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Why I OC...


New member
Jun 17, 2012
Greenbrier, Tn
Because LEO's OC. Armed guards OC. People who deliver to banks/atm's OC. Guards who stand out in front of banks or some stores in bad neighborhoods OC. If people knew or thought they might be unarmed then they would most likely be robbed. Do you every see a BG trying to rob a cop or armed gaurd who's OCing... I've never heard of that happening. There is no way anyone can tell me that when people OC it doesn't deter crime! You will never see a BG OCing. Plus when I go places, the people working there notice me & I usually get service immediately. lol The people who do get robbed are the ones who CC. The more guns BG's see the less crime we will have. Just look at Chicago... 250+ murders this year. Carrying a gun for self defense is illegal in Illinois.


Regular Member
May 12, 2007
Western Prince William County, Virginia, USA
Armed guards delivering or picking up currency have been attacked. They are easily identifiable to BG's who have targeted them specifically and worked out their plan for the robbery. Armed citizens are almost never such targets (can think of one) because BG's don't see them as "food".... unless the citizen makes it obvious he is or has "food" in his possession (think money or something really valuable).


Regular Member
Sep 13, 2010
High Point NC
Because I do not trust anyone to protect myself and my family other than myself and my family. Besides, cops/armed guards don't fit in my holster.


Regular Member
Jun 27, 2012
Windham, Maine
I OC because I love guns and love my right to carry them...however I think all of us would be lying if we said that we didn't OC for any political statement. Haha.(Definitely not a bad thing though)

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Regular Member
Mar 27, 2011
I don't OC to make a political statement. I OC out of principle. I will not pay to exercise a right, and I get personally offended when an officer tries to make the claim that I'm only OC'ing for attention. No, I believe if I was OC'ing for attention I would sling on an AK47 or AR15 instead of a sidearm. If I was going for political statements it would likely be the same as I'm not one to hold back and that would be the quickest way to get attention for the statement.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I don't OC to make a political statement. I OC out of principle. I will not pay to exercise a right, and I get personally offended when an officer tries to make the claim that I'm only OC'ing for attention. No, I believe if I was OC'ing for attention I would sling on an AK47 or AR15 instead of a sidearm. If I was going for political statements it would likely be the same as I'm not one to hold back and that would be the quickest way to get attention for the statement.

Same here I OC because I am not a victim, and do not intend on ever being one. Besides I get all the attention I need by just being ugly.

American Pride!

Regular Member
Jul 2, 2012
I don't open carry because I'm sick of all these pos criminals getting "life" on my tax dollars! If I go to the bank, walk into the grocery store, etc...and some douche bag has a weapon to rob the place, he can see your open carry and identify you as a threat before you even knows he's there. I'd rather sit there quiet for a moment until his attention is past me then draw down. He even flinches his weapon other than where I tell him and I'm just going to save everyone a lot of tax dollars. And to show I'm a good sport...I won't even send a bill for the minimum 2 critical defense .40 cal rounds. And SD ammo isn't cheap.

1245A Defender

Regular Member
Jul 7, 2009
north mason county, Washington, USA

You have made my no-no's in your very first post...

I advise you to delete it,,, do it soon before it gets quoted!

I see that you are a CCer,
I see that you think an OCer will get shot first during an armed robbery,
I see that you belive in the "element of surprise,
I wont comment on the other points of your post,
they are the points that could be used against you, someday, in a court of law!

After you have read here for awhile, you will understand that taking my advise now, was the right thing to do.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
I don't open carry because I'm sick of all these pos criminals getting "life" on my tax dollars! If I go to the bank, walk into the grocery store, etc...and some douche bag has a weapon to rob the place, he can see your open carry and identify you as a threat before you even knows he's there. I'd rather sit there quiet for a moment until his attention is past me then draw down. He even flinches his weapon other than where I tell him and I'm just going to save everyone a lot of tax dollars. And to show I'm a good sport...I won't even send a bill for the minimum 2 critical defense .40 cal rounds. And SD ammo isn't cheap.

So you would rather take a chance of either getting killed, killing accidentally an innocent, maybe losing everything that you own, than just preventing it from happening in the first place? And to think CC people try to make fun of OC people. BTW even if the shooting you wish for comes justified, you will lose your firearm, and you should pray to God that the local prosecutor never reads your post.

