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Spokane County Courthouse


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2011
Spokane County, WA
Any of ya'll from Spokane have experience here? I'll be going to pick up my marriage license on Thursday and am just trying to mentally prepare for "checking" my handgun at the courthouse. Do they have lockboxes? Am I going to have to give it to an officer/security and have it handed back unloaded and instructed not to load it till I'm outside? (Which would be not smart since loading it in public may be in violation of .270) I've been trying to devise a way to lock my CZ-P07 to my retention holster so that it is not removable but have been unsuccessful....



Regular Member
Mar 5, 2010
Wet Side, WA
Try locking it in a small bag or case before handing it over. I was thinking about a deposit bag. They seem big enough to hold the pistol and holster, but still flexible enough to fit.


Opt-Out Members
Nov 22, 2006
Yakima, Washington, USA
Any of ya'll from Spokane have experience here? I'll be going to pick up my marriage license on Thursday and am just trying to mentally prepare for "checking" my handgun at the courthouse. Do they have lockboxes? Am I going to have to give it to an officer/security and have it handed back unloaded and instructed not to load it till I'm outside? (Which would be not smart since loading it in public may be in violation of .270) I've been trying to devise a way to lock my CZ-P07 to my retention holster so that it is not removable but have been unsuccessful....


Thor depending upon what your position on this whole matter is. I am not sure about Spokane though here in Yakima you advise them you are carrying, they give you a key, you lock it up and maintain the key until you retrieve your firearm upon departure and then return it.

Then of course you hear about the Tacoma Courts and unloading the firearm, running of serial numbers to requiring you to reload outside and so on so forth.

One could call and talk to security ahead of time and asked them their procedure and determine from there how you want to proceed, pst it is not asking permission it is seeking information to form an opinion or your actions.


Regular Member
Aug 24, 2007
Spokane, Wa., ,
Thor, Congratulations!!
Take a black ink pen with you.
Yes they do have lock boxes at the main and DMV licensing entrance. It all depends on who is on duty and how knowledgeable they are as to any problems.
Just go in the main entrance tell them you would like a lock box for your sidearm. You should not have to unload it and they should not give you any problems.
Also, try not to get into any sideways conversations like, Do you have a cpl or not vs OC? It is only a distraction. Stick to your business.
If they do ask where you are going, tell them. In this case it might make the situation easier.


Regular Member
Aug 29, 2012
Good luck

The spd does not think the Spokane County Courthouse is in the state of Washington. They have some rules. Can not wait to hear the story.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2009
Spokane, Washington, USA
Any of ya'll from Spokane have experience here? I'll be going to pick up my marriage license on Thursday and am just trying to mentally prepare for "checking" my handgun at the courthouse. Do they have lockboxes? Am I going to have to give it to an officer/security and have it handed back unloaded and instructed not to load it till I'm outside? (Which would be not smart since loading it in public may be in violation of .270) I've been trying to devise a way to lock my CZ-P07 to my retention holster so that it is not removable but have been unsuccessful....


I think the other poster is correct that there are lockboxes at the main entrance (I only go by there 4 or 5 times every day so you would think I would notice). I know they are there at the Annex entrance. Remember - - most of the County offices close at 4:00. I wouldn't get there any later than 3:00. You shouldn't have too much trouble with security as Thursdays aren't usually a very high traffic day. Don't go on a Monday or Friday morning - - way too many people. They are closed on Friday afternoons.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2009
Spokane, Washington, USA
The spd does not think the Spokane County Courthouse is in the state of Washington. They have some rules. Can not wait to hear the story.

Security in the Spokane County Courthouse is the responsibility of the Spokane County Sheriff. The Spokane Police Department has nothing to do with it.


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2011
Spokane County, WA
I think the other poster is correct that there are lockboxes at the main entrance (I only go by there 4 or 5 times every day so you would think I would notice). I know they are there at the Annex entrance. Remember - - most of the County offices close at 4:00. I wouldn't get there any later than 3:00. You shouldn't have too much trouble with security as Thursdays aren't usually a very high traffic day. Don't go on a Monday or Friday morning - - way too many people. They are closed on Friday afternoons.

I plan on being on the road to Lower Granite Dam by 1600, I think our plans are first thing in the morning tomorrow so hopefully all should be good!

Thanks for all your replies, I don't anticipate any issues especially since the SCSD seems to run the show there. I'll let ya'll know how it goes good bad or indifferent!



