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OC in Nevada


Regular Member
Feb 2, 2011
united states
When you write the manager, enclose a copy of the receipt showing how much money his store policy cost him, just from this one encounter.
that's sort of the problem - the guy was the manager. He stated that it was COMPANY policy. The other problem is that Discount Tire is so awesome that even though I have never bought a tire from them in my life they patched the hole in mine for free. The only receipt I would have from this would be for the two gatorades I bought for the guys at the counter as a thank you.

A few years few years ago, Tire works was caught up in a sting done by one of the Las Vegas local investigating news. They were charging for services and product that was not needed. Telling and lying to the customer, saying they needed to do work and replace parts that did not need to be done.
Which Tire Works? If I can find a corporate e-mail, I send them a love note why as a legal gun owner my gun owner friends and I will never set foot in their store.

I had heard about that happening. I had been to this store OC before (hollywood and lake mead) and had a very good experience. I may have even wrote about it in this thread a few posts back. I changed the brakes on my car and took it to their shop. The bled my system for free, so I wanted to return my business.

In the encounter the manager made it clear - "It's nothing personal, it's just company policy." This was the point when I asked him if there was a way I could get in contact with someone about the policy. He gave me his business card and verified that "Yeah, it's not illegal, but like I said it's just the company policy." So my line of thinking is first just to write the company and verify that is indeed the policy. If that is the case then engage from there.


the store manager's name is Erik Holmstrom.

....all of this reminds me I'm over due to write a nice letter to PT's thanking them for allowing me to OC in their fine establishment....


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2012
Las Vegas
Pistol out of holster

While at Walmart I remembered that I've been needing a new belt. I was oc with a belted pancake holster. Anyhow, I really needed to try on the belts as it's been years since I've bought one and wanted to make sure of the fit. This meant I'd have to remove my holster and pistol. I was nervous at first, but then thought screw it. I have to also remove my cell phone from my belt so what's the difference. Legal is legal.

I removed the pistol and set it in the cart. Then removed the holster and old belt. Tried on the new belt and after done with that I put everything back on again. I was prepared for someone to say something, but honestly I was in between clothes racks where I wasn't much of a spectacle.

Note that I am not advocating handling your pistol in public. But, it is legal and if your safe enough to carry, you better be safe enough to handle.

End result, totally uneventful. And, I think Walmart now finally has a perfect, thick leather, heavy duty belt for holstering.....for just $12 too!


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
While at Walmart I remembered that I've been needing a new belt. I was oc with a belted pancake holster. Anyhow, I really needed to try on the belts as it's been years since I've bought one and wanted to make sure of the fit. This meant I'd have to remove my holster and pistol. I was nervous at first, but then thought screw it. I have to also remove my cell phone from my belt so what's the difference. Legal is legal.

I removed the pistol and set it in the cart. Then removed the holster and old belt. Tried on the new belt and after done with that I put everything back on again. I was prepared for someone to say something, but honestly I was in between clothes racks where I wasn't much of a spectacle.

Note that I am not advocating handling your pistol in public. But, it is legal and if your safe enough to carry, you better be safe enough to handle.

End result, totally uneventful. And, I think Walmart now finally has a perfect, thick leather, heavy duty belt for holstering.....for just $12 too!

Next time simply wrap the belt around your waist a 1/4" above your belt and you will not be handling your gun at all. I have tried Walmart belts before - the all sag or roll out under the weight of a 1911.

I guarantee you were observable by security cameras. Not saying you did anything illegal, but it is something you might be better off avoiding in the future.
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Regular Member
Oct 29, 2008
Montgomery, Alabama, USA
While at Walmart I remembered that I've been needing a new belt. I was oc with a belted pancake holster. Anyhow, I really needed to try on the belts as it's been years since I've bought one and wanted to make sure of the fit. This meant I'd have to remove my holster and pistol. I was nervous at first, but then thought screw it. I have to also remove my cell phone from my belt so what's the difference. Legal is legal.

I removed the pistol and set it in the cart. Then removed the holster and old belt. Tried on the new belt and after done with that I put everything back on again. I was prepared for someone to say something, but honestly I was in between clothes racks where I wasn't much of a spectacle.

