Pa. Patriot wrote:
I was a little surprised this was posted:
Is it me or is this ironic that an LEO makes a perfect case of what's wrong with some LEO's?
I don't see anything wrong with the exchange of opinions. Couple of guys are dubious about the value of OC and some people support it.
One guy got accused of being "condescending" but I think he was just stating his point of view. Which was biased, of course. And wrong. But hardly condescending.
You know, you never know when a discussion or argument might break out in a
discussion forum!
I favor OC, so I'm not buying the LEO's arguments. But he
does have a point about potential disarming of an OCer.
We had someone here on this forum who was disarmed forcibly a while back. Luckily it was just a security guard who just walked up to a OCer and took his gun away from him. If it had been a bad guy, it would have been bad.
Hey, if during a discussion about something that interests many discussants, someone disagrees, then that's generally a
good thing. Then, the side that has the best logic, the best premises, the best arguments will prevail. The good ideas will float to the top, like cream. The bad ideas will fall away.