Regular Member
I imagine it went down something like this.

Schlitz can believe whatever he chooses. Frankly,I find him to be a child, and 90% of his posts confirm that, completely. So, yes, absolutely , I will treat him as such-and one has nothing to do with the credibility of any post by anyone who does so.
His lack of maturity shows even more when suggesting one in my situation just automatically shoot the guy, rather than try to find another way of dealing with it, such as warn the person off, and give them a chance to reverse-course, first.
Anyway, Im hardly going to defend my statement to a 12 yr. old kid. And , KID, "kid" isnt name-calling. It's simply the most-accurate term by which to address you.
If he cant handle THAT at this point, he's really going to hate life when he gets into High School.
While I believe this 'Schlitz' fellow is being pretty immature, I have to agree this doesn't sound credible. But if it is true it sounds like it could have gone bad real fast with all of that hesitation. Speaking from experience, you never know when someone high can just snap. Also, you sound like a big fan of the .45. Personally, I prefer 10mm for self defense. :dude:
^ I don't buy it. He implied that shooting his assailant at arms length away is the equivalent to "SPRAYING LEAD." I feel that I've been trolled for even responding, and for that, the rates just went up 10%.>Story sounds rediculous to start
>verbally threatened "i'm going to kill you" DOESN'T SHOOT
>physically attacked by man who isn't phased by a gun, DOESN'T SHOOT
>Draws gun, DOESN'T SHOOT
>Strange person hops in car after being physically attacked, DOESN'T SHOOT
>incident ends, DOESN'T CALL THE POLICE
Isn't there such a thing as giving the benefit of the doubt? Granted that there have been, and probably still are, posters on this forum whose veracity I would be inclined to doubt, I would still give them the benefit of the doubt on a story like this one.
Why? Because every single time I go out of my house, and I live in a fairly good part of town, I see the druggies and the drunks. They're not too hard to spot, either. Not to mention the mentally unbalanced who may or may not be on their meds. I have been caught in a situation, not like this one but still scary, where my situational awareness and reaction time sucked. It can happen to anyone.
From what I read, OP admitted his mistakes and, hopefully, learned from them and won't get caught out again. I will admit that I learned a few things from reading his account.
You lead a dangerous life, obviously riddled with danger:
Just a week ago:
Surviving an attack by a half starved Somali:
Survived two gun shot wounds:
Survived a home invasion:
Exposed to negligent discharges:
Warded off an invasion of Kirby vacuum cleaner salesmen:
"I'm on the Advisory Council for the Sheriff's office"
Yet you don't get a license plate number of your attacker, nor notify law enforcement of drawing a weapon in defense of yourself in a public venue.
Here I'm throwing the BS flag:
"Im home all the time during the weekdays, because I work from home."
"Stepped outside my office building a moment ago to have a smoke."
Dude. Consistency. Get some.
You lead a dangerous life, obviously riddled with danger:
Just a week ago:
Surviving an attack by a half starved Somali:
Survived two gun shot wounds:
Survived a home invasion:
Exposed to negligent discharges:
Warded off an invasion of Kirby vacuum cleaner salesmen:
"I'm on the Advisory Council for the Sheriff's office"
Yet you don't get a license plate number of your attacker, nor notify law enforcement of drawing a weapon in defense of yourself in a public venue.
Here I'm throwing the BS flag:
"Im home all the time during the weekdays, because I work from home."
"Stepped outside my office building a moment ago to have a smoke."
Dude. Consistency. Get some.
Could I interest you in a bridge?
No. I was trying to be nice and give OP the benefit of the doubt. However, with the revelation of other things he has posted, my ability to give him that benefit has been stretched to the breaking point.
[video=youtube;CfBuvRk1thQ][/video]Nothing is "over" nor is anything stretched, in the least.
Sorry to add to that piling on grapeshot. I respect your opinion, but this is just too frequent and written in a manner that sounds like crazy uncle jimmie after he has a few drinks in him.Such excessive "piling-on" responses as are evidenced here are unnecessary and reflect ill on the forum.
...I am satisfied with his explanations...
We have all been subjected to or seen trollish behavior and provocateurs here with "unusual" stories - most often just out of the gate after registering - first or early posts. This is not the case here - he is not a Johny-come-lately.
I am amongst the first to question such stories as stretch the imagination and do dig a lot deeper than most will or can. In this particular circumstance, I found nothing to suggest that the story(s) was not as reported. My conclusion was that this user/poster has had some things happen at a higher than normal frequency - no other result would be factual. I am satisfied with his explanations.
Such excessive "piling-on" responses as are evidenced here are unnecessary and reflect ill on the forum.
For one, Im not some little kid, like the "critic" there. Ive been around, had some situations, and that's what it is. Between 14 yrs Army (Central and South American activities in the late 80's, Africa/Middle East in the 90's until I ended my service) and combined post-army work with other outfits, Ive had to actually go some places and get into some situations, unlike a bunch of kids on here who can only read about such things online.
Im not a stranger to combat or to the use of firearms. Last night's situation was different from past situations, all there is to it.
Nothing is "over" nor is anything stretched, in the least. I have, in fact, led a rather dangerous life, and count myself fortunate, for sure.
I do, in fact, work from home most of the week, but have to actually go into the office for 2 days a week to conduct activities not avail from home/internet. So yes, Most of the time Im at home, and some times Im at the office- the problem with that would be...what? exactly?
I have , in face been shot twice, got both the slugs, the scars, and even a few miniscule fragments still in me to verify it.The problem with this would be...what, exactly?
There is nothing the least inconsistent with any of what I have posted.
Until he builds up a file of POLICE REPORTS, I'm not. I don't even question the story. But we the people deserve police reports. These are what police are for.
Are you now, or in anytime in the past, known on internet forums by the unique user name "gecko45"?
If this is the case, I humbly apologize and BTW, Chuck Norris sends his best, and wants you to call sometime.
MORE children, really? Schiltz, did you have to call for backup from the entire Middle School? Really? It failed you.
Back to the coloring books for both of you.
Every time j4l posts I do the following before reading:
I call up a few lurkers and members I know here
We each take bets on the amount of times we expect to see the words:
Look, I don't usually do this, I really don't, but I'm willing to give you a whopping 8/10 since I'm still here. I find it interesting that now Fuller Malarkey is being called a child, I thought he did some really good research in pulling up all your other BBQ stories. "so there I was toe to toe with a .45 with my hand on my .45 thinking I might just have to draw my .45, so i drew my .45 but i never fired my .45. (that day i was carrying my .45) instead i pistol whipped the pit bull (1,000,000,000 pounds of raw nasty thick hard muscle) and the pit bull knew it had been hit with a .45, he ran forty five yards away before he fell with a crushing boom to the ground. I felt the earth shake for forty five seconds straight. I still can't sleep at night when I think about it and I constantly wake up at 45 a clock in the morning. I am thankful to have had my .45 on me that day (it was the 45th of august 4545"