Let me see you come to a forum dedicated to OC and your first post is why you don't.
Nope not looking for a fight at all.
I am sure we all believe you.
Walking the local mountains, I carry my .357 Blackhawk on my hip. Bears you know.
Let me see you come to a forum dedicated to OC and your first post is why you don't.
Nope not looking for a fight at all.
I am sure we all believe you.
Walking the local mountains, I carry my .357 Blackhawk on my hip. Bears you know.
Really.I ain't lookin for a pissin contest. What someone wishes to do ( OC or CC ) within the frame of existing laws, is fine with me. I am comfortable carrying a concealed weapon. Many people wish to OC. God Bless Em.
Your own words betray your other words.I've been in my local Walmart & have seen characters with a feckin Super Blackhawk hanging on their hip. Like the Old West. Making some sort of statement? I don't know.
Walking the local mountains, I carry my .357 Blackhawk on my hip. Bears you know.
Let me see you come to a forum dedicated to OC and your first post is why you don't.
Nope not looking for a fight at all.
I am sure we all believe you.
Having shot a few bears with handguns I know.
Since this forum is dedicated to OC, I would think members would welcome other opinions; a chance to present their OC case. It was never my intention to be rude, or a wise guy.
I never shot a bear. Many white tails, but never a bear. I no longer hunt big game; too many people who pick up a firearm "only once a year", and head into the mountains. A few years back, some fool from Philly was in my area hunting, and he shot a farmer's mule. How anyone could mistake a mule for a whitetail is beyond me; but if someone could do that, they could also mistake me for a whitetail. I use ( used ) an old Winchester 45 70. Excellent brush gun. There was also a Winchester 50 110 in the family, but I never shot it.
You have been unsuccessful.
Since this forum is dedicated to OC, I would think members would welcome other opinions; a chance to present their OC case. It was never my intention to be rude, or a wise guy.
There are over 200 posts in this particular thread with many of those posts presenting the case for OC.I would welcome input that could change my opinion of OC. I admit, I do not have all the answers.
There are over 200 posts in this particular thread with many of those posts presenting the case for OC.
As tedious as it may seem perhaps reading the entire thread from the very first post to the present last post might show that the case for OC has been presented from many perspectives and sometimes those perspectives have been substantiated with links to supporting factual evidence. May I also suggest taking the time to click on the links provided and read the supporting factual evidence.
The input(s) from this thread have not swayed your opinion of OC before you posted here then I see little possibility of you OCing.I would welcome input that could change my opinion of OC. I admit, I do not have all the answers.
Perhaps there is also an element of being afraid of public scrutiny and/or a fear of not being able to explain the right to bear arms if asked or confronted by a stranger? Make no mistake, open carry is not for the faint of heart and requires courage of conviction along with the ability to politely and convincingly present your reasons to support the actual right to bear arms by OC'ing instead of the government given permission privilege of CC. Especially when OC'ing while confronting local, city, county, government boards/depts. about illegal anti gun ordinances as many of the OC'ers on this forum have done.Myself, CC for many years ( in fact, always ). I guess I developed a mind set. Possibly my intent on keeping a low profile, staying below the radar. Like I said; "Beware of the quiet man".Originally Posted by BikenutThere are over 200 posts in this particular thread with many of those posts presenting the case for OC.
As tedious as it may seem perhaps reading the entire thread from the very first post to the present last post might show that the case for OC has been presented from many perspectives and sometimes those perspectives have been substantiated with links to supporting factual evidence. May I also suggest taking the time to click on the links provided and read the supporting factual evidence.
Perhaps there is also an element of being afraid of public scrutiny and/or a fear of not being able to explain the right to bear arms if asked or confronted by a stranger? Make no mistake, open carry is not for the faint of heart and requires courage of conviction along with the ability to politely and convincingly present your reasons to support the actual right to bear arms by OC'ing instead of the government given permission privilege of CC. Especially when OC'ing while confronting local, city, county, government boards/depts. about illegal anti gun ordinances as many of the OC'ers on this forum have done.
But I am curious if you have gone back and read all of the posts in this thread in order to gain more of an understanding of the reasons some people decide to OC?
Could please explain the above bolding.My teen daughter and I were in the Mount Pleasant Walmart when I spotted a man and his young daughter walking in front of us and I asked my daughter is she noticed anything ? Her response was yes the dad and daughter in front of us I said ok anything else ? to which she responded no I said look at the father and than she spotted his sidearm and said cool , she didn't run out screaming in fear nor did anyone else . I walked up and thanked the man and said I belong to the group and am currently waiting to get my cpl so I can open carry without the fear of getting in a bind but I open carry around our subdivision and sometimes other places . Keep up the great work ladies and gentlemen it is getting more accepted .![]()
I am glad you have an open mind about OC and the courage to give it a try.I took a step last night; and went to Walmart with the Blackhawk on my hip. Neither here nor there; but I did get a comment on the dependable pistol I carried; from another O Carrier. To be honest, I did not feel uncomfortable. I may begin to carry as the mood strikes me. Or I may OC & CC at he same time. .357 on the hip & CC the little CA Off Duty on the ankle. Remember, my Walmart sojourn last night was a first for me. I must also say, the Blackhawk on my hip did feel a bit clumsy. I think something smaller is in order; and DA.
Could please explain the above bolding.
I have no desire to "surprise" a person in a gun fight. I want to avoid all gun fights. Most criminals, like all predetors prefer to prey on the weak and helpless. Seeing an openly carried firearm will often cause them to move on to a weaker target. OC is a deterent to crime. It is quite possible that there will be no gunfight if the criminal knows you are armed and sees your weapon before hand.