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I can understand the logic behind CC, but when would open carry be appropriate? Help!


Regular Member
Jun 29, 2008
Ashland, Kentucky, USA


Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
There are a lot of very nice people on the forum linked below. Unfortunately, they are not well informed about OC.

I have invited them to come here to learn about OC.


It seems like they agree on everyone's rights but have only gotten their toes wet with CC.

Imagine how liberated they would be if they discovered OC!

Thanks for the link. It doesn't look like a bad site. If and when I get my Taurus 24/7 G2, I may have to drop by. Personally, I carry foremost, to protect myself and family. I OC most of the time, and CC some of the time. It depends on where I am going, what I'm wearing (like if I have a coat or not), or just simply just cause I feel like carrying one way or another. It's my right, and it's my choice. Both sides have good arguments, but neither can be right all of the time. OC and CC have advantages and disadvantages. OC can either get you killed or save your life. CC can either get you killed or save your life, depending on the circumstances. Honestly, I do like people to see my gun. It's not to show off or bring attention to myself. It's to proudly exercise my 2nd amendment right. I like to show that just because you are carrying a weapon, it doesn't mean that you are some kind of mad man. I want them to see that I am friendly,non intimidating and responsible. Hopefully if they see more types like this, they will become more acclimated to the sight of firearms and be more accepting. Some people that are strictly CCers look down on OCers. I could say that if you only CC, that you may be embarrassed of letting people know that you are for gun rights, or you feel shame over having a gun, but I don't. It's your choice. But like our slogan says here at OCDO, "A Right Unexercised is a Right Lost"
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Campaign Veteran
Jan 15, 2007
There are times when I am at a loss for how to tell someone that they really are not helping. This, thankfully, is not one of them. I have more than enough words, but would want to use each and every one of them.

Either that or a clue-bat. I'm sort of torn on which direction to go.

I just hope that I can get to him before a cop does.

stay safe.

Member # 25446
clarksville, tn

I live in tn and have a ccw permit, those with a permit can carry cc, or oc. I carry cc when i am out doing normal things, shopping, eating out, ect. The times i think oc is a good idea is when you come out of a building to find the parking lot is not lit well. If you walk out with your gun open and your hand on or near it it tells any bg you are armed and prepared which ends most issues before they start. Or when you get that late night call that your kid has broken down someplace you would have told them not to goto. Same result tells bgs you are prepared. Most bgs will not go after a target they think is ready for them, i do not walkaround walmart with my guns exposed that would just be asking for trouble but when you are in an area that makes you uncomfortable a hand on a handgrib does give you some comfort.​


Regular Member
Feb 16, 2010
I hate that it's so divided. I CC and OC, it just makes life easier if you accept both and don't try to limit it. It's also very sad that all of the negative experiences I've had while OCing were from hardcore CCers telling me to cover up or telling me that I "CAN'T" OC...


Regular Member
Apr 19, 2012
Bridgeport, CT
I CC but I in no way look down on OC. I actually am very jealous of OCers. I want to OC but have not seen anyone ever OC so I feel very awkward about it at this time. I am Hoping to maybe get a meet and greet around Fairfield county to make more people around here aware and more comfy with OC. I see many Benefits to OC as a deterrent to BG's. As well as a show of the 2A.
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Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
I CC but I in no way look down on OC. I actually am very jealous of OCers. I want to OC but have not seen anyone ever OC so I feel very awkward about it at this time. I am Hoping to maybe get a meet and greet around Fairfield county to make more people around here aware and more comfy with OC. I see many Benefits to OC as a deterrent to BG's. As well as a show of the 2A.

I know what you mean. It can be pretty lonely as an OCer. I am the only one around my area that I know of. I live in a little town in a rural area, so people are very used to guns. I live in Pa. and schools and a lot of small businesses close on the first day of deer season. But actually seeing people OCing, I've seen it a few times over the years. Daily life, you know, to the stores or whatever, probably like a twenty mile radius. I don't see 'em. I started out by going to the local grocery store. It was a little weird at first. Then I saw that half the people didn't even notice and the other half that did, acted like they didn't care at all. You see people glance at it, but that's about it. Now I'm comfortable walking through shopping malls, gas stations, wherever. Nobody grabs their kids and runs away screaming. I've done it a few years now and nobody has ever said anything. Good luck if you decide to try it. If you do, let us know how it went. Just go about your business and usually nobody cares. At least where I live, they don't.


New member
May 20, 2012
It's never a question of appropriateness.

People should be encouraged to carry, regardless of how they do so. While people should also be encouraged to push their comfort level a little, they certainly shouldn't be derided for not being comfortable with one or the other (although it's typically OC, not CC). And carrying, one way or another, should never come down to a question of what is "appropriate."

Since deciding to open carry I've only had one negative experience that was less about my sidearm and more about my dog, oddly enough. Everything else has been neutral or quite positive. My worry was over other people's reactions and how comfortable I would be - took the plunge, found out, it's pretty easy.
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Regular Member
Jun 29, 2008
Ashland, Kentucky, USA
It's never a question of appropriateness.