Note that I am not advocating handling your pistol in public. But, it is legal and if your safe enough to carry, you better be safe enough to handle.

End result, totally uneventful. And, I think Walmart now finally has a perfect, thick leather, heavy duty belt for holstering.....for just $12 too!

For those of you in states which have Tractor Supply stores: Their belts are a little more expensive than Wal Mart's, but they are a much better, IMNSHO, quality.
For those of you in states that do not have Tractor Supply stores: Check out your local farm/ranch supply stores.


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2012
Las Vegas
Next time simply wrap the belt around your waist a 1/4" above your belt and you will not be handling your gun at all. I have tried Walmart belts before - the all sag or roll out under the weight of a 1911.

I guarantee you were observable by security cameras. Not saying you did anything illegal, but it is something you might be better off avoiding in the future.

Tried that. My holster/pistol combo sticks up much farther than my waist making it impossible to properly fit another belt without removing the holster. My holster is not a clip on. The belt runs through the holster straps. I say about right in the middle so that half the pistol is above and below my waist. An older P95, btw.

I tried to fit it without removing anything. Wasn't gonna happen.

This new belt is super thick like the cop duty ones. They also have it with a nylon or poly web backing if you want. I like thick leather, myself.

Oh, and fwiw, I'm in that Walmart at least once a week where I'm often recognized by staff.


Regular Member
Feb 2, 2011
united states
The next time you need to try on belts I would suggest grabbing a few and heading to a changing room. But honestly that's probably because I don't have nuts big enough to do what you did. I like to have a beer or two while I'm carrying and while it's completely legal some people chastise me for it. I suspect you will get the same response depending on who you talk to.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
The next time you need to try on belts I would suggest grabbing a few and heading to a changing room. But honestly that's probably because I don't have nuts big enough to do what you did. I like to have a beer or two while I'm carrying and while it's completely legal some people chastise me for it. I suspect you will get the same response depending on who you talk to.

Guns and alcohol do not mix.........alcohol removes all the lubrication/protection from them :p

That and some states like Virginia have no minimum standard as to when under the influence applies.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...states like Virginia have no minimum standard as to when under the influence applies...

NV does not prohibit alcohol for mere possession of firearms or other deadly weapons, you know, like a steak knife.

Using firearms while drinking, of course, goes against safety rules.

But NV does not require you to be disarmed just because you have a drink, for example a glass of wine with your dinner at a restaurant. Should you be disarmed all night for this? NV agrees that you should not be.

There is a state blood-alcohol content limit for possession of firearms. It is 0.1% BAC. So, you cannot be drunk and armed. But you can drink and be armed. There is a HUGE difference.

You can drive in this state (and most states) after drinking, under a BAC of 0.08%. Which is worse, operating a dangerous device (car) or possession of a dangerous device (gun)?

I know bars where OC is welcome. I patronize them. Welcome to NV.
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Regular Member
Jul 11, 2012
Las Vegas
NV does not prohibit alcohol for mere possession of firearms or other deadly weapons, you know, like a steak knife.

Using firearms while drinking, of course, goes against safety rules.

But NV does not require you to be disarmed just because you have a drink, for example a glass of wine with your dinner at a restaurant. Should you be disarmed all night for this? NV agrees that you should not be.

There is a state blood-alcohol content limit for possession of firearms. It is 0.1% BAC. So, you cannot be drunk and armed. But you can drink and be armed. There is a HUGE difference.

You can drive in this (and most states) after drinking, under a BAC of 0.08%. Which is worse, operating a dangerous device (car) or possession of a dangerous device (gun)?

I know bars where OC is welcome. I patronize them. Welcome to NV.

The reason for the BAC for gun possession being higher or more forgiving at 0.10 than it is for driving at 0.08 is simply a matter of highway funds. In order to get them, NV has to honor the fed's 0.08 BAC for driving. But NV does not agree with it. You will notice in the law (can't recall the NRS # right now) that at the very moment, the very second it is no longer required to abide by the fed set 0.08, the limit immediately jumps to 0.10. And since the Feds don't seem to be holding any money over the state's head tied to raising the BAC for gun possession, there you go.

The more you know....

