Wow! I came to this site to clarify whether or not in Iowa if I am legally carrying my Pistol concealed or open and a LEO asked me for my CCW am I obligated by LAW to do so? Providing there was NO PC and NO reasonable suspicion other than " they received a call" or the LEO witnessed me as in open carry. I KNOW that missing those two provisions he normally couldn't legally ask for my CCW, or an ID (drivers license) but IF the Iowa law states that I must show a Officer a ID upon demand then how am I NOT legally bound to do so?
Welcome to OCDO. Here is Iowa gun law, Chapter 724
In a brief search, I did not find a requirement to surrender identity papers.
I am not a lawyer and this is not legal advice. This is just my understanding of this.
Carrying a loaded weapon in incorporated areas in Iowa is a crime at all times(obviously one's home is a clear exception). It is only when one presents their permit to carry weapons to a peace officers upon request/demand that the exemption from prosecution for the crime of carrying a weapon applies.
As far as needing RAS/PC to demand ID goes, if you are carrying a weapon and the LEO believes/knows it then that is their PC because having a permit to carry weapons is not the default status. They can't demand your driver's license when you aren't driving any more than they can demand your fishing or hunting license when you aren't doing those things either, but it would likely be in your best interest to do so as it will only strengthen your case if you decide to sue later. Iowa isn't like the other states that have RKBA amendments to their state constitutions. Because Iowa has yet to recognize the right to carry arms on or about one's person in public as a constitutionally protected right either in written law or in court rulings, there is no need for peace officers in Iowa to do anything but arrest every person they see carrying weapons in an incorporated area. They can do that. They can let the courts sort it out after the fact. It wouldn't be good for public relations. It wouldn't be good for their reputation in the media. It wouldn't be a worthwhile use of their time and other resources. That's why they don't do it. Nearly all LEOs in Iowa go out of their way to do things in a fair, just and courteous manner despite the fact that they have the authority to cuff and stuff anyone they see carrying a weapon in public at any time(with a few exceptions like hunting grounds and unincorporated areas).
If you're asking if Iowa is a stop and ID state, no. Technically no state is, but Iowa is tricky. If you are in public minding your own business, anyone can talk to you and you can ignore them. If a LEO talks to you then you can ignore them until they detain you. This is not only a "they say I'm detained" detention, but merely a "reasonable person would not feel free to leave the location/situation" or "one is actually incapable of leaving location/situation" that different jurisdictions(yes, even within the state) disagree on for the details of when a consensual conversation becomes a detention. Once detained, you are on the losing end on the streets, but may be on your way to the upper hand in the courts. Generally speaking, if you haven't been arrested, you can stay silent and nothing can come of it(this doesn't apply to a stop for carrying weapons because they have PC for arrest at that point). After arrest, if you feel your name may incriminate you then you do not have to provide it, but if you have no reason to believe that your name will incriminate you then you will have to, at least verbally, state your name. They may arrest you, legally or not, for refusing to cooperate, but the phrase: I have nothing to say without legal counsel/an attorney is a safe bet. After that point, you're either free to go(neither detained nor arrested) or you are detained/arrested and you need only state your name and that you will not answer any other questions without legal counsel. The police do not exist to make friends. They exist to find criminals and arrest them so they may be punished according to the law. Their job is a dangerous one and that is why they are given specific exemptions/privileges in the law. If they and you go by the book and obey the law you will be just fine. If they don't, assuming you survive, you can make an example of them(or settle for quite a bit of money). If you don't, you may lose your freedom, liberties and/or your life.