Hello, all! I've lurked around in here from time to time, finally decided to register. I just bought my first handgun, a lil' 9 mm Taurus. I have some questions. First off, where is a good place for a lady to get good firearm instruction? Low cost would help, I'm broke after making the purchase, but feel much better that I have it! I do plan on OCing once properly trained. I'm farrrrr west side, so where would be the closest place to...Ft. Apache/Sahara? Thanks so much in advance.
I can't help you find a trainer down there in the Sharp End, but these basic rules should be the first thing you learn:
1) ALL guns are ALWAYS loaded. No Exceptions!
2) NEVER allow the muzzle to cover anything that you are not willing to DESTROY.
3) Keep your finger OFF the trigger until your sights are ON THE TARGET.
Repeat these to yourself a few times, until you not only understand them but can't imagine violating them.
To go into a little more depth:
1) ALL guns are ALWAYS loaded. No exceptions!
Some people tell you to TREAT a firearm AS IF it is loaded. The problem is that this is a game -- you are telling yourself something which you know isn't always true -- and you can get into the trap of "knowing" that it is not loaded when it IS. Tragedy often results. The pistol that you carry for defense (your "social" pistol) will be kept loaded except when you are either disassembling it for cleaning, when storing it long-term, or when you have FIRED IT EMPTY.
2) NEVER allow the muzzle to cover anything that you are not willing to DESTROY.
That hole in the front end is where death comes out. However, it only goes one direction, straight out and away from the firearm. If you never let it point toward anything that is of value, even the most careless handling (and the negligent discharge which follows) can only be an inconvenience and an embarrassment. There isn't a police station in the country (that has been open more than a decade) without a bullet hole in a wall, ceiling, TV or locker. This is because of the thousands of different times each month that someone is handling a firearm -- they take it for granted that the pistol is empty (Rule 1 violation) and discover that they were wrong. The one saving grace is that they have trained themselves to a high level of "muzzle discipline," so the bullet goes somewhere unimportant.
3) Keep your finger OFF the trigger until your sights are ON THE TARGET.
A firearm is designed to fire when the trigger is pressed, and to NOT fire UNTIL it is depressed. A clean, properly adjusted pistol is relatively safe until something goes into the trigger guard (that loop of metal or plastic which creates the "hole" that the trigger is in). Since the only place you want the bullet to go is into your target, the LAST STEP in the draw-fire cycle is to make this possible.
If in ANY doubt, DO NOT FIRE. You don't shoot at a sound in the darkness. You don't shoot if you don't know that the bullet will go somewhere relatively safe if you miss. You don't shoot unless ALL conditions necessary have been met. At the range, this means that you have your target in sight, that the "backstop" area is clear, that no person or pet is ahead of the firing line (that is, ahead of the muzzle of your firearm). In a defense situation, this means that you have LEGAL and MORAL JUSTIFICATION to take the life of another person, and that you can do so without unduly endangering other innocent people. The only justification for using deadly force against another human being, outside of time of war, is when that person is doing something so bad that it must be STOPPED, IMMEDIATELY, even if the person loses his or her life from being stopped. When they are no longer doing that thing (for instance, they surrender or run away when you raise your pistol, or you have shot and disabled them), you are no longer justified in firing.
Think about these things, especially the last. By buying a firearm and deciding to take responsibility for your own life, you have also taken the responsibility to protect others FROM YOU. If you MUST shoot at another person, don't hesitate. Don't "shoot to wound" or "shoot to kill," you SHOOT TO STOP them.
Congratulations on becoming an adult.