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Just for Fun


Regular Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Christmas cane a tad early here. Santa arrived with a special package for me. In it I found a S&W .500 with a 4" barrel, and a Desantis holster. :celebrate

Good Santa!

Anyway, I have the Desantis gun belt on order as well as the belt cartridge case. I know that the .500 isn't a practical gun for self defense. But, ..... it is quite a hunk is stainless steel. And, there is just no point in trying to conceal it in its holster under anything less than a parka. We don't wear parkas here.

So, my plan is to open carry it. I thought the Hoage rubber grip was a tad ugly, so I put some faux stag horn on it. Now it's quite handsome in its holster.

I've open carried my compact .45 a few times here in Las Vegas. I've never had anyone even mention it. I'm curious to see if the .500 passes unnoticed as well.


Regular Member
Jun 5, 2008
Springfield, Oregon, USA
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I know there's going to be some nay-sayers around here that will frown on it. They're the same ones that don't think you should carry in tacti-cool leg holsters or OC a Desert Eagle...

It's likely going to be more noticable than your compact .45, but isn't that what we're wanting? We're wanting people to see that GOOD people carry guns. Carrying that revolver CANNOT HURT THE OC MOVEMENT, and the extra noticability may very well help it.

Now, one factor to seriously consider is penetration. Most normal self defense calibers are intended to stop within the assailant. If you have to use it in self-defense against a person, what is that .500 S&W going to do? Go through the target, then what? As long as you're 100% positive of what's behind your target, you'll be just fine, but it's definitely something you should think about.



Regular Member
Oct 10, 2007
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Orygunner - thanks for the concern. And, yes, I've had thoughtful conversations with myself about those issues. In the first place, I wouldn't shoot anyone, under any circumstances, except as an absolute last resort. I've already thought about the fact that in many situations, I just couldn't shoot the .500 at all. It would go through everything in sight. That's one big reason I consider it impractical as a self defense weapon. One thing I have been considering. That is finding some ammo for it that has much less impressive performance. Maybe a heavy slug with a small powder charge. More of a knock'em down than a blow'em apart approach. But, right now all I have are the Winchester 400 grain platinum tip hollow points. That's a fairly big slug, but with a hot load. Just right if I happen to be attacked by a yeti.

Now, you will have to excuse me. I have a few more Marty Robbins tunes to listen to. :D


Regular Member
Jun 5, 2008
Springfield, Oregon, USA
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VegasGeorge wrote:
Orygunner - thanks for the concern. And, yes, I've had thoughtful conversations with myself about those issues. In the first place, I wouldn't shoot anyone, under any circumstances, except as an absolute last resort. I've already thought about the fact that in many situations, I just couldn't shoot the .500 at all. It would go through everything in sight. That's one big reason I consider it impractical as a self defense weapon. One thing I have been considering. That is finding some ammo for it that has much less impressive performance. Maybe a heavy slug with a small powder charge. More of a knock'em down than a blow'em apart approach. But, right now all I have are the Winchester 400 grain platinum tip hollow points. That's a fairly big slug, but with a hot load. Just right if I happen to be attacked by a yeti.

Now, you will have to excuse me. I have a few more Marty Robbins tunes to listen to. :D

I know the .460 S&W can shoot .45 Colt, .454 Casull, and .460 S&W cartridges. Can the .500 S&W fire anything less (like maybe a .50 Action Express?) I'm not that familiar with the different .50 cartridges...

Whenever I think of those big revolvers, I remember the movie "Johnny Dangerously"

Danny Vermin: I got something to stop him.
Dutch: They made it for him special. It's an eighty-eight Magnum.
Danny Vermin: It shoots through schools.



Regular Member
Nov 4, 2008
, Nevada, USA
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If you do your own loading you can easily make up some light loads for it so thatthe over penetration will be minimized. I have seen them mentioned in several magazines and in other forums.

True, you won't cause the bad guy to explode from the impact, but it would be like being hit by a sledge hammer.

Bill Starks

State Researcher
Dec 27, 2007
Nortonville, KY, USA
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Founder's Club Member
Aug 6, 2008
DFW, Texas, USA
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It's generally accepted that Marty Robbins tunes will soothe a rutting yeti. Either way you've got it covered.

M1Gunr...that's funny. Your killin' me here.


Founder's Club Member - Moderator
May 14, 2006
Virginia, USA
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Did someone say Marty Robbins, here's best song about getting shot.
