Well guys, I can't really reveal my source, but rest assured it is accurate as of now. It could still change in the future. Yeah, apparently they don't really care what we have to say. They want to keep tabs on us, and by going in and doing the background check and paperwork, they will have access to more information and will know that we conceal carry. This is what the United States is all about these days; tracking and quantifying and keeping tabs on everybody in the country. Freedom? Right. I wish it wasn't true.
I like to consider myself a patriot that stays involved, but everyday, the gov. pushes back and says "No, you are not as free as you think. Sit back down".
I see no change to come anytime soon. Even people I have cast my vote for who claimed they love freedom and the constitution are spitting in my face and doing the same crap every other politician does.
The constitution and the deceleration of independence state that we have certain rights when a government becomes too big and unresponsive.
Perhaps it is time all citizens across the country who are tired of this invoke that right.
Sorry, rant mode.....
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Caution urged - OCDO does not tolerate other than lawful means to change laws.
No hint of violence or insurrection is acceptable here, under any circumstance.