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New to Arizona


Regular Member
May 24, 2009
Chandler, AZ
Hi, I just moved here from Wisconsin.

I have been open carrying since 2010 and am a member or Wisconsin Carry Inc. I applied for my CCL the 1st day they were available and have a low 3 digit license #.

I am politically active and don't mind confronting politicians and other folks in authority when need be. In addition, I try to do what is legal, whether or not it is popular. To do that, I study the law and try to back up what I say with references to statutes.

We hosted WI CCL training classes for free at our church and trained over 1200 people.

I live in Chandler and work in Tempe and open carry every day, everywhere I go, except for places that are posted or other prohibited places.

I want to get together with people who believe like I do. I just signed up for the azCDL mail list.

Any suggestion as to what I can do to get more familiar with the firearm laws of AZ?



Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
Paul -

Real the Arizona Revised Statutes.

Become an active member of AzCDL.

stay safe.

Rusty Young Man

Regular Member
Jun 19, 2013
Árida Zona
Hi, I just moved here from Wisconsin.

I have been open carrying since 2010 and am a member or Wisconsin Carry Inc. I applied for my CCL the 1st day they were available and have a low 3 digit license #.

I am politically active and don't mind confronting politicians and other folks in authority when need be. In addition, I try to do what is legal, whether or not it is popular. To do that, I study the law and try to back up what I say with references to statutes.

We hosted WI CCL training classes for free at our church and trained over 1200 people.

I live in Chandler and work in Tempe and open carry every day, everywhere I go, except for places that are posted or other prohibited places.

I want to get together with people who believe like I do. I just signed up for the azCDL mail list.

Any suggestion as to what I can do to get more familiar with the firearm laws of AZ?


Welcome to sunny, dry Arizona paul@paul-fisher.com! :)

Glad to have you here, and hope the weather has been to your liking. That said, the AZ summer is approaching. "Dry heat" and all that, but it still gets hot enough that desert critters look for shade and water. When in Rome... :p

This sticky thread consolidates some great links regarding AZ OC and carry laws in general:

Just in case, here are some other threads started by newcomers with some of the usual questions regarding carry (references to law included :)):




Explaining loaded carry as completely legal and practical:)
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