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In my "tourist" thread, some options were presented to me. One was to OC with the natives.
Perhaps things would be more interesting if a whole bunch of people decided to OC on the strip at the same time.
I'd like to "arm" everyone with flyers on OC beforehand and have a few local lawyers present to "handle" the cops.
I mean...what the heck! They yanked Utah's reciprocity...they should feel SOME consequence for it. I would think a bunch of wasted police man hours and a lawsuit or two would do the trick.
Anyone interested?
In my "tourist" thread, some options were presented to me. One was to OC with the natives.
Perhaps things would be more interesting if a whole bunch of people decided to OC on the strip at the same time.
I'd like to "arm" everyone with flyers on OC beforehand and have a few local lawyers present to "handle" the cops.
I mean...what the heck! They yanked Utah's reciprocity...they should feel SOME consequence for it. I would think a bunch of wasted police man hours and a lawsuit or two would do the trick.
Anyone interested?