Supremacy Clause and pari materia
Hello All,
There seems to be two different philosophical arguments being discussed on this thread. The LEOs, et allia, seem to be arguing for the supremecy of state law, while the libertarians are arguing for the supremacy of creator granted and Constitutionally protected civil rights.
In Miranda v. Arizona, SCOTUS, the court stated that "where rights are secured by the constitution are involved, there can be no legislation or rule-making that would abrogate them."
In U.S. v. Bond, 2011, SCOTUS, the court ruled that "Anything in repugnance to the Constitution is invalid or unlawful."
The theory of pari materia has been used by SCOTUS to interpret the Constitution. Iowa cannot assume that the 10th amendment abrogates 2A or 4A. The Supremacy Clause makes 2A, 4A, and 10A supreme laws of the land; however, 10A can't be used to abrogate the 2A or 4A--pari materia theory (all together) must be used to interpret the entire Constitution.
In U.S. v. King, the 10th Circuit ruled that gutting one Amendment to abrogate another amendment, would make both amendments "functionally meaningless." (Court's opinion paraphrased by MM to make the intended point; RELAX)
In U.S. v. Ubilles, the court compared a legally carried wallet to a legally carried gun. The arrest and initial detention were ruled unlawful, and unconstitutional (parahrased by MM).
In Michigan v. Chesternutt, SCOTUS ruled that if a person "feels" detained by LEO, than they are detained; therefore, LEO must be able to articulate RAS for the detention.
A review of Lawson v. Kolender, Nevada v. Hibel, and Duran v. Douglas, should give a person a reasonable level of knowledge to know when a LEO can ask for ID. Iowa's carry card is nothing more than an ID.
Also, a LEO who is moonlighting for WalMart is not acting in his official duties as a cop; notwithstanding his Police Chief's permission. Had Wally-World contracted to the Police Chief for security services, then the LEO would be acting under his Chief's authority as a LEO (just my opinion--I don't know of case law for something like this situation). If he is getting a check from Wally-World, he is a guard. If he gets his paycheck from the Police Chief, he is a cop.
If I were Iowa LEO, I would uphold 200 plus years of SCOTUS juris prudence, and ignore the OCer in Iowa unless I had RAS of criminal activity in fear of being personally sued under 42 USC 1983 and 1989. We can make LEO uphold our creator granted civil liberties if we sue him for violating our rights. When LEO f-bombs-up, sue him!
IMHO and respectfully submitted,