People should be encouraged to carry, regardless of how they do so. While people should also be encouraged to push their comfort level a little, they certainly shouldn't be derided for not being comfortable with one or the other (although it's typically OC, not CC). And carrying, one way or another, should never come down to a question of what is "appropriate."

Since deciding to open carry I've only had one negative experience that was less about my sidearm and more about my dog, oddly enough. Everything else has been neutral or quite positive. My worry was over other people's reactions and how comfortable I would be - took the plunge, found out, it's pretty easy.

I agree!

The whole reason that I posted the link to the thread was to allow some of the more eloquent ones on this forum the opportunity to address some of the mistaken perceptions of OC that many on other forums have, especially ones that CC only.

There are people on here far more able to express the reasons for OC than I and perhaps if they were to comment on that thread in a non-bashing way, the ones that just think OC is plain wrong may at least understand that their reasons for believing that are based on incorrect assumptions.

There is no "I am right, you are wrong" in the choice to carry legally when it comes to OC vs CC. It is all a matter of what a persons comfort level is and what their desire is to learn how to OC without getting in to trouble.

The only thing that makes the whole issue "wrong" is when someone from either preference tells the other that they are wrong for carrying the way they choose.

I also posted on that thread a link to this site so that people from there can come and educate themselves on OC.
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Regular Member
Mar 29, 2011
N.W. Pa.
I agree!

The whole reason that I posted the link to the thread was to allow some of the more eloquent ones on this forum the opportunity to address some of the mistaken perceptions of OC that many on other forums have, especially ones that CC only.

There are people on here far more able to express the reasons for OC than I and perhaps if they were to comment on that thread in a non-bashing way, the ones that just think OC is plain wrong may at least understand that their reasons for believing that are based on incorrect assumptions.

There is no "I am right, you are wrong" in the choice to carry legally when it comes to OC vs CC. It is all a matter of what a persons comfort level is and what their desire is to learn how to OC without getting in to trouble.

The only thing that makes the whole issue "wrong" is when someone from either preference tells the other that they are wrong for carrying the way they choose.

I also posted on that thread a link to this site so that people from there can come and educate themselves on OC.

I went to that link and read all the replies again. There seemed to be an awful lot of good replies already posted in favor of OC. I don't know if I could add anything to make a difference. Maybe somebody else here can think of something that could. There are some people here with a very good ability to put their ideas into print. I have been pondering on something to write, but like I said, I don't know if I could do any better than some of the opinions already on that site. If a light bulb goes on, LOL, I'll try to do whatever I can to help.


Jan 14, 2012
earth's crust
With OCing its quicker to get the gun out and fire on target ... if I were to carry, it would be OC, not CC. I don't think that in real situations where discharging the weapon is appropriate that CC offers anything positive over OC but some folks don't want the hassle or bring attention to themselves...and CCing is more comfortable for many.

If anyone has any stats (I have none, its a non-expert opinion) please post.


Regular Member
Dec 29, 2009
Logan, OH
davidmcbeth said:
With OCing its quicker to get the gun out and fire on target ... if I were to carry, it would be OC, not CC.

Not necessarily. With a light, unbuttoned shirt as a cover garment, there's very little difference in drawing from a hip holster, even an IWB holster.

I don't think that in real situations where discharging the weapon is appropriate that CC offers anything positive over OC but some folks don't want the hassle or bring attention to themselves...

This gets debated constantly. To each their own.

and CCing is more comfortable for many.

Really? Why?

If anyone has any stats (I have none, its a non-expert opinion) please post.

Stats on what? You mentioned a couple different topics.


Regular Member
Apr 26, 2010
Mountain Top
I CC but I in no way look down on OC. I actually am very jealous of OCers. I want to OC but have not seen anyone ever OC so I feel very awkward about it at this time. I am Hoping to maybe get a meet and greet around Fairfield county to make more people around here aware and more comfy with OC. I see many Benefits to OC as a deterrent to BG's. As well as a show of the 2A.

Mike, i've never seen another OC'er in my area besides myself. I've been OC'ing for a year and a half now with NO issues. I believe Alex in E. Htfd does as well as Rich in southern CT along with many others on the CT section of the board. Most people don't even notice, and those that do probably assume i'm a LEO. That's fine with me. All I want to do is go about my daily business while exercising my 2nd Amendment rights as a law abiding citizen. You'll know when your ready to OC, and it is a little wierd at first but that will change rather quickly when most don't even pay much attention to you. Good luck......