Regular Member
Jan 8, 2011
Spokane County, WA
Well it went okay. Lockbox right at the security entrance. Only had issues with ID. I'll be following up after the holiday weekend. They sure don't like to make it easy do they? My 2 issues were:

1. Rent a cop wouldn't let me go through security without taking my cpl. I had it on me so I didn't lie. I did explain that I did not come in concealing and didn't need one. I was getting the evil eye from the other half so I gave him my cpl.

2. Leavin I grabbed my gun from the locker and was asked for ID before I could get my permit back. I asked for a supervisor. Deputy Martone came out and have me the "what's the big deal don't you carry ID?" speal. Again my other half and son are now waiting on me because of these guys. I showed him ID and he matched it to my cpl and handed them both back.

It pisses me off that my family was inconvienced by "officials" and I had to cave to keep the other half happy. I will be going to the courthouse in a few months again to renew my CPL and will not cave that time cause I'll be alone. I'll also be emailing the Sheriff and the security company to let them know of my dissatisfaction.

Any thoughts on how I should handle the response would be appreciated.

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Regular Member
May 30, 2010
Bremerton, Washington
Very frustrating, the one specific method listed in the RCW has no need for ID, the alternative methods should also not require ID, we need to find a Sheriff or other party to ask the Attorney General for an opinion on the RCW, if it comes out badly at least it would be settled until a change in the law could occur.

sudden valley gunner

Regular Member
Dec 13, 2008
Whatcom County
The law also states that the secure/prohibited area needs to be limited. I was able to get them to move the ropes for Whatcom Court house so the whole first floor, is now free for me to roam while being armed.

If the court houses are not on the first floor, this might be something to bring up also.


Regular Member
Oct 15, 2009
Spokane, Washington, USA
The law also states that the secure/prohibited area needs to be limited. I was able to get them to move the ropes for Whatcom Court house so the whole first floor, is now free for me to roam while being armed.

If the court houses are not on the first floor, this might be something to bring up also.

Family Law courtroom is right around the corner from the main entrance, maybe 30 feet away so they are square there.

FWIW, The annex entrance is another story. The only offices on the main floor of the annex are Dept of Licensing and the High Nooner restaurant. They recently redid the door to the High Nooner and you now have to go through security in order to get a sandwich or a cup of coffee. Closest courtrooms are on the second floor.


Regular Member
Jan 8, 2011
Spokane County, WA
I will be denied entry to the Courthouse if I do not produce a CPL/ID!

Here is my answer via email straight from Spokane County Sheriffs Public Information Officer..... :banghead: For you reading pleasure (sorry its kind of long, start from the bottom) since there is no disclaimer on his end that this communication is confidential. I look forward to some input on where to proceed from here. I'm thinking an email to my elected representative that runs this operation, Sheriff Ozzie. After my wedding though since between work and getting married this week I wont have much time to get my thoughts together....

He emphasized twice that it is to make sure that the gun makes it back to the right person, even after I emphasized that the rent a cops never handle the gun so how could it get screwed up on their end unless they have extra keys and open the lockers after we enter the restricted area?


RE: Courthouse Security Procedures Re: Deputy Craig Chamberlin Contact from Spokane County Public Website
Sent By:

"Craig K. Chamberlin" <CChamberlin@SpokaneSheriff.org> On: Sep 09/10/12 10:17 AM

Yes. The courthouse rules are stricter, as you well know, to make sure the weapons are given back to their rightful owner. That is the reason for your ID since there are no photos on the CPL. Craig.

From: @comcast.net [mailto:mad:comcast.net]
Sent: Monday, September 03, 2012 7:07 PM
To: Chamberlin, Craig K.
Subject: Re: Courthouse Security Procedures Re: Deputy Craig Chamberlin Contact from Spokane County Public Website

Hello Deputy Chamberlin,
Thank you for your prompt reply, sorry mine was a little delayed due to the holiday weekend. My question still remains unanswered. Will I be denied entry to the courthouse should I not provide my CPL or ID?

My biggest concern is that I was told that the Security Company (which is a private subcontractor, and I'm guessing that they are contracted to the Spokane County Sheriffs department) required my CPL to allow me entrance to the courthouse AFTER I had secured my pistol in the provided lock box. As you have acknowledged a CPL is NOT required to carry a firearm openly so it is safe to say that not everyone who carries a firearm will have a CPL to give to this security company. I'll give you a few examples of why a CPL may not be readily available to a person who is checking a firearm at the courthouse:

1. As stated in the previous paragraph a person my legally carry a firearm openly and may not have a CPL. Ie: A new resident to WA state who has not met the requirements for a CPL yet, a person who has just turned 21 and is waiting on their CPL to come in the mail, etc....
2. I don't normally carry my CPL on my person UNLESS I plan on concealing sometime throughout the day. I may keep it in my vehicle since it is required per RCW 9.41.050 (2)(a), to carry a loaded pistol in a vehicle but not always on my person.
3. I am visiting the courthouse to RENEW my CPL, in which leaving my old one at the security desk would be kind of disadvantageous since providing my old CPL at the time of renewal would be hard to do if the security guard has possession of it. Quote from DOL:
What to bring with you

· Valid, government-issued photo identification (for example, a Washington driver license or ID card).

