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Rob Maness for Senator...

georg jetson

Regular Member
Sep 14, 2009
Slidell, Louisiana
I just want to make sure all of us OCers here in La. are aware that we have a decent candidate in the 2014 Senate race. Let's make sure we get rid of Obama supporting Mary and send someone to Washington on the right side of the 2A.

His name is Rob Manass. Google search him.


Regular Member
Jul 20, 2008
Saint Gabriel, Louisiana, USA
I'm going to have to agree with Tom here. As much as I would like to cast a vote for Maness, the fact is he will not beat Mary. I plan on holding my nose and pushing the button for Cassidy in November. I don't like it but having Cassidy in is better than Mary getting reelected.
Frankly I wish we has a viable third party. I am registered as a Libertarian but my party has failed to build a base from which to grow. For the Libertarians, or any third party but I'm using my party as an example, to grow into national level political positions we first have to work on getting elected at the local, county and state levels first. Until that happens we get to decide between the two major parties we have now.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Granite State of Mind

Pretty much even between Cassidy and Landrieu.

A vote for Maness helps re-elect Landrieu. It's just math.

In all math, it's not sufficient to just announce the answer; you must also show your work. ;)

So, Tom, please show us your work, here: explain how a vote for Maness is a vote for Landrieu, and against Cassidy. In order to show that, you have to show that more votes for Maness come from Cassidy than come from Landrieu. And you also have to show that all Cassidy voters would have cast a vote for either of the other two, if Cassidy wasn't on the ballot.

georg jetson

Regular Member
Sep 14, 2009
Slidell, Louisiana

Pretty much even between Cassidy and Landrieu.

A vote for Maness helps re-elect Landrieu. It's just math.

We have victory in our grasp, if we are smart enough to not let go.

I was hoping to generate a bit more discussion on this matter. Hope you're still checking this thread Tom

Tom Gresham is a true gun guy of gun guys. However, he sucks at math!!!! LOL!!!! Just kiddin dude...

Louisiana Senate race is suseptable to a run-off unless one candidate acquires 50% +1 vote. So, unless Mary recieves 50% + 1vote, it doesnt matter what the numbers are for the other candidates. Voting for Maness instead of Cassidy, or vice versa, does nothing to affect Mary's numbers. A direct vote for Mary is the one of only two thing that affects her numbers. The other thing that affects a direct win by any one candidate is the total number of votes. The higher the election turnout, the more votes are needed to win without a run off.

In order of importance
1) Vote!!!!!!! As long as its not for Mary
2) Vote for Rob Maness cause hes the only gun guy in the race!!

We do have victory in our grasp as long as we dont out smart ourselves.

georg jetson

Regular Member
Sep 14, 2009
Slidell, Louisiana
We're getting close to the Nov 4th election so I just wanted to bump this thread as a reminder.

1 Get out and vote for someone besides Mary!!
2 Rob Maness is a great choice as a protector of the 2A!!