Regular Member
Feb 9, 2012
Lansing, MI
I'm the only OCer that I know of in my town as well. I was very self-conscious at first but like so many have already said, most people don't notice or don't care. I asked the manager at my local Family Video if he has any other openly armed customers. He said he thinks he remembers one other guy, but usually just me.
In the past several months my only negative experience was Cracker Barrel. I wasn't even there that day but my wife OCd there with the kids and an assistant manager dug up something from the company web site saying only LEOs and security guards can carry there. We had both OCd there several times with no issues until that day. A person with a little authority, a history of bullying my wife (she works there) and an anti gun attitude ruined a good thing. We enjoyed the food and the employee discount. Now my wife seldom OCs anymore, and never without me.


Regular Member
Jan 5, 2012
Weber County Utah
There are a lot of very nice people on the forum linked below. Unfortunately, they are not well informed about OC.

It seems like they agree on everyone's rights but have only gotten their toes wet with CC.

The question was "...when would open carry be appropriate?" The answer is: wherever it's legal, and whenever you wish. There are some federal restrictions, as well as state and local restrictions on the where. Not all states permit OC, and a few don't permit CC either. But, if you are in a state that allows OC/CC - like Utah - with few home-grown restrictions on where, you're in luck. Common sense may dictate foregoing that right in certain instances (I wouldn't recommend OC'ing into your local bank or psychiatric hospital, and never try to cross the security checkpoint at the airport, federal courthouse, etc. while OC'ing). Other than that, OC in an OC state anytime you want! "Appropriate" is a very subjective concept, as you will probably see in the replies to this post which will accuse me of heresy and being FoS. ;) Pax...


Regular Member
Jun 29, 2008
Ashland, Kentucky, USA
The question was "...when would open carry be appropriate?" The answer is: wherever it's legal, and whenever you wish. There are some federal restrictions, as well as state and local restrictions on the where. Not all states permit OC, and a few don't permit CC either. But, if you are in a state that allows OC/CC - like Utah - with few home-grown restrictions on where, you're in luck. Common sense may dictate foregoing that right in certain instances (I wouldn't recommend OC'ing into your local bank or psychiatric hospital, and never try to cross the security checkpoint at the airport, federal courthouse, etc. while OC'ing). Other than that, OC in an OC state anytime you want! "Appropriate" is a very subjective concept, as you will probably see in the replies to this post which will accuse me of heresy and being FoS. ;) Pax...

Good points! (except for the banks thing that I missed on first read...)

I posted this link in this forum because people on here are good at explaining how the tired old arguments such as OC making you a target are unsubstantiated and I thought some may want to comment over there in the name of education.

I do know that the same invitation for some of them to come over here has been accepted and there are a few new lurkers that are learning about OC and perhaps correcting some of the bad information or perceptions they have had in the past.

This is the best forum for all things OC after all!
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Regular Member
Oct 1, 2011
The question was "...when would open carry be appropriate?" The answer is: wherever it's legal, and whenever you wish. There are some federal restrictions, as well as state and local restrictions on the where. Not all states permit OC, and a few don't permit CC either. But, if you are in a state that allows OC/CC - like Utah - with few home-grown restrictions on where, you're in luck. Common sense may dictate foregoing that right in certain instances (I wouldn't recommend OC'ing into your local bank or psychiatric hospital, and never try to cross the security checkpoint at the airport, federal courthouse, etc. while OC'ing). Other than that, OC in an OC state anytime you want! "Appropriate" is a very subjective concept, as you will probably see in the replies to this post which will accuse me of heresy and being FoS. ;) Pax...

Why would you not recommend OCing in a local bank?


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
I was about to ask the same question. I OC in my banks (Wells Fargo and Chase) on many occasions.

I also own property in AZ and in my visits to the real LOCAL banks (with names you've never heard of), I've never been the only armed customer in the lobby.
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Regular Member
Apr 4, 2011
804, VA
The question was "...when would open carry be appropriate?" The answer is: wherever it's legal, and whenever you wish. There are some federal restrictions, as well as state and local restrictions on the where. Not all states permit OC, and a few don't permit CC either. But, if you are in a state that allows OC/CC - like Utah - with few home-grown restrictions on where, you're in luck. Common sense may dictate foregoing that right in certain instances (I wouldn't recommend OC'ing into your local bank or psychiatric hospital, and never try to cross the security checkpoint at the airport, federal courthouse, etc. while OC'ing). Other than that, OC in an OC state anytime you want! "Appropriate" is a very subjective concept, as you will probably see in the replies to this post which will accuse me of heresy and being FoS. ;) Pax...

I OCed in the local branch of my bank a couple of weeks ago, 2 days later it was robbed.


Regular Member
Jan 5, 2012
Weber County Utah
Why would you not recommend OCing in a local bank?

Here locally, the banks that I'm familiar with have either posted "No Weapons" signs, or signs on the entrances requiring one to "remove caps, hats, hoodies and sunglasses before entry". I just figure if they don't want you wearing head covering and/or sunglasses, they'd really freak if you were wearing a gun! Besides, for me, that's just one of those common sense things. Will Rogers had it right: common sense "...ain't all that common". Pax...