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I need more guns...when is the next "Gun Buyback"?


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
imported post

Actually, one is happening in DC today, at 3 churches. 8-4; probably over by now.

"Gun possession charges will be waived" per the WaPo.

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Gun Buyback Planned for Saturday

On Saturday, the D.C. police department will hold its second gun buyback program this month, offering money for firearms with no questions asked. T
he amnesty program will run from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at three locations: Shiloh Baptist Church, 1510 Ninth St. NW; Johnson Memorial Baptist Church, 800 Ridge Rd. SE; and Union Temple Baptist Church, 1225 W St. SE.
The program is open to people who live in the District, Prince George's County, Montgomery County, Arlington County and Alexandria. Gun dealers may turn in guns, but they will not be paid. Only people with working weapons receive cash. Gun possession charges will be waived.
The last such program was Dec. 15, when people were offered $100 for assault-type rifles or semiautomatic pistols; $50 for revolvers, derringers, shotguns and rifles; and $10 for air, BB and pellet guns. Police collected 279 firearms, which were analyzed to see whether they had been used in any crimes. Those that had not were destroyed.
Ticks me off that they include Virginia residents.


Site Co-Founder
May 13, 2006
Fairfax County, Virginia, USA
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I have a report from one VCDL member buyer who was also interviewed on channel 4 news, and new channel 5 - he sold 2 handguns for $100 each that he purchased in the past for $50 or less.


Regular Member
May 17, 2007
Loudoun County, Virginia, USA
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Mike wrote:
I have a report from one VCDL member buyer who was also interviewed on channel 4 news, and new channel 5 - he sold 2 handguns for $100 each that he purchased in the past for $50 or less.
Mrs. ChinChin saw this on the news and paused the tivo for me to see. It was Jim Synder (apoligies if I butchered the last name.)

Mrs ChinChin also pointed out something that I think has merrit. She bought her little .22 rifle from a wallyword at $90 some odd bucks. If she were to buy say 12, and then go into the district to sell them at a DC gun buy ("buy back" infers they onced owned it) for the $100 dollars per. . .she would profit at $220 dollars above her initial investment.

She could then offer $110 dollars for any 2 rifles being brought in for a "buy back" or 4 handguns for $55.00. . .all paid for by the DC government.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
imported post

Report on yesterday's effort. WaPo apparently didn't cover it, but WRIC in Richmond did. Copyright restrictions prohibit copying here. (Isn't it amazing they will publish information on the web, but prohibit copying? You'd think ratings were based on clicks.)


From the tone of this story, looks like DC didn't run out of money for this. But they don't have money for roads, fire hydrants, schools, etc......

This story is even better: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/22432395/

Seems police had some money left over, so they had to buy more. I know that feeling :celebrate

Dutch Uncle

Campaign Veteran
May 11, 2006
Virginia, USA
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I think it would be a great idea for DC to have a "buy back" every day. Since the police have to waive gun possession charges to get people to come out of their homes with guns, that would make it possible for all law abiding citizens to carry every day. They could just say "I'm on my way to the buyback."



Regular Member
Jul 20, 2007
Chester, Virginia, USA
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Dutch Uncle wrote:
I think it would be a great idea for DC to have a "buy back" every day. Since the police have to waive gun possession charges to get people to come out of their homes with guns, that would make it possible for all law abiding citizens to carry every day. They could just say "I'm on my way to the buyback."

LOL good point...OC even in dc for the day ? (kidding)

Whatever happened with the first gun buyback there was alot of talk about folks going to?


Founder's Club Member
Jun 15, 2006
Bryan, TX
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One of the stories I read said dealers could turn in guns but wouldn't be paid for them.

I wonder if they include "unlicensed dealers" in their count.


New member
Sep 20, 2007
, ,
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ChinChin wrote:
She could then offer $110 dollars for any 2 rifles being brought in for a "buy back" or 4 handguns for $55.00. . .all paid for by the DC government.
You mean via money stolen from productive individuals?