Regular Member
At least I own what I am.
ha! i dont know why you even reply
At least I own what I am.
ha! i dont know why you even reply
Hey, you have your very own thread. Far be it for me to oppose.
It seems that i owe you an apology. The misspelling I was referring to was not in your post but rather another's.
BTW your positioning what you assume is my name in place of another word us juvenile at best. It could be construed as a personal attack----a rules violation but only if it was intentionally done!
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looks like they wont enforce the forum rules that were ALREADY in place yet they will make forum rules to protect their buddies.
looks like they wont enforce the forum rules that were ALREADY in place yet they will make forum rules to protect their buddies.
Are you 12?
ha! son ive done more holster draws on a work up going to Afghanistan then you would in a year.
No no, he's a mature adult:
Then again... Counterstrike?
WOW, seriously , this is your response?
Copying marshaul now?!
Are you 12?
Well, my avatar is a blank space under my username. But, since I wasn't the first to use that on this form, I guess I am in violation of the forum rules.
I personally object to any avatars. They're vain. I find them offensive. We need a new rule. No Avatars!
Anybody who can't just read the name beside the post is too illiterate to be typing here anyway. What did people do before avatars were invented? Just heave in replies without knowing to whom they were replying?
Can anybody make me an avatar that says "No more rules!"
I change my avatar all the time ... am I now supposed to look through EVERY member's avatar to insure that I don't break a "rule".
Like laws passed, this issue is better suited not to be a rule but to allow people of the community and its members to handle these issues outside of a need for a rule.
I like Rodney's viewpoint .... next time "no rules!"
Up dating avitars is NOT a problem.
It is a very special transgression.
The new rule is not realy pointed at anyone new to the forum that chooses an avitar.