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How many OC with their kids?


Regular Member
Mar 21, 2007
Centreville, Virginia, USA
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PT111 - Go back and re-read the first post, I think you missed what is being discussed. H

aving your kids and your family lessen's the OMG THERES A GUY WITH A GUN! syndrome. It soften's the reaction people have who see you with it, probably the ones that are more anti than not. If your alone, your more likely to get the OMG reaction. With your family your not.

The only negative reaction I've had so far while armed was at the Centreville Library, and then it was with a video camera. No bad experiences so far OC/CCing.


Regular Member
Jul 18, 2007
Spokane, WA, ,
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bohdi wrote:
PT111 - Go back and re-read the first post, I think you missed what is being discussed. H

aving your kids and your family lessen's the OMG THERES A GUY WITH A GUN! syndrome. It soften's the reaction people have who see you with it, probably the ones that are more anti than not. If your alone, your more likely to get the OMG reaction. With your family your not.

The only negative reaction I've had so far while armed was at the Centreville Library, and then it was with a video camera. No bad experiences so far OC/CCing.
bohdi got it right. That was the intent of my OP, check out post #12. Thanks, HR.


Regular Member
Jul 5, 2007
Lehi, Utah, USA
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It is all about how things appear. If your pants are down around your knees and you’re wearing a big sweatshirt with gold chains Mexican carrying a Glock 17 you will get harassed more than if your were wearing slacks and a polo shirt shopping with your family carrying that same Glock 17 in a quality leather holster. The “OMG THERES A GUY WITH A GUN! :what::what::what:” syndrome[/quote] that affects the huddling masses just doesn’t happen that often when you start reducing what people consider a threat. Any educated person knows that guy in a suit could rob you just as easy as the guy in oily coveralls, too bad most sheeple…cough… I mean people… don’t have the brains god gave sheep.


Regular Member
Jul 16, 2007
Eastern PWC, ,
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I carry OC/CC with my daughter and wife all the time. Never leave home without it, and if it happens to be CC, you can bet my 2 year old will stand on the porch and say "daddy wheres you gun?" :lol:


Regular Member
Jul 18, 2007
, Maryland, USA
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bohdi wrote:
PT111 - Go back and re-read the first post, I think you missed what is being discussed. Having your kids and your family lessen's the OMG THERES A GUY WITH A GUN! syndrome. It soften's the reaction people have who see you with it, probably the ones that are more anti than not. If your alone, your more likely to get the OMG reaction. With your family your not.

The only negative reaction I've had so far while armed was at the Centreville Library, and then it was with a video camera. No bad experiences so far OC/CCing.

That may be the case the majority of the time, but definitely not every time: http://opencarry.mywowbb.com/forum54/3647-1.html. I have started OC'ing again (when not in MD) and my son is with me the vast majority of the time.

If we OC to both exercise our rights and educate others, we should at the same time educate our children.

And I have taken my son with me 99% of the times when I have voted in elections. He even gets his own "I VOTED" sticker. I want him to grow up understanding and believing that our rights come with (and are also) responsibilities.


Campaign Veteran
Aug 11, 2007
Maricopa, Arizona, USA
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I open carry all the time with my two little girls (ages 2 and 1). My wife is getting used to everyone one staring at me when we go out. :what:


Regular Member
May 8, 2006
Virginia Beach, Virginia, USA
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I carry almost all the time when i'm not at work. (i can't even have 1 in my truck at work). But i always carry when my wife & kids are with me. Sometimes oc & sometimes cc but always when their with me.

