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Rob Pincus self defense expert hates on Open Carry


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2007
Marion County, FL

My initial thoughts

I admit that everyone could benefit by self defense training. Especially when I see 200 lbs women OCing with badges and uniforms, I shake my head.

Cali is not a valid example. Cali went commie a long time ago. Their OC loophole was just that.

There are yahoos.

People going about their business normalize guns and the second amendment. Even to people around the world.

You could indeed become a target by openly carrying a handgun, but I think bad guys want soft targets.

Is this self defense expert saying wearing a gun openly makes you a softer target to a criminal? That sounds nuts to me.
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Regular Member
Jun 22, 2008
Lansing, Michigan, USA
What makes these guys such "experts"? Who anointed them the end all of carrying a firearm? they have opinions in place of facts. I left a comment for them.


Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
Concealed Carry is BIG business. Training, CC holsters and permit fees are a multi-million dollar industry in the US. People involved in selling these goods and services are usually the loudest detractors of OC--even more so than the "anti's", because if everyone who wanted to carry for Self Defense just started OCing, they would be out millions of dollars...

ICE Training (Mr. Pincus's company) is based in New Jersey.

'nuff sed...

Looking through his YouTube library, he appears to be an opinionated, self-agrandizing, contentious, and pompous a$$hat. I wouldn't pay this guy to train someone how to correctly peel a banana...
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Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
I've liked Mr. Pincus's and Mr. Yeager's opinions in the past on self defense. They both have made a lot of good points. I wouldn't mind taking training from either one. I could always learn more. But, there are advantages and disadvantages to both OC and CC. If it is legal to OC , then instead of pressing their opinion, maybe they should incorporate OC tactics into their training. They are entitled to their own opinion, but since they have a much broader platform and make so much money off of the industry. They shouldn't bad mouth an aspect of carrying a firearm that is legal and a personal decision. A person could live because of the choice between OC vs. CC, or a person could die because of the choice between OC vs. CC. It's not up to Mr. Pincus or Mr. Yeager to make that choice. Just like it's not anybody's choice, other than our own, to carry a firearm at all.


Regular Member
Mar 9, 2012
He also recommends showing ID when asked if you are OCing, and on his show The Best Defense, he shows a guy getting arrested for not showing ID and says something to the effect of, "this is what will likely happen if you don't show ID." Oh, and when you do show ID, in his video, the cops instantly cease to hassle you.... whatever...


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
He also recommends showing ID when asked if you are OCing, and on his show The Best Defense, he shows a guy getting arrested for not showing ID and says something to the effect of, "this is what will likely happen if you don't show ID." Oh, and when you do show ID, in his video, the cops instantly cease to hassle you.... whatever...

Yeah, that's true. I saw that episode. It must have been Commifornia. Here in Pa., they have to have a better reason than not showing ID to arrest you.


Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
This is not the first time that Mr. Pincus and Mr. Yeager's opinions on OC have been discussed on OCDO. The consensus opinion seems to have remained as before - they might have some good stuff we can learn about self defense and shooting in general but their personal opinions about mode of carry should not enter into their professional training.

I seriously doubt if either of the two gurus will ever change their opinions or their ways.

Like all other training, I take what I need/want and discard the rest - especially the stuff based on opinions when the holder of said opinion will not consider the possibility that other opinions might be just as valid. That way I do not spend my time going :banghead: .

stay safe.


Activist Member
Apr 7, 2011
Anderson, SC
So, Rob doesn't like open carry. He thinks it's a not very smart tactically, socially, and politically. Fine, I guess it's just his opinion and that's all, right?


For a lot of state, there are 2 options for carrying a firearm among the public:
Carrying openly without any permission
Carrying concealed with government permission

Ya think Rob just wants to feed his pockets off of government required concealed weapons training classes?
He is a supporter and enabler of government regulated firearm carry, perpetuating it with irrational reasons, at best!


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
This is not the first time that Mr. Pincus and Mr. Yeager's opinions on OC have been discussed on OCDO. The consensus opinion seems to have remained as before - they might have some good stuff we can learn about self defense and shooting in general but their personal opinions about mode of carry should not enter into their professional training.

I seriously doubt if either of the two gurus will ever change their opinions or their ways.

Like all other training, I take what I need/want and discard the rest - especially the stuff based on opinions when the holder of said opinion will not consider the possibility that other opinions might be just as valid. That way I do not spend my time going :banghead: .

stay safe.

Well said!


Activist Member
Apr 7, 2011
Anderson, SC
Like all other training, I take what I need/want and discard the rest - especially the stuff based on opinions when the holder of said opinion will not consider the possibility that other opinions might be just as valid. That way I do not spend my time going :banghead: .

From what I've read, it seems if one wants training with firearms, the only way to make it through classes would be to discard parts of the classes and all of the opinions, as you suggested. I haven't read about too many unbiased firearm training classes, as most that I read about seem to cater toward concealed carry.

In my research through blogs and forums posts about classes like these, which usually end up being discussed on OCDO, most of the instructors seem to always bash open carry while in the process of teaching or through their blogs.

Maybe it's just my perception, maybe I'm reading the wrong blogs/forums, maybe the unbiased classes aren't being talked about... but I just feel like ranting about the "enablers" tonight.
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Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
I seriously doubt if either of the two gurus will ever change their opinions or their ways

Someone from New Jersey (one of the fewer than 10 states that ban OC), who's livelihood depends on selling concealed carry training, and where the use or mere possession of expanding self-defense ammunition is illegal has about as much legitimacy on matters of self-defense in my book as a Brahmin would have as a judge at a BBQ contest...

Just sayin'...


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2008
I took a training course from Combat Hard this past weekend. It was at least 3x harder drawing a concealed firearm compared to one carried openly (even with retention). I had a hard time pulling my shirt up and drawing my concealed blue gun.
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Regular Member
Sep 23, 2009
Grennsboro NC
I took a training course from Hard Combat this past weekend. It was at least 3x harder drawing a concealed firearm compared to one carried openly (even with retention). I had a hard time pulling my shirt up and drawing my concealed blue gun.

So essentially, what we've proven here is that although OC is more of a deterrent, is easier and faster to deploy, and costs a LOST less to exercise and learn, Concealed Carry--as a BUSINESS MODEL--is superior, because it rakes in tens of thousands of dollars to private business owners and States who charge law-abiding citizens obscene fees so they can exercise a fundamental human right, whereas OC is essentially free...

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Regular Member
Dec 18, 2008
So essentially, what we've proven here is that although OC is more of a deterrent, is easier and faster to deploy, and costs a LOST less to exercise and learn, Concealed Carry--as a BUSINESS MODEL--is superior, because it rakes in tens of thousands of dollars to private business owners and States who charge law-abiding citizens obscene fees so they can exercise a fundamental human right, whereas OC is essentially free...


Exactly. And in our practice (low stress compared to the real thing), the only way I could get close to OC was with a opened shirt/vest where I could just sweep that back and grab my firearm. Even then, I found my clothing still getting stuck between my hand and the firearm. With CC, if I had 5 second to pull my firearm, I could not do it and would be dead. Remember, you have to move also. It is much harder to hit a moving target compared to one standing still, like what we all practice (bullseye shooting at the range). I am not doing a plug for Combat Hard, but I do admit, if I did not take that training, I would not have found this out.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
Here's a two second carry training that's better than anything out there:

You take the gun out of its holster only when you are going to shoot it ... it is not a tool to scare people with ...