· Your current concealed pistol license.

In regards to the statement that it is to "protect me", how is it possible for them to protect me when I have the key to the locker? (They didn't and cannot ask for ID upon weapon check-in they only UN-lawfully requested my CPL, which as stated before reasons that I may not, and probably will not have on my person next time.) I walk up put in the key that I was given and remove my firearm, the private security company has NO course of action to take except for retrieving the key after I have retrieved the pistol from the locker to which I had the key to.

You also stated that the courthouse is more restrictive which is based on RCW, I've looked and the only ones I can find pertaining to Courthouses and Weapons is RCW 9.41.300 which states:

Snip from 9.41.300
"In addition, the local legislative authority shall provide either a stationary locked box sufficient in size for pistols and key to a weapon owner for weapon storage, or shall designate an official to receive weapons for safekeeping, during the owner's visit to restricted areas of the building. The locked box or designated official shall be located within the same building used in connection with court proceedings. The local legislative authority shall be liable for any negligence causing damage to or loss of a weapon either placed in a locked box or left with an official during the owner's visit to restricted areas of the building."

No where in .300 does it state that an ID OR CPL is required for a weapons check in at the courthouse. I would determine through common sense that in the case of a weapon "left with an Official" could be subject to an ID check (NOT a CPL seizure) as you stated to make sure that the proper firearm was returned to the right individual. HOWEVER in our case the lock box is not even positioned in a manner that it is accessible by the private security guards, they do not handle our weapons and since one does NOT need their assistance to retrieve their pistol on the way out (IE: I have the key and walk to the box get my pistol and give them back the key, which requires NOTHING of them except for to retrieve the key) there is no need for an ID. And again since ID is NOT required to get in the courthouse, then common sense dictates that ID/CPL is also NOT required to go into the courthouse for a normal citizen who happened to LEGALLY check in his/her firearm.

My biggest issue/concern again is that the supposed "Policy" that I cant seem to find or get a copy of that supposedly "requires" me to hand over my CPL which contains personal information to someone who does not need it. Or possibly be denied entry to the courthouse while on legitimate business due to a flawed "Policy" that may be in violation of RCW 9.41.290.....

Again I do thank you for your time on this matter and I would still like a link, or a copy to the Courthouse weapon check in rules. Or maybe you can forward this to someone who may have more specific details on this subject or who may be able to "re-train" the security company (the guard that checked me in had no idea that it was legal to openly carry, he thought we had a license to carry in general, not just a license to conceal.) on what is "required" of them and what is NOT "required" of the general public who may value their privacy like EVERY other citizen that enters the courthouse without being subjected to the scrutiny of an ID check.


From: "Craig K. Chamberlin" <CChamberlin@SpokaneSheriff.org>
To: "@comcast.net" <@comcast.net>
Sent: Thursday, August 30, 2012 2:45:43 PM
Subject: RE:Deputy Craig Chamberlin Contact from Spokane County Public Website

Sir. Reason they need ID and your CPL is to protect you. It is the policy to ensure that the weapon is given back to the proper person rather than someone "claiming" to have put a gun in the locker. Also, it costs about $150.00 to get a new key for the lockers because they have to be specially made. The courthouse is a bit more restrictive, which is based on RCW. You are correct about open carry. You do not need a CPL. Like I said, not trying to make life difficult, we just have to be a bit more cautious in the courthouse. Hope this helps. Craig.

Deputy Craig Chamberlin

Spokane County Sheriff's Office

Public Information Officer


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Regular Member
Jan 8, 2011
Spokane County, WA
Don't carry your CPL. Get a passport instead of ID, give that to them. No address, No DL #....

Yes, I've already started that practice. I do have a passport that is good until next year. I wonder what they would say since the photo on it was from 10 years ago. I've aged a little. :rolleyes:



Campaign Veteran
Oct 25, 2009
Federal Way, Washington, USA
Yes, I've already started that practice. I do have a passport that is good until next year. I wonder what they would say since the photo on it was from 10 years ago. I've aged a little. :rolleyes:


It's a legal government ID, I do not believe that they can turn it away. Especially for the stated purpose.