now I have to do some research.

Did that state's choice affect the outcome?

Or are you possible thinking of times that the Electoral College correctly voted for their states' choices, but elected a President that lost the overall popular vote? Which is actually a completely separate issue, of course.
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Founder's Club Member
Sep 9, 2007
The Real World.
Which states? Dammit, now I have to do some research.

Did that state's choice affect the outcome?

Or are you possible thinking of times that the Electoral College correctly voted for their states' choices, but elected a President that lost the overall popular vote? Which is actually a completely separate issue, of course.

Regardless, your point isn't missed by me. The arguement was asinine since in all but a maximum of %4 of presidential elections could even be questioned in that regard convinces me that the system isn't a problem. The libtards are.

For clarification Stalin pointed out that the votes don't count, it's those who count the votes, and that's been a significant focus of the moonbats.
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Regular Member
Feb 15, 2012
Your vote doesn't mean squat. The electoral college will not vote how you want them to. You only vote for these electors, and your new leadership is decided by your masters, not your vote.

Ron Paul is just the guy that plays the GOOD COP ROLE and nothing more.

You're right about the electoral college being BS... But Ron Paul the "good cop". Has the man been playing "good cop" for three decades now? ...been an "outsider" and "blacksheep" among both parties? He's not even "good cop" now. I would say he's the "not-an-idiot-cop". :banana:


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
I didn't hear him say it, but it makes me laugh too think that for everyone surfing the net there is someone monitoring what they're doing and saying. They'd have to subcontract that gig to India. Furthermore I've heard of Epsilon, which I think is a computer system that monitors all telephone communications. They had a real backlog of going over conversations like:

Ah, the musings of a 19th century mind attempting to grok 21st century technology. So quaint...

The data mining technologies, language parsing software, and voice ID systems that are currently being used by the "alphabet soup agencies" are 10-20 years ahead what you read about as being "state of the art" in the science journals. The reported "state of the art" is 3-5 years ahead of what is currently available to consumers.

The crap in Best Buys is nearly 3 decades behind what the boys in Langley and Ft. Meade have today.

The hardware and software systems to do real-time capture, analysis and flagging of EVERY electronically-transferred communication in the US fit in a small warehouse. The cooling systems, power regulation/battery backup systems, and datacom switching/routing systems for these systems are actually MUCH LARGER than the main computers, they've gotten that small, fast, and computationally powerful. And such a system could be put together (hardware and software) for less than the annual budget of a medium-sized city (which is chicken feed in terms of "National Security" budget numbers...)

I feel sorry for you, PfW. You're 19th century understanding onf technology, your pseudo-Victorian blindness to organized international sociopathy among the ruling elite, your J. Edger Hoover-esque denial that any sort of "organized conspiracies" exist anywhere, and your insistance that our planet is not being run by people who are blood-thirsty generational inbred psychopaths despite the mountains of evidence to the contrary is bordering on comical.

You're obviously pretty smart (outside of the above-mentioned brainwashing). I think you would be a great asset to the defense of Freedom and Liberty if you weren't such a voluntary tool of the Establishment. Your talent is being wasted, IMO, and your ego--and its refusal to admit that almost everything you've based your life on has been a lie--is your biggest stumbling block.

Hopefully when your eyes open, it's not because they are being pried open by the Halliburton and Dyncorp thugs who are sadistically torturing you in some "undisclosed location". Hopefully, you will come to the truth in a much more "intellectual" manner, and can do something productive with it.

Until then, I'm praying for "PrayingForWar"... :)
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