Well, yes and no. As example, while the difference between "present ID" and "identify yourself" might seem trivial, the difference is night and day wrt compliance with applicable statutes. Some things ARE trivial differences. Others are not trivial.
Unfortunately, the phrase "applicable statutes" lacks specificity - which is "not trivial". There will necessarily be variations between
state statutes, since they are implemented by individual state legislatures. There should be no variations in federal statutes (other than perhaps in the understanding, and methods involved in application/enforcement). But, there are, and those deviations exist because of the different personalities involved in interpreting the federal laws (which is
why we have Justice Courts, District Courts, Circuit Courts, Apellate Courts, and State and Federal Supreme Courts). And, when it comes to lawyers and judges,they
all seem to think their interpretation is
THE 'correct' one. (The difference between God and a lawyer is that God doesn't think He is a lawyer.)
And, speaking of 'differences' - old Sam Clemens (as his alter ego Mark Twain) once said, "The difference between the right word, and the
almost right word, is the difference between lightning and a lightning bug." Mr. Clemens-Twain was an astute observer of the conditions involved in being human, and what
is or
is not trivial often depends on how much of a personal investment a person has in the outcome. Lawyers are
notorious for "splitting hairs"! Their financial well-being is totally
dependent upon their ability to either
create a mountain
from a molehill, or to
reduce a mountain
to a molehill (no direspect is meant to any lawyers who may frequent here. We all know that it's the
other 99%, that gives the 1% to which
you belong a bad name).
There's a saying that's popular among my peers - "Don't sweat the petty things, and don't pet the sweaty things."
'Nit picking' is only necessary if one has body lice, and to indulge in it unnecessarily is to pave the way for discord in our discussions.
The preceding is nothing more than MNSHO (there
may be a lawyer somewhere in my family tree - probably
hanging from a branch), and I'm certain that there are other points of view. (Sometimes, I just get caught up in the mellifluence of the way words come together to explain a thought - sorta like the way
libs did in November of 2008) :uhoh: Pax...