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A PERFECT example of why to carry tonight.

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Fuller Malarkey

Regular Member
Sep 12, 2010
The Cadre
Tried the "police report" nonesense immediately after the attempted home-invasion out here-not only to myself, but to the homes of some of my neighbors, by the same folks, also neighbors themselves. It took police 1 hr, 45 minutes to find their way out here, even with a "shots fired" call to 911 by myself, and 4 other neighbors...
Then, when they finally did respond, they jotted down some notes, and drove off. Not to return again until late in the evening of the next day to "follow up and investigate".
During which time, the folks who we all knew had attempted this feat, loaded all the firearms they had into the trunk of their car, and drove off to stash them elsewhere- all while waving at us as they drove by.
When police did arrive, their "investigation" consisted of them going over and asking the suspects "did you do this" to which they, of course, answered "no". The cops said "ok" and left.
Real ******* effective, eh?

My criticism of the Sheriff's Office, after this was loud, and well-known, locally. It was on all the local news channels,about the incident,and including the footage of the cops coming for all of 10 minutes for their investigation, and then leaving with no result. In an effort to quiet my criticising, they invited me to join their Sheriff's Advisory Council, which I did.
I attended the 1st few meetings, then bailed, because I discovered it had next to nothing to do with policing, and improving "communications between the public, and victims, and the police" and a lot more to do with having dinner parties, and luncheons and the like. It was a social club, more than anything, and designed to keep the members distracted from actually solving or improving anything, than anything else.

So, the only time Im inclined to call the police for anything is if I think they can actually be of any use, and if I have had to discharge my pistol-im not even inclined to bother doing so then, should that time arrive.

Even with this post J4L [acronym = "Just 4 Laughs"], you provide some questionable inconsistency:

Im on the Advisory Council for the Sheriff's office, so they'll get the intel tommorow..


Encounter date is given as 04-02-12, as per the first post in the thread "Working in my front yard yesterday-" from post dated 04-02-12, narrowing encounter date down to 04-03-12.

"Im on the Advisory Council for the Sheriff's office, so they'll get the intel tommorow.. " post dated 04-04-12

While not conclusive of anything, I find it suspicious in that there is no mention in that thread regarding any unpleasantries concerning the Sheriff's dept., or that you had been appointed, following all this, to the Sheriff's advisory council. No mention of it. Based on the thread, and the progression of the incident, it would seem that J4L was a part of the Sheriff's Advisory Council AT THE TIME OF THE INCIDENT. Yet, in the quoted post above, it's spelled out that this assignment occurred afterwords.....just doesn't have that ring of truth I like to hear.



Regular Member
Jan 6, 2011
Even with this post J4L [acronym = "Just 4 Laughs"], you provide some questionable inconsistency:

Im on the Advisory Council for the Sheriff's office, so they'll get the intel tommorow..


Encounter date is given as 04-02-12, as per the first post in the thread "Working in my front yard yesterday-" from post dated 04-02-12, narrowing encounter date down to 04-03-12.

"Im on the Advisory Council for the Sheriff's office, so they'll get the intel tommorow.. " post dated 04-04-12

While not conclusive of anything, I find it suspicious in that there is no mention in that thread regarding any unpleasantries concerning the Sheriff's dept., or that you had been appointed, following all this, to the Sheriff's advisory council. No mention of it. Based on the thread, and the progression of the incident, it would seem that J4L was a part of the Sheriff's Advisory Council AT THE TIME OF THE INCIDENT. Yet, in the quoted post above, it's spelled out that this assignment occurred afterwords.....just doesn't have that ring of truth I like to hear.


Not that I'm inclined to explain myself to yet another child here, but I'll give you this much-
The VP of the council is my next-door neighbor.He updates me, and I still get all the committee emails, and any info i need to pass, I just tell him. Just because Im not participating in the meetings, etc, or active with them, does not mean im not still a registered member, get the briefings -from him- and pass info to those few whom I do think can/will make use of it.
My decision to not participate in their luncheons and dinner parties is merely my form of protest @ their inactivity on some things.
Try not to READ INTO anything, without being able to grasp things beyond every detail that isnt explained to you.
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Regular Member
Jul 31, 2011
North Carolina
There were tools to achieve the same results before the internet became popular:


Darnit, don't do that, I think my ribs are cracked, the Mrs had equal hard time reading it. I will probably not get any sleep tonight due to uncontrolled laughter.


Campaign Veteran
Jul 31, 2011
...It took police 1 hr, 45 minutes to find their way out here, even with a "shots fired" call to 911 by myself, and 4 other neighbors...
Then, when they finally did respond, they jotted down some notes, and drove off...

You're missing the point. The police have no duty to protect you. That's your job. Their job is to file the report. Even if you don't call them, you can stop by their office and make a report. You SHOULD. These reports are actually valuable in showing a propensity of bad behavior on the part of the a-holes when the next guy who actually pulls the trigger is on the defensive afterward. Help him out.


Regular Member
Jan 6, 2011
You're missing the point. The police have no duty to protect you. That's your job. Their job is to file the report. Even if you don't call them, you can stop by their office and make a report. You SHOULD. These reports are actually valuable in showing a propensity of bad behavior on the part of the a-holes when the next guy who actually pulls the trigger is on the defensive afterward. Help him out.

As I understand it, the clerk of the store may have reported it afterwards-dont know for my self yet, as I have not spoken to them today. They also indicated that video from the security cams at the place was turned over to the police, as well. So, they can write whatever they want on that.
I've not been asked for any statement as yet, but if asked, I will provide one.
Relevant info that needs passing on, I can give to my neighbor, mentioned above.
Not that it is going to solve, prevent or otherwise be of much help, I dont think.


Legendary Warrior
May 21, 2006
Thank you gentleman for your thoughtful and responsible posting on this very public forum - wish I could say that and mean it.

Locked it.
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