Sigh, some people just can't help but give anti's ammo...


Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
I don't OC to make a political statement. I OC out of principle. I will not pay to exercise a right, and I get personally offended when an officer tries to make the claim that I'm only OC'ing for attention. No, I believe if I was OC'ing for attention I would sling on an AK47 or AR15 instead of a sidearm. If I was going for political statements it would likely be the same as I'm not one to hold back and that would be the quickest way to get attention for the statement.

While negative attention is indeed attention, it's not the sort of positive image that helps our cause.

Case in point: This afternoon a friend and I were discussing why our city counsel banned open carry during counsel meetings. They never used to have a problem with it, and citizens did occasionally open carry to the meetings. This practice continued until about eight years ago, when some idiot began carrying a shotgun to the meetings both to garner attention and to make a "political statement." Result: Ban on OC.

If I want attention, I can throw a rock through the window of the local police division. Our cause needs respect, not attention.


Regular Member
Dec 17, 2010
I don't open carry because I'm sick of all these pos criminals getting "life" on my tax dollars! If I go to the bank, walk into the grocery store, etc...and some douche bag has a weapon to rob the place, he can see your open carry and identify you as a threat before you even knows he's there.so we will start with the assumption that hes absolutley hell bent on robbing that particualr store and hes not gonna be deterred by the sight of a (potential) wolf among the sheep. And we will assume that just because hes robbing a store hes prepared to committ cold blooded murder out of hand. So based on that assumption it seems like places would get robbed even with police officers standing there in line, I mean after all these guys are just killing the threat out of hand and arent about to leave without robbing that store right?

I'd rather sit there quiet for a moment until his attention is past me then draw down.so even though this guy is sooo blood thirsty that hes preapred to just walk up behind the armed citizen and blow his head off without saying a word, we will let him wave his gun around and maybe even point it at us assuming his blood thirsty ass wont just kill you randomly out of hand. (and thats assuming that hes an inexperienced criminal so he cant survey a crowd and pick out the most likely threat exposed gun or no gun like most other criminals can,) or maybe you have managed to gain such steely control of your emotions that in a life threatening situation you can control every inch of your body from your eyes to your hands to the way you stand so as not to broadcast that you might be a threat to the rookie cold blooded killer criminal guy, weeell good for you now you can go all Charlie bronson on this dude just like in the movies.

He even flinches his weapon other than where I tell him and I'm just going to save everyone a lot of tax dollars. ahh so we will again assume that you can draw a wepon from under your shirt or inside your jacket and take aim and dispatch this guy with extreme prejudice before he sees your movement and shoots you (even though his gun is already in his hand..)but why would you wait for him to flinch his weapon, after all hes this crazy homicidal rookie criminal hell bent on robbing the crack and snack even if he has to kill everyone in it and hell you already said you carry your gun around just waiting for this moment.. ..

now are all these assumptions possible? meh maybe, but it strikes me that this guy will LIKELY go somewhere else where the sheep arent armed but hey what do I know even as a cop I strapped on my body armor and gun belt every night and prayed that id make it home alive, and that id never have to take a human life, maybe we owe a debt of thanks to tough guys like yourself that carry concealed in the hopes that they will get to "smoke a bad guy" I wonder when Budweiser will make a song for you guys..
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Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
now are all these assumptions possible? meh maybe, but it strikes me that this guy will LIKELY go somewhere else where the sheep arent armed but hey what do I know even as a cop I strapped on my body armor and gun belt every night and prayed that id make it home alive, and that id never have to take a human life, maybe we owe a debt of thanks to tough guys like yourself that carry concealed in the hopes that they will get to "smoke a bad guy" I wonder when Budweiser will make a song for you guys..

I think Dennis Leary sang a couple songs for them...

Jack House

Regular Member
Jun 12, 2010
I80, USA
Please do not use url shorteners. They're unnecessary online and aren't generally trusted.


Regular Member
May 14, 2010
Somewhere over the Rainbow
Please do not use url shorteners. They're unnecessary online and aren't generally trusted.

Sorry but links with bunches of letters and numbers in it can't be remembered very easily. You better not click on any links if your that paranoid, they can ALL be spoofed. I also have the links listed on cards and such where space is a premium. If you don't wanna click to it...don't. :p But I assure you, my links are all good. I'm not exactly a rookie. ;)