Law abider
Regular Member
Hi friends. I am still around, carrying by trusty EAA 38sp/ 357 Mag pistol. Planning to buy a handgun after all these years. I began to attend church after holding chapel services for 4.5 years in a nursing home. The new director was hostile to gospel preaching. I open carried in church in the winter of 2018, but by default my gun was covered up by my winter jacket. Come summer everyone could see my gun. No one said anything for a while till one day a middle aged lady who was ushering said do you carry in church? I said yes. She said are you a cop? I said no. She said oh so you like to carry gun. I nodded. Two weeks later I got a call from a close friend of mine, who is not always in church because of his business, who told me that he got a call from the pastor because people were calling him about concerns that I was OCing a gun in church. Now this friend was high up in Homeland security and was a federal agent and in the military, who said that I needed to conceal my pistol because folks were getting concerned. He carries concealed in church and he has the privilege to carry anywhere. I told him that I did not have the means to hide, cloak my pistol in the summer. He said folks don't know me and that they are afraid. I don't blame them. I am a first generation American in my family even though my dad attended the U of M from 1949 to 1952 for his post doctorate. That's how I ended up here. I found some over sized T shirt to help me conceal, but I have not gone to church for 2 weeks lest that lady asks me if I am still carrying under my shirt. So friends, That's my latest challenge. I hope all of you are well. I am still sad about Grape Shot passing away and Don't know how MKE Gal is doing and Protias and Nightmare.