Are you really that paranoid or what?
How on God's Green Earth is my new signature directed at you?
Oh maybe I was wrong...:banana:
Sorry for what I did then:lol:
Are you really that paranoid or what?
How on God's Green Earth is my new signature directed at you?
Oh maybe I was wrong...:banana:
Sorry for what I did then:lol:
You're new avatar reflects your discerning good taste, sir. Excellent choice.
I do not go out intending, or even merely hoping, to see horses faint and women stampede at the mere sight of my holstered sidearm.
Oh maybe I was wrong...:banana:
Sorry for what I did then:lol:
OK, apology accepted.
My "big gun" is this.....
....."compensates for other things"
You'll just have to take my word for that. I ain't sending you no pictures of myself!!!! :lol: that your many lawsuits against those nasty old Rookies are settled, you can buy some nice stuff!
Would you ever admit that some charge the batteries in ye ole camcorder, strap the gun on, and go out looking for the nearest cop to entrap?
Would you ever admit that some charge the batteries in ye ole camcorder, strap the gun on, and go out looking for the nearest cop to entrap?
I took the pleasure of amending your remark above. I hope you have no objections.
Nice???? This is pretty close to what I would call a disposable firearm. If somebody ever broke into my car and stole it the gun, no big loss.
Would you suggest that VCDL's picnic on July 14th is being set up to entrap LEOs?
My "big gun" is this.....
....."compensates for other things"
Now, how do you feel about someone going out and about with a fully-charged video camera and OCing with the purpose of documenting that the local cops understand the rights of the citizens, refuse to allow personal convictions to interfere with the performance of their duty, and interact with the public in a socially appropriate manner?
stay safe.
If you research my past replies in this forum, I have told you guys and girls more than once that cops are pretty good at portraying whatever it is they think you want to see and hear. But deep down inside the majority of cops do not like citizens with guns, and the majority of cops think only cops and military should have unlimited access to firearms. With each passing decade, and each new generation of rookie coming down the pike, I see the mentality getting worse.
We had a "man with a gun" call in my city not long ago. Half a dozen cops tracked him down and detained him for at least 30 minutes. A sergeant who knows gun laws came along and the "suspect" was cut loose. Prior to the sergeant arriving, and the reason the sergeant actually responded, one of the rookies had asked dispatch to research his CHP and find out specifically what weapon he was authorized to carry. Can you believe that??? The entire gang of rookies wanted to find an excuse to arrest this guy and confiscate his GUNS. The nerve of him walking down the street in their city with an exposed firearm!!!
Sorry about the image quality of this event I describe. I had to capture a still from the video.....
..... boneheads or bullies have no business being given badges, guns and authority too easily abused.
"Riots" is just a figure of speech.
I also think you're reading more into what I wrote than I meant. If you pull up to Seven Eleven to run in and pick up a Big Gulp, it's a major problem if some cop confronts you, disarms you, and places false charges while confiscating your weapon. It's still a major problem if this takes place during a 2 mile walk. The difference is having a video recorder with you on the 2 mile walk and hoping to attract the attention of a cop who will make a mistake. It's no better than what a lot of cops do themselves nowadays.... a/k/a entrapment.
I still think responsible gun owners have rights that are trampled upon every day of the week. I haven't jumped ship yet. But I am not much into setting cops up to make a mistake any longer.
Would you ever admit that some charge the batteries in ye ole camcorder, strap the gun on, and go out looking for the nearest cop to entrap?
How many Virginia open carry events (meals, picnics, Govt meeting, etc) have you attended?