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Why I OC...


Regular Member
Feb 29, 2012
Cumming, GA
I OC and CC depending on how I feel but the reason I carry is just in case I have to defend a family member, friend, or myself from and attacker.


Regular Member
Aug 26, 2008
Shreveport, LA
I OC because, in a wheelchair, unless I wear a shoulder holster, I don't have access to the normal places one conceals a gun and it is WAY too hot here in Louisiana to be wearing an extra layer of clothes! It is also MUCH faster for me to access OC VS. CC in my bag.


Regular Member
May 28, 2012
north carolina
silence is golden

regardless of how you carry, your reasoning should be kept private. dont brag about your pipe dram scenario's.
you just dont know whe is reading these post.

OC for ME

Regular Member
Jan 6, 2010
White Oak Plantation
because if I am not armed I could run afoul of the law by not being able to "come to the aid of the civil power when called upon by lawfully authority of a peace officer."


Regular Member
Nov 8, 2006
Newcastle, Wyoming, USA
I carry a gun - Get over it

I carry a gun - Get over it http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/2012/07/30/editor.html
By Susan Callaway, Editor (AKA MamaLiberty)
July 30, 2012

I carry a gun. All the time, just about everywhere I go except to bed
and the shower. Even then, a gun is within a foot or so of my hand all
the time. An occasional trip into the disarmed victim zone of the post
office, and my last (and I do mean last) trip to California to visit
family are the extreme and very temporary exceptions.

So, why do I carry it? I'm asked frequently, so much that I printed up
cards http://www.thepriceofliberty.org/Guncard.htm to hand out to the
curious. I've spent a lot of time trying to explain the most important

I own my life and am the only one responsible for that life and my
safety. I can, and do, work with others - including the local sheriff's
dept. - for mutual defense, but in the end it is the responsibility of
each person to guard their own safety and that of their legitimate

No, I'm not paranoid or afraid.

The fact that there is little crime where I live is not relevant because
there is no place where the risk of attack is zero. So a gun is simply
insurance. But, unlike an auto policy, it can't do me any good in an
emergency if it is locked up and unloaded. It has to be instantly
available, in my hand to be effective. And, just as with my auto
insurance, I sincerely hope I never have to use it.

Of course, free lance criminals and maniacs are not the only, or even
the most dangerous threats. The entire history of the world demonstrates
clearly that those who desire to own other people and control their
lives never cease their efforts to render them weak, helpless and
unarmed in every way.

Innocents Betrayed http://jpfo.org/filegen-a-m/ib.htm
Genocide examples from all over the world: Russia, China, Germany,
Cambodia, Guatemala, Uganda, Rwanda and more. Examples showing how
disarmed people in America have suffered persecution, mass murder,
slavery, and terrorist attacks.

A fast-moving, modern production, Innocents Betrayed presents the
entirely true accounts of how civilian disarmament made possible the
killing of millions. The point is made sharply, clearly, unforgettably.
It’s the factual counterpoint to the lies in Michael Moore’s "Bowling
for Columbine."

Then there is the endless mantra of those who think they should decide
who, where and how a person prepares to defend themselves, if at all.
They can't seem to get past the rather obvious fact that anyone who
actually cannot be trusted with the ordinary tools of life should not be
loose in the first place. Anyone who can't or won't use a gun (or a
knife, matches, a car, etc.) without deliberately harming others needs
to be in a cage or a padded room - or dead at the hands of their
intended victim.

Unfortunately, often it's impossible to know who those people are before
they hurt others, and most of the time they are left free to harm others
again and again even when they are apprehended. The insanity of passing
preemptive "laws," attempting to restrain the vast majority of peaceful
people in a vain hope of preventing these crimes, is obvious to anyone
who gives it any rational thought.

Politicians and "authorized journalists," among others, don't seem to be
capable of much rational thought, of course.

But, in the end, I live and therefore I am. I don't need any other
person's permission to live or defend myself. I don't need anyone's
vetting of my intentions or sanity, nor approval for the self defense
tool I choose or how I carry it.

I don't NEED to explain myself. I don't NEED any reasons at all.
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