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New member, have questions...


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
... I can visualize your listing in the phone book - 'me_wright'. Pax...

I have no dog in this fight, nor even remember what sparked it.

All I know is that was funny right there; I don't care who you are.


Regular Member
Oct 19, 2008
Fallon, Nevada, USA
You took my quote personally??
How else is there to take a reply to me that says "try to avoid arguments with fools as they tend to drag people down to their level."

Gil223 said:
(Y'know, a couple of other traits of lawyers is that they believe everything is about them, and that they must have the last word.) I didn't mention "wrightme", nor did I quote any of your posts. It must be one of those "If the shoe fits..." things. When I said "I'm done discussing this non-issue." what I really meant was "I'm done discussing this non-issue." Perhaps you should try reading for comprehension, rather than digging in the yard for 'bones of contention'. (Definition of COMPREHENSION [as it applies here]: 1. a: the act or action of grasping with the intellect : understanding). I don't know that you are totally incapable of reading for understanding - but you certainly seem disinclined of it. I can visualize your listing in the phone book - 'me_wright'. Pax...

Another good example.

Do you have any idea how this current post looks?
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Regular Member
Oct 19, 2008
Fallon, Nevada, USA
I thought gil223 was a "breath of fresh air" while I might not of agreed with him 100% I was interestd in his information, and see no reason to cut a man off at the knees, like Wrightme did when gil223 was stating his opinion, which is what this forum is for..right?

"cut off a man at the knees?" How do you get that from my posts?

I pointed out the difference between 'present ID' and 'Identify yourself' as a good example where correct word use makes a big difference. I attached that to 'applicable statutes,' and Gil took that tangent for some reason. AND, added Federal in as if there were such S&ID statute. That is more than opinion, it borders upon disinformation.

DTOM said:
Not to mention he was from out of State, I hope Nevada does not get a reputation of treating our guests like this
My posts are about what he posts, and have nothing to do with where he is from.
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Regular Member
Jan 5, 2012
Weber County Utah
I'm just sayin'...

Speaking of "posts", the OP of this thread, Redzilla, asked a simple question - "I have some questions. First off, where is a good place for a lady to get good firearm instruction?" That question was addressed exactly one time before the thread was hijacked in post #3 by somebody who thought it was more important to initiate discord with a totally ridiculous semantic objection, than it was to address the question the "newbie" posed. (Shall we jump on people over misspellings, poor punctuation and typographical errors too?) From that point on, there were 3 or 4 more attempts to give Red some information related to her Q, but they probably didn't get noticed through the barrage of flying verbal barstools!

Then the thread was diverted once again by the same person for the "Stop & ID" BS!. Here's a general suggestion - if you feel compelled to deviate significantly from the OPs thread topic then begin a new thread of your own, or go to PM. Redzilla obviously did not come here to start - or in hopes of finding - a brouhaha, nor did I. It just appeared...**POOF**... as if by magic. (Red is in Las Vegas, and she has access to a plethora of professional magicians - amateurs need not apply!)

The preceding was in no way subtle, nor was it my intent to be subtle. But, on the off-chance I have lost somebody here, let me clear up any confusion that I may have just caused. I was impressed... in the negative sense. There was little respect shown for the integrity of the thread, and even less respect for the participants. I'm just sayin'... Pax...:banghead:


Regular Member
Oct 19, 2008
Fallon, Nevada, USA
Speaking of "posts", the OP of this thread, Redzilla, asked a simple question - "I have some questions. First off, where is a good place for a lady to get good firearm instruction?" That question was addressed exactly one time before the thread was hijacked in post #3 by somebody who thought it was more important to initiate discord with a totally ridiculous semantic objection, than it was to address the question the "newbie" posed. (Shall we jump on people over misspellings, poor punctuation and typographical errors too?) From that point on, there were 3 or 4 more attempts to give Red some information related to her Q, but they probably didn't get noticed through the barrage of flying verbal barstools!

Then the thread was diverted once again by the same person for the "Stop & ID" BS!. Here's a general suggestion - if you feel compelled to deviate significantly from the OPs thread topic then begin a new thread of your own, or go to PM. Redzilla obviously did not come here to start - or in hopes of finding - a brouhaha, nor did I. It just appeared...**POOF**... as if by magic. (Red is in Las Vegas, and she has access to a plethora of professional magicians - amateurs need not apply!)

The preceding was in no way subtle, nor was it my intent to be subtle. But, on the off-chance I have lost somebody here, let me clear up any confusion that I may have just caused. I was impressed... in the negative sense. There was little respect shown for the integrity of the thread, and even less respect for the participants. I'm just sayin'... Pax...:banghead:

So, you simply want to perpetuate the hijack?

I see no need for this to get drawn out either, but it does take two.

Wording was at issue, you tried to say it wasn't.

I presented the "Stop and ID" as an example of where wording IS an issue, you took it off on a tangent.

NONE of this was necessary, but for some reason, you did seem to desire to keep going about first the wording, then about 'applicable statutes,' then you moved to "I'll type this slowly so you can follow it." After that it was 'argue with fools.'

Seriously, if you have issue with how this thread has progressed, don't forget your participation, which wasn't on topic either. In fact, I can't find a single 'on-topic' post from you in this thread.

To the OP, I personally apologize for how I did draw the thread sideways with my opinion about the safe handling guidelines, but it IS my opinion that I was sharing.

Gil, my post #3 WAS about my opinion about safe handling, which, unless you don't agree that DVC should have posted that, was on-topic. I shared my opinion. That is what these forums are for, right?
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Regular Member
Jan 5, 2012
Weber County Utah
Wording was at issue, you tried to say it wasn't.

