Packer fan
Regular Member
Concealed Carry is BIG business. Training, CC holsters and permit fees are a multi-million dollar industry in the US. People involved in selling these goods and services are usually the loudest detractors of OC--even more so than the "anti's", because if everyone who wanted to carry for Self Defense just started OCing, they would be out millions of dollars...
ICE Training (Mr. Pincus's company) is based in New Jersey.
'nuff sed...
Looking through his YouTube library, he appears to be an opinionated, self-agrandizing, contentious, and pompous a$$hat. I wouldn't pay this guy to train someone how to correctly peel a banana...
I just had a debate or a discussion because he can't admit I out debated him in AAR facebook page in his video in CC at home. Is it faster to draw concealed or open? Even he proved in ideal situation OC is a .1 of a second faster, so what about when the attack is on?
My point is I find him to be as described above.
He is for the 2A as long as you do it his way. The biggest reason he doesn't like OC is fear of public opinion.
If you read this post please explain at what point is CC the advantage? Before the attack, after the attack, or during the attack, because we know that OC will never deter crime like it did in that George waffle house. Those men who were planning to rob the place should've have been better educated that the two men who were OC were at the disadvantage. Spread the news far and wide. Oh, and I'm uneducated and he is the professional. He is the reason why I stopped listening to AAR.
Sorry if this is considered a personal attack.
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