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Plantiffs needed for NFA lawsuit


Regular Member
Jul 20, 2008
Saint Gabriel, Louisiana, USA
Mods- a bit off topic but relates to firearms in Louisiana. Please Allow. Thanks.

I received the following from attorney Morgan Allison and am passing it along-

I was recently contacted by a lawyer with the Firearms Industry Consulting Group. They want to challenge the rule that you need a CLEO to sign off on a Form 1 or Form 4 for a NFA transfer. He thinks Louisiana would be a good place to challenge it, because here we define CLEO as being the Sheriff of the parish. (There may be some nuances to that. I haven't done a lot of research on it.)
He asked me to find people who would be willing to be plaintiffs in a test case. They need people who collect, own, or would care to acquire NFA-regulated firearms.

If anyone is interested in taking part in this, let me know, and I'll pass your information along to the FICG guy.
I set up a form for this: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1FlHTQrGoFNkBRbznx4DMSkWP12H7p6WzHZQ7dLhMTEA/viewform?usp=send_form