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WAVE at it long and strong all over the radio and in the DOJ


Regular Member
Feb 12, 2011

So WAVE has their hands deep and dirty into the Brookfield shooting....they really want to attack the freedom to buy and sell privately. What is scary is that these people are so concerned with eliminating lawful transactions, and equally disturbing is they seem to think that the "street price" of firearms is somewhat quite a bit lower then what you would find at a big box store. Last time I checked, used gun prices were the same as they are privately as they are at a gun shop......about the only things you save on are background checks, tax and shipping costs (if you buy offline). These people are relentless. And I have been harassed by them more often then not out in public. Never, never, never give up. We must always fight against these unintelligible ghouls.
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Regular Member
Oct 8, 2011
Milwaukee Wisconsin
The extreme anti-gun people and their followers in Wisconsin are very frustrated. Many of them really believed the stories they were told about frequent "Shootouts in bars like in the Old West" and "casual arguments and disagreements turning into gunfights". These anti-gun extremists were shocked that these predicted events were not happening here, and they didn't happen in other states either.

Incidents of senseless domestic violence, which tends to escalate despite restraining orders, has been around for centuries, even before firearms existed.

Same for racial hatred and violence, it predates Holocaust/Serbian/Rwanda/Darfur ethnic cleansing/genocide, the Ku Klux Klan, and skinheads, and has involved everything from machetes and lynchings to gas chambers and firebombs.

Neither of these is caused by guns, nor will the absence of guns stop it. We would need to eliminate gasoline, kitchen knifes, baseball bats, fists, etc. Not gonna happen. We need to punish criminals and criminal behavior, not tools.

Until that happens, being trained and equipped to protect yourself and those near to you, and avoiding places that restrict that US 2nd Amendment right, is a good plan.

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Regular Member
Dec 18, 2008
If they can chip away at the right to bear arms, then their goal will succeed of only police and criminals having guns. They don't just want this one thing to happen, they want to trample on all rights.