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Gunbuster signs down at 2 locations of Langley Federal CU


Regular Member
Oct 5, 2007
Hampton, Va, ,
Unfortunately my dad has an account with LFCU at the Saville Row location off Mercury Blvd in Hampton. I have had to do banking for him on occasion usually at the drive through. I had to go inside a few months ago and along with the itty bitty gunbuster sign on the door there was also a sign inside that warned that you would be prosecuted for trespassing if you brought a firearm inside the CU.

I had to stop by to reorder checks for him last week and the outside doors have new lettering without any wanings aboiut firearms. When I went in the threat of prosecution for trespassing for bringing a firearm in sign was gone. There were no other signs I could see forbidding firearms. I drove by another location which is on the way to work and there are no gunbuster signs on the outside doors there either.

I wonder if they are becoming gun owner friendly after all these years.

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
They possibly ticked off the holder of some large accounts. Or perhaps people with licenses, and other lawful carriers, complained about the antagonistic tone of such signs. After all they wouldn't typically post angry sounding signs such as "If you murder one of our employees the rest of us will press charges!" or "If you try to steal the money from this bank we will insist that you be arrested!"


Lone Star Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
Hampton Roads, Virginia, USA
from VA-ALERT: VCDL Update 7/13/2015 said:
Good news! Langley Federal Credit Union drops dangerous “no guns” policy!

Member Wes Thomas told me that the Langely Federal Credit Union (LFCU) in Poquoson has removed its “No guns” sign. Wes checked with the manager and confirmed the policy had been rescinded!

If anyone has a branch with the signs, I’d like to know about it.

I noticed that the Yorktown Branch also no longer had the sign.

I, my brother, and others have been writing them for years, explaining why we refuse to recommend them to others. Perhaps after all these years of members bad-mouthing them to potential new members, they decided to listen.

Brian D.

Regular Member
Jul 27, 2007
Cincy area, Ohio, USA
I've worn down a few anti-gun businesses with the use of Ohio-centric "No Guns = No Money" cards. Handed some of the cards out to like minded friends who also wanted a particular place to change their policy. Sometimes it took no more than a couple weeks, in other instances the boulder was much harder to get pushed up that hill.