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As one might imagine I get a lot of people who have just moved to the DC area in my cab; and a lot of them are from states like Illinois, New Jersey. etc. And when and if the talk turns to firearms, they are blown away by the fact that you can just walk down any street you please here with an exposed, loaded firearm on your hip.
It just kills me that so many of them think I am making this up. Some of them even start shaking and saying they would have never moved here if they knew this. What?? You left freaking Chicago to come here and now you're scared because somebody might have a weapon?? But these are a minority.
Most of these folks want to know the criteria in Virginia (and are surprised when I tell them, Brady Check, cash, and carry) Lots of them say they are glad to be able to defend themselves.
Seems to me there are a whole lot of folks out there who want their rights and are relieved to be located in a state where those rights are respected. So many so that I wonder how the likes of Bloomberg and Daley (and Fenty, but DC is a whole nother manure pile) ever got elected.
What is telling is that when they get all enthusiastic and say they will feel much safer in "DC"; I tell them that this is NOT D.C. IT IS VIRGINIA. ANd I wish I had five bucks for every time one of them has said "BUT D.C. IS WHERE I WOULD NEED IT!!"
I do what I can. I direct them to firearms dealers and ranges and to the NRA. ANd try to warn about all the little technicalities such as the GW Parkway and the dicey status of airport roadways, etc. I always try to give them a source for further info, and most of the time that includes this forum. But no matter what, I always make a big deal out of the fact that it is safer here on this side of the Moat where an honest citizen can legally bear arms, than across the river where only cops and crooks (and crooked cops) are allowed to carry. For a lot of them, it is a real eye-opener.
As one might imagine I get a lot of people who have just moved to the DC area in my cab; and a lot of them are from states like Illinois, New Jersey. etc. And when and if the talk turns to firearms, they are blown away by the fact that you can just walk down any street you please here with an exposed, loaded firearm on your hip.
It just kills me that so many of them think I am making this up. Some of them even start shaking and saying they would have never moved here if they knew this. What?? You left freaking Chicago to come here and now you're scared because somebody might have a weapon?? But these are a minority.
Most of these folks want to know the criteria in Virginia (and are surprised when I tell them, Brady Check, cash, and carry) Lots of them say they are glad to be able to defend themselves.
Seems to me there are a whole lot of folks out there who want their rights and are relieved to be located in a state where those rights are respected. So many so that I wonder how the likes of Bloomberg and Daley (and Fenty, but DC is a whole nother manure pile) ever got elected.
What is telling is that when they get all enthusiastic and say they will feel much safer in "DC"; I tell them that this is NOT D.C. IT IS VIRGINIA. ANd I wish I had five bucks for every time one of them has said "BUT D.C. IS WHERE I WOULD NEED IT!!"
I do what I can. I direct them to firearms dealers and ranges and to the NRA. ANd try to warn about all the little technicalities such as the GW Parkway and the dicey status of airport roadways, etc. I always try to give them a source for further info, and most of the time that includes this forum. But no matter what, I always make a big deal out of the fact that it is safer here on this side of the Moat where an honest citizen can legally bear arms, than across the river where only cops and crooks (and crooked cops) are allowed to carry. For a lot of them, it is a real eye-opener.