As for what I did at Walmart, I even considered going into the changing room to un-holster. Then I thought, why? I am within my rights and the law 100% and if I'm serious about making a pro 2A stance and trying to make oc "the norm", then something like this should mean zero. It should be no different than un-holstering my phone.

Like Grapeshot said in an earlier post, his state allows carry in police stations. So does ours, by law. And only rights that are exercised are kept. More power to those of you that choose to "test the boundaries".

Of course many may disagree.


Regular Member
Feb 2, 2011
united states
Can you tell me which bars that you know are OC welcome?


PTs is the one I go to primarily. I used to go to Big Dogs but they recently changed their policy so they no longer get my money. I used to go to The Inn Zone one Nellis and Charleston a lot too, but now that I've moved I stick with PTs. I'm sure other's can chime in too.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
Can you tell me which bars that you know are OC welcome?

The Pro Gun Club (nee Desert Hills) has its own full bar. They are off the beaten path, though, off US-95, just after the break from US-93 between Henderson and Boulder City, near Railroad Pass.

You do not need to be a member, nor have done any shooting there that day to be able to enjoy the bar. OC is specifically welcome, and I trained one of the bartenders, who often OC's on the job.

I've been to places like Magoo's, also, even in the mythically dreaded North Las Vegas. I can't say with a certainly that they expressly welcome it, but they've not even hinted at a problem. Here, I usually sit at a table, not the bar, because they also have really good food.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
The reason for the BAC for gun possession being higher or more forgiving at 0.10 than it is for driving at 0.08 is simply a matter of highway funds. In order to get them, NV has to honor the fed's 0.08 BAC for driving...

Correct. I did not mean to imply any reasons for the differences in the numbers, just for the fact that the limits exist.
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Regular Member
Apr 2, 2011
Manchester, New Hampshire
Ted Wiens tire store again, picking up what looks like it will be the perfect combination for my Jeep build. I'll test fit this one and give them the go ahead to mount the rest of them. I've dealt with several different guys there each time, and they don't mind at all, probably think it's cool. Back to wearing the full-size 1911 today.

Then, picked up breakfast at a nearby Roberto's Taco Shop. No issues, just the usual great food.

That's what I miss the most about when I lived out there. Roberto's taco shops (specifically one in Henderson near a Baskin Robbins ice cream place), with the carne asada fries (with the works). Capriotti's steak and cheese sandwiches (also in Henderson) comes in a close second.


Regular Member
Jul 11, 2012
Las Vegas
PTs is the one I go to primarily. I used to go to Big Dogs but they recently changed their policy so they no longer get my money...

I'm addicted to Big Dog's Drafthouse brews. Seriously, it's sad that I can't enjoy any others the way I do theirs. Anyhow, I can tell you that they still have not posted any anti-gun signs. And while I won't admit to carrying in there after becoming aware of their "silent" policy, no one has yet stopped me ;)

I know, I know, what about all that pro 2A "above all else" talk I keep spewing? Fellas, we're talking beer here. All bets are off. You may have to pry my guns from my cold dead hands, but they're probably cold from a frosty mug of IPA. lol
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Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
I was a serious fan of Big Dogs brews. But I've adapted. I go out for the company, and since I make beer at home, I can equal BD for flavor when I need to.

It really helps that they closed my favorite location on Nellis, so it was easier to walk away. The staff there knew me by name, and as a veteran, my first beer was always free, too.


Regular Member
Feb 2, 2011
united states
I was a serious fan of Big Dogs brews. But I've adapted. I go out for the company, and since I make beer at home, I can equal BD for flavor when I need to.

It really helps that they closed my favorite location on Nellis, so it was easier to walk away. The staff there knew me by name, and as a veteran, my first beer was always free, too.

FYI Dave is working at the timbers on Lake mead now


Regular Member
Dec 27, 2011
Fallon, NV
In the encounter the manager made it clear - "It's nothing personal, it's just company policy."

I would almost bet that it is company policy that "employees may not carry at work". Often employees read this in their training and employee hand book. Then apply the policy to customers.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2008
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Re: Where did you carry today and how did it go?

....all of this reminds me I'm over due to write a nice letter to PT's thanking them for....

...respecting my second amendment rights. In return, I am pleased to patronize their establishment."

There, fixed that for ya. :D

I try to avoid using words like allow & permit. It gives them the wrong idea.

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