Wording was NOT an issue until you made it such. The issue was "Where can I get some good training locally?" (And either approach regarding the safe condition of a firearm is completely acceptable. The idea is to avoid accidental discharges, and the potential for unwanted injury or death.)

I presented the "Stop and ID" as an example of where wording IS an issue, you took it off on a tangent.

"Stop and ID" was already tangential to the question, "Where can I get some good training locally?", posed by the OP.

Seriously, if you have issue with how this thread has progressed, don't forget your participation, which wasn't on topic either. In fact, I can't find a single 'on-topic' post from you in this thread.

Which validates my point of your not reading for comprehension, but rather digging for bones of contention. I refer you to posts #6 and #21.

To the OP, I personally apologize for how I did draw the thread sideways with my opinion about the safe handling guidelines, but it IS my opinion that I was sharing.

This was very gracious of you (and there is NO sarcastic intent in this, my statement).

Gil, my post #3 WAS about my opinion about safe handling, which, unless you don't agree that DVC should have posted that, was on-topic. I shared my opinion. That is what these forums are for, right?

It was the way you tend to state your opinion, not the expression of a somewhat differing opinion itself which causes the consternation. I see it (and I could be totally wrong in my perception) as a "give no quarter, take no prisoners" attitude - a "bone" upon which you continued to "gnaw". I believe I addressed this (as tactfully as I could, given that tact is not my strong suit) in one of my subsequent posts, where I said something to the effect of 'there will always be those with whom we are not in complete agreement'. We can disagree without being disagreeable. Nowhere did you recognize any validity in DVC's 'safety check' philosophy. (Cooper vs Ayoob vs Elvis!) As I said before - it's a "tomato-tomahto" issue... not a BFD!

I did get (as the Brits say) "a bit cheeky" when I felt my statements were being taken out of context and, in a couple of instances, completely transmogrified by you. I allowed myself to become defensive and somewhat disagreeable when I felt as if my position was being misrepresented - and for that I apologize. Pax... :cool:
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Regular Member
Oct 19, 2008
Fallon, Nevada, USA
Wording was NOT an issue until you made it such. The issue was "Where can I get some good training locally?" (And either approach regarding the safe condition of a firearm is completely acceptable. The idea is to avoid accidental discharges, and the potential for unwanted injury or death.)
Yes, both wordings are useful. I added my opinion about the wording I prefer. There is nothing wrong with that.

Gil233 said:
"Stop and ID" was already tangential to the question, "Where can I get some good training locally?", posed by the OP.
S&ID wasn't a subject brought in for discussion. It was an example of wording, because you started in on claiming it was simple semantics, so I presented an example to clarify my point. Until you took it out to 'what is applicable statutes,' it was just a simple example.

As for the rest of your post, I have no desire to keep responding to your attempts to make me out to be the only one at fault here. Spend some more introspection time if you don't like seeing thread drift like this.


The subject to this thread was “New member, have questions”. I am wondering if his questions have been answered yet.


Regular Member
Jan 5, 2012
Weber County Utah
The subject to this thread was “New member, have questions”. I am wondering if his questions have been answered yet.

I suppose the question was answered - to some degree. Out of 49 posts there were about 4 that actually addressed the question. The remaining 92% had absolutely nothing to do with the Q. :eek: Pax...


New member
Jan 21, 2012
Las Vegas
You chose your first pistol well. Your "lil' 9mm Taurus" is very well made, light weight, easily concealed, and has a lifteime warranty. It is priced as a quality entry-level pistol, and will give you years of satisfaction if properly maintained.

You are fortunate in having several options available to you in Las Vegas. There is MAC702 (hopefully affordable training) locally, and there is Frontsight in nearby Pahrump (purported to be one of, if not THE finest of facilities in the USA), but it's not inexpensive by any stretch of the working persons imagination! However, they do run frequent and reasonable specials on their 2 and 4 day Defensive Handgun Course. When I lived there (20 years ago), at least one of the gun shops (the name of which is lost to me now) in Las Vegas proper used to teach classes also.

DVC has given you excellent advice, and it's gratifying to know that - as a newbie - you realized the need for some training. Good luck to you, and welcome to the forum! Pax...

Thanks, Gil! Yes, I chose it for its "carryability", size, weight and since I have a problematic right wrist, I needed something I could fire repeatedly, if necessary. Also, thanks for sending me over to MAC702, as I have messaged him.

Things are sure getting weird out there, so I just can't see any woman go anywhere without some form of self defense. Since I have not had any training yet, I "open carry" my steering wheel lock bar through parking lots everywhere I go. Anyone notice how many people approach you in parking lots in Vegas? OMG! Am I a magnet for this? I even got approached INSIDE the Walmart at Rainbow/Spring Mountain twice! I figure that if they see me carrying "something...anything" they'd stop choosing me to approach, and pick an easier target.

I recently injured my right arm socket, so I was temporarily unable to even type! I'm so surprised at how many answers I got. Thank you all. I would be willing to attend open carry events if I have training, so I will keep logging in here to see what's going on.


New member
Jan 21, 2012
Las Vegas
Hello from a fellow newbie to this forum. I've been carrying concealed legally for 4+ years and hope to eclipse the psycological block of OC shortly. Based on my limited non-professional experience, I can tell you that you would be far better off getting personalized training as opposed to group training. As far as a place close to you for practice, I would suggest the indoor range at American Shooters. They are located at the corner of Spring Mountain and Arville and offer free range time for women on Wednesdays.

Good luck and good shooting.

Thanks, Bread! That's very close by! I'll be going there! Are they open on Sundays?


Regular Member
Oct 19, 2008
Fallon, Nevada, USA
Welcome back. As you can see, we don't all see 'eye to eye'. But, it all comes down to protection. Sometimes, the devil is in the details. Have you read the pamphlet in the sticky yet?