My 9 year old daughter & 5 year old son pretty much ignore it because their so used to seeing it on me. My 3 year old just recently discovered it on me when we were all out for a family dinner. He was sitting on my right. He pointed at it & said "what's that daddy what's that hey dad what's that what's that there ect." He was asking so fast i couldn't get a word in to slow him down. I finally slowed him down enough to quietly tell him that it was daddys gun. I no sooner got the words out when he says "HEY MOMMY DADDIES GOT A GUN" loud enough for most of the resturaunt to hear even over the music that was playing............................................................DF1


Regular Member
Mar 21, 2007
Centreville, Virginia, USA
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You and Mirage are correct, and I don't want to imply that it's going to prevent any sort of negative reaction ever. Most of the time being with my family will, but recent events will show that it's not always giong to be like that, and I'm sure my time will come. However by actively doing it and getting to know the people at the stores I go to most frequently, I think that will help as well, but time is the great equalizer and we shall see in the long run if it's true or not.


Regular Member
Aug 7, 2007
Newport News, VA, ,
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I open carry and conceal much of the time that I walk out of the house to go anywhere. I have a pre-teen daughter that is somewhat used to it but get surprised sometiems when she sees it since it's usually out of sight.

Kevin Jensen

State Researcher
Feb 23, 2007
Santaquin, Utah, USA
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All the time. Dosen't matter if I am alone, with the wife, both of the kids... No difference. I think it is great for my 5 year old daughter. She sees guns all the time, so they are not a novelty to her. I could leave my guns lying aroung (which I don't) and she wouldn't even give them a second look. She even has her own rifle. The boy is only a month old, so obviously he dosen't care. My wife said that when she can fit back into her jeans, she will start OC'ing her Glock 26. Here is a pic of my daughters rifle.



Kevin Jensen

State Researcher
Feb 23, 2007
Santaquin, Utah, USA
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If you click the link, it will show you all of the different colors. I love this little rifle, and so does my daughter. It was only $100, and it very simple to operate.


Regular Member
Jul 23, 2007
Stafford, VA, , Afghanistan
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All the time....that's why I carry. Plus, I want to be an example of a responsible gun owner. They also "help" me clean guns. My 10 y/o already knows the rules for handling guns...4 y/o is familiar with Eddie the Eagle.


Regular Member
Jul 18, 2007
Spokane, WA, ,
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SIGguy229 wrote:
All the time....that's why I carry. Plus, I want to be an example of a responsible gun owner. They also "help" me clean guns. My 10 y/o already knows the rules for handling guns...4 y/o is familiar with Eddie the Eagle.
Eddie the Eagle?


Regular Member
Apr 9, 2007
, , USA
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How many OC with their kids in toe? Good idea, bad idea, experiences? Just wondering if it effects how people recieve the person carrying.

I do but my youngest is 22.

I have OC with my 6 year old granddaughter, does that count?

One time I was in the woods with several of my children and my granddaughter. We came across some bear scat and I showed it to my family. When My granddaughter realized what it was she looked up at me with concern and said, "Grandpa, do you have your gun?" :what:When I reminded her that it was on my right hip, she replied, with a sigh of relief, "Oh good." :celebrate


Regular Member
May 11, 2007
Virginia Beach, VA, , USA
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How many OC with their kids in toe? Good idea, bad idea, experiences? Just wondering if it effects how people recieve the person carrying.

I do so (OC & CC) all the time with and without the wife,the kids andthe wife and kids. So far I have not had any issues either way. Had my first question ever while OCing at a Taco Bell. Employee: Excuse me, can I ask what type of gun that is? Me: Yes you can and it is a Glock 19. 9mm. That was it. So glad I have again started exercising more of those rights I spent so much of my life defending.


Regular Member
Jul 23, 2007
Stafford, VA, , Afghanistan
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The Eddie Eagle GunSafe[suP]®[/suP] Program is a gun accident prevention program for children in pre-kindergarten through third grade. Using instructional materials including workbooks, an animated video, and student reward stickers, the program's safety mascot, Eddie Eagle, teaches children that if they find a gun in an unsupervised situation, they should: STOP! Don't Touch. Leave the Area. Tell an Adult.


Regular Member
May 24, 2006
, Louisiana, USA
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Me and my 2 boys OC together regularly. They are adults now, and have a nice collection of their own started. I have a CCW and carry CC or OC, they only OC.

At any given time, if you messed with my family, 3 out of 4 of us are armed. Good luck with that!:cool: