I've open carried at the polls in WI the last three or four years, maybe longer. I generally walk my dog down the Bearskin trail to the Nokomis TH, carrying a 6" 686 in a leather Hunter holster hanging on my belt. Much mention was usually made of the dog, I don't believe any mention was ever made of the firearm, tho I am pretty sure it was noticed by some. The roaming, older gentleman poll worker even came over and talked to me personally........
One of the ladies that checks your name off the list is my neighbor a couple houses down. Three years in a row she has declaired with some interest that I am her neighbor, and I'm the guy that walks the German Shepherd and carries a gun.........while I am standing across the table from her holding a leash with a dog, and carrying a gun. To which I reply, "Yes I am". Not sure if the lack of integrity, memory, or informational security should be of concern to me or not?
Polls and airports, up to the security checkpoint, are a few of the places specifically mentioned in the WI DOJ FAQ on CCL as places that are NOT restricted to firearm carry. Not sure if it is in the actual law as I've never been able to subject myself to the kind of punishment involved in reading that. Probably my bad. If your polling place was at school, police station, or other prohibited place, one would not be allowed to carry however.
This year I voted absentee as I can not be sure of will be home that day.