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McDonald's and Dunkin' Donuts Abide by the Laws of the States


Activist Member
Dec 9, 2010
Ashland, KY
In response to Starbuck's CEO's request, it appears several other fast-food establishments have come out on the record and stated their stores' policies and procedures.

From Business Insider:

"While we respect the differing views of all our customers, McDonald’s company-owned restaurants follow local, state and federal laws as it relates to open carry weapons in our restaurants. For franchisee-owned restaurants, operational decisions regarding open carry weapon laws are made by the independent franchisee. That said, as with all aspects of operating a McDonald’s restaurant, we expect our franchisees and their crew to follow local, state and federal laws.”

"Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin-Robbins restaurants are owned and operated by individual franchisees who are required to follow all federal, state and local laws with regard to firearms."

Story here: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/heres-mcdonalds-dunkin-donuts-had-211403243.html


Regular Member
Mar 25, 2012
Suffolk Virginia
IMO I think I'll be emailing these companies, and thanking them for there stance on the matter.

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Great. I don't want "allies" in businesses. I want to be left alone. Firearm neutrality is the moral way to go for businesses. Let each individual choose his own lawful actions.

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Regular Member
Mar 25, 2012
Suffolk Virginia
Great. I don't want "allies" in businesses. I want to be left alone. Firearm neutrality is the moral way to go for businesses. Let each individual choose his own lawful actions.

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This is true. I do feel though we could use all the help we could get. Whether it be pro gun, or neutrality. Especially when every one seems to be over reacting over if the cup is half empty or full.

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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
This is true. I do feel though we could use all the help we could get. Whether it be pro gun, or neutrality. Especially when every one seems to be over reacting over if the cup is half empty or full.

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Too many see neutrality as not being helpful to Liberty. However, it is the best way to foster Liberty: leaving each to his own.

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Accomplished Advocate
Aug 17, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
In response to Starbuck's CEO's request, it appears several other fast-food establishments have come out on the record and stated their stores' policies and procedures.

From Business Insider:

"While we respect the differing views of all our customers, McDonald’s company-owned restaurants follow local, state and federal laws as it relates to open carry weapons in our restaurants. For franchisee-owned restaurants, operational decisions regarding open carry weapon laws are made by the independent franchisee. That said, as with all aspects of operating a McDonald’s restaurant, we expect our franchisees and their crew to follow local, state and federal laws.”

"Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin-Robbins restaurants are owned and operated by individual franchisees who are required to follow all federal, state and local laws with regard to firearms."

Story here: http://finance.yahoo.com/news/heres-mcdonalds-dunkin-donuts-had-211403243.html
That's good to hear, but let's hope that people don't start holding "McDonalds/Dunkin' Donuts/Baskin-Robbins Appreciation Days".

There's just no need to poke the bear.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Outstanding, shame I can't eat at either of those businesses. I find it easier to avoid those places with harmful foods than use willpower that I will eventually cave and eat fat filled food with sugar. My eatery of choice has been IHOP, and so far they have been very friendly towards us while open carrying.


Regular Member
May 31, 2008
, ,
In McDonalds now and OC. Have had no problems in WalMart Applebee's, Menards, home depot, sears hardware, burger king, off the top of my head


Activist Member
Apr 27, 2010
Lawton, OK USA
Let's not do what we did with SB's, and turn some neutral business into a battleground. Don't go into these places to make a "point", just go in if you were planing on going in anyway.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Let's not do what we did with SB's, and turn some neutral business into a battleground. Don't go into these places to make a "point", just go in if you were planing on going in anyway.

Bull Hockey! SB's made themselves a battleground by a weak spine, Walmart has not had those problems because they planted their feet. Denny's, and IHOP's have no such problem. SB will miss the business from the "point" business, which most business welcomes UNLESS it is counter to their bias. SB was looking for a excuse they have always been libtards, they just needed a excuse. They lost business during the early days of the gulf war by refusing to ship coffee to soldiers overseas, some of us have not forgot that.


Regular Member
Jul 20, 2008
Saint Gabriel, Louisiana, USA
Denny's is anti gun. Heck, there have been stories in the media of OCers kicked out of Denny's for OCing and staff cited the restaurant manual. Wasn't even a Denny's where an employee told a group of cops that they couldn't bring firearms into the restaurant?

As for OCers messing it up for Starbucks by having "Appreciation Days", none of us would have even known about Starbucks neutral policy if the anti gun groups had not targeted Starbucks.
It was the antis who went public with it and made an issue out of this policy which allowed guns.
The Antis said "Starbucks, ban those evil guns."
Starbucks said, "No. We aren't getting involved in this."
Gun owners said "Thanks Starbucks. Here are some 2 dollar bills in your tip jar."
The antis said, "We are going to have Skip Starbucks Saturdays and put up anti gun/Starbucks Facebook pages. We will demonstrate outside your stores until you ban guns."
Gun owners said "Thanks Starbucks. Here are even more 2 dollar bills in your tip jar."
Starbucks said "The Moms Demand Action demonstrators have a point. Guns do scare people. We want people to feel safe and comfortable in our stores. Some people don't feel safe around guns. Some people don't feel safe without their guns. More people come in to the stores without guns than come in with them. 1+1=2. Well, that was an easy decision. Gun guys, we appreciate all of the 2 dollar bills but please go somewhere else. Moms Demand Action, you can put down your banners and signs and come in for some coffee and muffins."
The antis said, "Cool. Thanks Starbucks. We will come in, get some coffee and muffins and sit and plan who we can target next. Maybe McDonalds or Baskin-Robins? Who needs a gun to order a scoop of ice cream anyway? How can anybody enjoy their Big Mac while there are people carrying guns sitting in the next booth? No, let's do Dunkin Donuts. Come on Moms. Grab your signs and let's go down the block and march outside of Dunkin and demand they ban guns. But first let me get a refill of my coffee."


