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The Daily Show: Battle of the Bans. John Stewert on the ridiculous Arizona aftermath



the lack of 'think' in the left's ideas is apparent;

if his honor the judge is eating at a restraunt, and i walk by the window, trudging down the street, i dont know the guy, nor even what he looks like, but i'll be in violation of the 1000 ft. rule.

sat his honor the judge is coming out of the state fair, and someone decides to pummel him (sound familiar?), and i have to stay 100 feet away, and watch the bad guy beat the judge (or other elected official) up?

does this 1000 ft. rule apply to cops?

and now a mini-rant: i pay taxes damn it, and i expect my officials to be provided with security, all the time, everywhere, so i dont have to provide them with security- ie: my ass- in a crisis moment!


What if a congressman wanted to go to a gun show?

Would they have to move all the guns 1000 feet away from him?

great example superlite! next gun show, we'd better go together, bring shopping carts, and watch the door to see who comes in, if an elected official comes in, you and I better load up them grocery carts, and truck those guns out to the trunks of our cars for safe keeping.


Regular Member
Dec 18, 2008
great example superlite! next gun show, we'd better go together, bring shopping carts, and watch the door to see who comes in, if an elected official comes in, you and I better load up them grocery carts, and truck those guns out to the trunks of our cars for safe keeping.
I'll help!


Campaign Veteran
Apr 22, 2009
Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA
What if a Senator or Congressman comes to your door asking for your vote & you happened to open the door while Open Carrying & they just happen to be a anti gun Liberal Democrat ???? IN VIOLATION OF THE 1000 FOOT LAW, GO TO PRISON FOR 10 YEARS ! the Freeking STUPID laws these people dream up. too bad we have tens of thousands of stupid laws like those on the book right now.
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LR Yote 312

Regular Member
Nov 11, 2010
God's Country, Wi
If you think the proposed bill is stupid....imagine how intelligence challenged the populace is that voted for the guy.
I am starting to think that there are more than a few elected officials that could hold a conversation with a brick wall,
without the aid of chemical influence.

Gene pool needs more bleach.

LR Yote
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Regular Member
Dec 18, 2008
Just think of all the police officers that would go to jail because of this. :shocker: