Campaign Veteran
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Thank you! Much appreciated!
Thank you! Much appreciated!
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Well, given all the "maybes" I'll just get a small table and hope we can move to larger one if enough people show up. Guess the rule from now on is don't hold these on a weekday!
I'm wearing a bright, mostly blue Hawaiian shirt and of course I'll be OC. I usually answer to the name of "Roger"
I'll be there at 6!
Ps. Half Live, in case you show up I'll bring a couple 1911 holsters you can check out.
Or are we refering to the Pueblo municipal ordinances:
Sec. 11-1-601 (b) It shall be unlawful and a Class 1 municipal offense for any person, within the City, to carry a firearm, handgun or weapon concealed on or about his or her person.
(c) It shall be unlawful and a Class 1 municipal offense for any person to poenly carry any firearm, han dgun or weapon in a building or specific area owned, possessed, managed or controlled by the City at which the City has posted signs at the public enterances to the building or specific area prohibiting the open carrying of firearms, handguns, or weapons.
OK that's confusing, I understand (c), but (b) would infer OPEN CARRY is ok?? AND.. Isn't this an illegal ordinance if it prohibits lawful CC (referring to (b) ) ?
(b) refers simply to CC. It has nothing to do with OC. You have to get to (c) for the part about OC.
(c) deals with OC.
There is another part later...(d) or something that provides CC is ok if you have a permit. I got lazy and didn't add that part.