One of the advantages I can see for open carry for women is that their body shape often makes it more difficult to conceal. Whereas we men often have wide shoulders that drape our shirt over the gun, women usually have wider hips which tend to push the gun out away from their body. An additional complication is women's torsos are usually shorter than men's, meaning you may have the butt of your weapon basiclly in your armpit.
I would agree with your choice not to carry in your purse--although it might require some changes in your wardrobe to conceal effectively, depending on how form-fitting your clothes are now, carrying on your body is much more secure than in a purse or briefcase. Then again, an advantage of OC is you do not need to change your wardrobe.
Some holster makers do make concealed holsters specifically for women though.
Del Fatti Leather has one.
Mitch Rosen has an OWB for women (look for the NSP under on-the-belt holsters) that looks like it would work for OC as well as CC. I know I have seen other holsters for women, but those are the only ones I can find in my bookmarks of holster makers right now.
This page has lots of good information for women who carry, although it does not specifically address OC--it is written by a woman who is a moderator on THR.
And don't worry about the magazines with your Glock--all the Golck magazines have loosened up a lot after some use. I agree with loading tham fully and letting them sit for a while. You also may need to use the magazine loader that came with the gun the first few times you load the magazines as well--it is slower, but it makes it so much easier to get the last round into the mag.
If the magazines are not the only reason you don't like the G23, don't hesitate to trade it in for a gun that you like. Many people, both men and women, do not like the sharp recoil of the .40 S&W round. And the Glock does not feel right to everyone.
[rant]I do not understand why so many men go out and choose a gun for the woman in their life without consulting her. Choosing a gun is such a personal decision, and most men would not trust anyone else to do it for them, so why do they choose one for their wife/girlfriend/mother/etc. without consulting her? If she chooses it, even if it is not a brand/model/caliber you like, she is more likely to carry it, and any gun is better than no gun.[/rant]