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How many OC with their kids?


Regular Member
Jul 18, 2007
Spokane, WA, ,
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How many OC with their kids in toe? Good idea, bad idea, experiences? Just wondering if it effects how people recieve the person carrying.


Regular Member
Nov 27, 2006
Mag-bayonettes!, Virginia, USA
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Interesting question, can't answer because I don't have any yet, that I know of... heh.

I know how it affects me seeing the parents. Makes me glad that they're taking personal responsibilty for the well-being of their family. Kind of an awww moment like when you see any mama/papa bear protecting their cub. > )



Regular Member
Sep 2, 2006
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Well..... I OC with my mom... I guess that's the other way around though. Hah.


Regular Member
Dec 31, 2006
, ,
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always, always, always carry w/ my kids - both oc and cc. they, and my wife, are my primary reasons to do so.

i haven't seen a difference in reactions yet based on whether they're with me or not. so far all (save 1 restaurant manager) have been positive.


Founder's Club Member
Jun 13, 2006
Woodbridge, Virginia, USA
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I almost always open carry (and sometimes CC) with my kids around. I actually think that I'm hassled less when my kids are with me. After all, how many bank robbers/mass shooters, etc., bring their 7 and 12-year old daughters with them?

One instance comes to mind where I'm sure that I would have been hassled if my kids hadn't been with me. I was going to Wal-Mart to look for one particular item that I couldn't find anywhere else, and as soon as we came into the store I was shadowed by employees who were nervously looking at my openly-carried Glock. Two times I was approached by managers who asked if they could help me. I told them the item I was looking for, and they seemed a little relieved but still nervous.

On the other hand, the only time I've been hassled was when I was perceived to be alone (I was actually shopping with my wife but I wasn't by her side) and I was asked to leave the store by a manager who said I was making their customers "uncomfortable".


Regular Member
Mar 21, 2007
Centreville, Virginia, USA
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I OC with my family as well, and I also believe it's one of the reasons why I haven't been hassled yet. Though I'm flying solo this week and have gone out and about without them OC'ing more than with them, I still think it helps soften your image in public.

Of course, that didn't help out so much at that harbor festival now did it?


Regular Member
Jul 5, 2007
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
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To OC is not to show your right.... it's not a proverbial F-You for the LEO's.... its a preservation of your life and that of your loved ones.

People are shot to death every day in Las Vegas... I refuse to be a statistic.


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Regular Member
Oct 25, 2006
Pahrump, Nevada, USA
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There may have been some quick trip times in the last couple of years that I forgot to grab my piece on the way out the door alone... but I do not EVER leave the home with an empty hand when the wife/(step) kids come with me.. (kinda hard to when the kids keep 'reminding" me to bring it with us... ) they are more adamant about us adult parents keeping them safe from the monsters of this world sometimes than I think (they think) we are. lol They get a big kick, and a true sense of responsibility from "reminding" us to be armed and ready, JIC. (damn good kids)

And now that the wife is just the paperwork/waittimeaway from her CCW, soon BOTH of us will always be armed in and outside the home.. (she OC's now and then, just not while on the job) **A side note, MY wife never ever gets more than a second look while OC'ing, and she is this young sweet innocent looking thing, while I often get the stink eye from the sheep.. course I am not as young cute and sweet looking as she is. lol..

Except for the times when I was too young (read stupid) or broke to own a handgun, I have always carried openly here in my Home cityof Las VegasNV, since turning 21.

I live near Tropicana and Boulder Highway (for those in Town) and have recentlyseen TWO (non sporting related) neighborhood merchants that I frequent OC'ing in thier places of business... I am VERY glad to see this and tell them they will continue to have my business for just this fact. Maybe this trend will expand and continue... *Fingers Crossed*

Thank God I've never needed it, thank God that if I do, it will be right here in my hand.


Regular Member
Feb 23, 2007
Virginia, USA
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I carry every single time I walk out of the house either with or without the wife and child. Afterall, they are the reason I carry.


Regular Member
Dec 7, 2006
, Indiana, USA
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Almost always carry, the boys (4 and 6) know dad carries to protect our family, the wife thinks I'm nuts. The only one who has ever said anything when I open carry is the 4 yr old. "I see your gun daddy" once.


Regular Member
Jul 18, 2007
Spokane, WA, ,
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I always carry whether, OC or CC, with family or without.Here in WA, the lawstates that you cannot carry in an "alarming" manner. So my thoughts were that if I was in my mini-van with my three young kids (5, 3, & 1) that it could not ever beinterpreted as "alarming".


Regular Member
Dec 7, 2006
, Indiana, USA
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OK, already put in my 2 cents worth but this is the kids thread so I have to put this in. Went to the airport today (CC not OC due to not wanting to scare off my new perspective daughter in law the first time I met her) to pick up my son coming in from Kuwait via Huston. He comes out, and my 6 year old goes over and hugs him jumps at him and is all excited. My 4 yr old didn't know what to say so he runs over and hugs him and says in the middle of the airport LOUDLY "Daddy has a new gun that he got at a gun show!"


Regular Member
Jun 14, 2006
Dumfries, Virginia, USA
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Haven't read all the post yet, but I carry with my kids all the time. Had a woman make a comment about how she hopes the gun wasn't for the kids and I told her that it was.

She said "What a horrible thing to say."

I told her that if someone was lurking around here to looking to hurt children that they would move from mine to hers because they knew that my kids' daddy had a gun.

She said something like OMG, that is right, but that isn't fair. I told her nothing to do with fair. If every parent here had a gun, I can promise you that there would be no pedo's around looking to hurt our kids. Anyway, my kids are more important to me that her kids are to me. So I don't really carebecause it protects my children. She had the same choice I did.

Dutch Uncle

Campaign Veteran
May 11, 2006
Virginia, USA
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I can't even count the number of times I've carried when my kids have been with me (the last time was last night when I took my 18 year old daughter to dinner), but no one has ever said a word to me under those circumstances, so I assume they realize that a man with children isn't any kind of threat. Then again, I've only had two or three people in recent years say anything at all to me when I've OC'd by myself or with friends.

The safety of my loved ones is more important to me than the delicate feelings of liberals, and others with impairments in their reasoning skills.


Regular Member
Jul 31, 2007
, South Carolina, USA
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Not sure I understand the question. Why should having your kids with you make any difference? Evidently, if you are asking that having your kids around makes a difference then you must feel that there is something wrong with OC. Is there a difference between you OC'ing around your kids and you doing it around mine?

If you ask about doing anything around your kids then you should ask why are you doing it in the first place.