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
McDonalds is to fast-food(?) as The Great Wall of China Mart is to BigBox stores. Their McJobs tide 'associates' over to their next welfare check. Shop Mom&Pop general stores, restaurants and coffee shops.

Nope. I like free markets and the low prices they give us. I continue to shop Walmart and eat McD's. If their associates don't like the pay and bennies, they can go elsewhere for employment. No one owes them a job or a wage.

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Campaign Veteran
Jan 14, 2010
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Original article from the Business Insider

Key Quotes:

From the article as referenced above: "This week, Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz caused a stir by asking customers to leave their guns at home. While Schultz stressed that customers who did legally bring guns into stores wouldn't be kicked out, the comments offended a lot of people."

From McDonald's spokeswoman Lisa McComb:

We recognize that there is a lot of emotion and passion surrounding the issue of firearms and open carry weapons laws. While we respect the differing views of all our customers, McDonald’s company-owned restaurants follow local, state and federal laws as it relates to open carry weapons in our restaurants. For franchisee-owned restaurants, operational decisions regarding open carry weapon laws are made by the independent franchisee. That said, as with all aspects of operating a McDonald’s restaurant, we expect our franchisees and their crew to follow local, state and federal laws.

From Dunkin' Donuts spokeswoman Michelle King:

Dunkin’ Donuts and Baskin-Robbins restaurants are owned and operated by individual franchisees who are required to follow all federal, state and local laws with regard to firearms.

FYI: Repeating a quote from a third party is protected under copyright law. It is not a copyright violation, as it's an issue separate from this: Quoting small snippets of an article, such as "From the article...", while properly referencing or linking to the article, is also compliant with copyright law, which allows for the copying, reprinting, and referencing of small amounts of material is permissible under the law.

First I have heard of this, maybe you can point to some other posts in threads to back the claim up. Last year they even put out a commercial on the 4th where they mentioned the second amendment.

I've never had a problem OCing in any Denny's, either. They don't even blink, which tells me it's probably a common enough occurrence to be "business as usual."
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Regular Member
Mar 31, 2013
Those that OC to make a statement (AR carried to get coffee) are going to have gun buster signs posted in thousands of places that allow weapons currently. Keep it up, and people will exercise their property rights, and ban all weapons.

This joker, gun in hand, no sling, just a "look at me .... look at me" stunt, and a handgun that appears to be just stuck in his pocket.

How do this would play out if someone walked in with a handgun in their hand?


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
It took years to wean folks from the daily sight of guns. To try to shock them back immediately by carrying ARs into Starbucks is just plain stupid and will cause a backlash. One of the purposes is to return the sight of a gun back to normal in the American psyche. That cannot be accomplished shockingly. Folks will more readily accept that which does not shock them. OC of a properly holstered handgun shocks very, very few.

It'll take years of that kind of downplayed OC before even most people won't be shocked by the sight of someone with an AR slung on their back. You cannot rebuild instantly that which took a century or more to erode.

Just OC a properly holstered handgun as you go about your business. Try NOT to make a big deal of it.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
WW and sraacke - that Denny's in Belleville, IL, is about 5 miles from here and it was NOT the fault of the Denny's employee. He was twixt the proverbial rock and hard place when some old biddy customer got upset when she saw the plain-clothed officers come in to eat, wearing their sidearms. SHE raised a stink and the manager, in an effort to mollify her, asked the officers to leave their guns in their cars.
Corporate over-rode him (after the fact) and apologized to the Belleville PD.

You think that is bad - - wait until next year when some private citizens actually start to carry!
There will be "sheeple" bleating all over the place!! :D

I was waiting for him to bring that dead rabbit out of his hat. I knew when he brought it up that he was talking about Illinois where Denny's was still following Illinois LAW. There was some confusion as to the status of the individuals(LEOs) but after that Denny's corrected the problem. It is in no way indicative of Denny's nationwide and very foolish to imply so without something to back it up.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
Eye don't you get it? The antis are not singling out long guns! SB did not distinguish long guns! Antis are just as bothered by handguns as long guns, or any combination. Others and you are trying to find blame on others, it is disgusting when you are smarter than that. When you do that the antis WIN!

Next you will try to blame me for carrying two guns openly...
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Well-known member
Jan 6, 2010
Fairborn, Ohio, USA
Eye don't you get it? The antis are not singling out long guns! SB did not distinguish long guns! Antis are just as bothered by handguns as long guns, or any combination. Others and you are trying to find blame on others, it is disgusting when you are smarter than that. When you do that the antis WIN!

Next you will try to blame me for carrying two guns openly...

I believe that, if carriers had simply gone for coffee with a handgun concealed or unconcealed on their hips, SB would not have changed their policy. The question over their policy would have eventually just died out. Folks pushing the "ally" crap (including, but not limited to, handling ARs, taking pictures of the stupidity, and making it appear that SB was pro-gun) forced SB's hand in a way we don't like.

Knock it off. Just carrying and going about your business is opening up our ability to exercise the Right more and more. These other extra-curricular activities are closing down that exercise, wrongly, but certainly.

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