Brass Magnet
Founder's Club Member
In another thread I had said I was going to ask my representative to request an AG opinion on OC in a vehicle without a permit under Wisconsin's new carry law. I received notice today that it was requested on June 30th and that it usually takes a while to get an answer.
I hesitate to post the actual .pdf request but here is the text from the body:
I hesitate to post the actual .pdf request but here is the text from the body:
June 30, 2011
J.B. Van Hollen
Attorney General
114 East, State Capitol
Madison, WI 53707-7857
RE: Open Carry of Weapons in a Vehicle
Dear Attorney General Van Hollen:
I'm writing to request your opinion on how persons openly carrying a weapon in a vehicle, who do not possess a license to carry a concealed weapon, shall be treated under the law when considering State v. Walls <snip> , and enrolled 2011 Senate Bill 93.
If a handgun on the seat of a car that is indiscernible from ordinary observation by a person outside and within the immediate vicinity of a vehicle is considered hidden from view, or concealed, under Wis. Stats. 941.23, then how shall a person who openly holsters a weapon on their hip, for example, be treated under the law while seated in a vehicle?
Thank you in advance for your attention to this request.
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