And where were the Tea Partiers at that time? Or when they shredded the constitution with the "PATRIOT Act" and it's renewals?
They were busy going to work and happy to be out from under Bill Clinton. Also, if people remember, Bush ran on some opposite things he then did. Bush ran on a non-intervention foreign policy. Er, I mean "isolationist" policy, for those out there who like to make up stuff to bash Ron Paul because you can't do it with facts because he's too awesome. They didn't get on Bush early, but they did get on him later. (Tea Party started under Bush.) Better late than never, I guess.
A big problem with electing a RINO/Democrat-lite Republican/etc is the complacency. Fiscal conservatives and pro-freedom people started to get ticked off under Bush, but without Obama being elected and Dems controlling Congress since the 2006 elections and pushing their crap through, people wouldn't be nearly as ticked off, and Worried!, as they are now.
Kind of like what happened in WI. Walker ran on balancing the budget but not specifically (other than a mention or two) on having the public unions, to borrow a lib phrase, "pay their fair share," so even many Walker supporters didn't like that when it came about. But the more the public unions ran their mouths about their "unfair" compensation and acted like thugs, the more people started to look in their direction and didn't like what they saw.
How's that saying go? The squeaky wheel gets more stares in its direction? Bush wasn't a conservative, but he had an R next to his name, so it took a while for him to squeak enough for people to finally say enough's enough. It might not happen again As Much, but I'd actually probably rather have a crappy Dem in there for another four years than a crappy Rep because Republican voters will tune out the Rep's squeaky wheels more.
It's actually a bit amazing how much has changed in only a few years. In 2008, a common phrase was "Who is Ron Paul?" Now he's a household name, and plenty of people who used to make fun of him now say, "Damn, he was right."