Regular Member
From Nik Clark. (5).docToday Wisconsin Carry, Inc. filed a lawsuit against the Wisconsin Department of Justice. A copy of that lawsuit is attached to this posting.
On June 1st, the Wisconsin Dept. of Justice without notice issued a host of new "permanent" rules with regard to the issuance of concealed carry licenses and training requirements.
Wisconsin Carry believes that some of those requirements fall outside of the bounds that Act 35 defined.
If you already have your concealed carry license, why should you care?
Everyone will need to renew their license in a few years. The new rules leave a LOT of subjectivity in their interpretation.
Looking at the larger context of government machinations we see increasing use of "executive powers" and "rulemaking" by departments of government to make laws do things they were not intended to do and restrict things they were not intended to restrict. From the IRS to the NSA we see that agencies of the government are taking significant authority to push the limits of statute (or outright ignore them) and "fill in the blanks" and make rules that substantially affect the implementation of duly passed legislation.
Wisconsin currently has a relatively pro-gun legislator and governor (and trust me, its NOT as pro gun as it claims to be)
In a few years, as the electoral composition changes, there are significant opportunities for the executive branch of state government to do what we see being done at the federal level whereby government agencies are affected by the political positions of the executive branch. This poses a risk to your freedom.
We (collectively) fought hard for the most expansive right-to-carry legislation we could here in Wisconsin. While we continue to fight for constitutional carry we SHOULD NOT stand by and watch the legislation already passed be chipped away at by bureaucrats.
Scenario: Scott Walker runs for president and wins. Election to fill governor's seat. Anti-gun politician wins governors seat. He goes to the DOJ to 'pressure' them to clamp down on "all these permits being issued" so they go looking at the "rules" to see where they can "re-interpret" the rules and they see this: (this text is now required on certificates for training)
---This course includes, at a minimum, instruction on and practices the student’s comprehension of: 1) Firearm safety rules; 2) Safe firearm and ammunition use, handling, transport, and storage; 3) Legally permissible possession, transportation, and use of firearms, including use of deadly force; and 4) Techniques for avoiding and controlling violent confrontations.---
So the DOJ decides its time to audit all the classes of instructors across the state to see if they are "practicing the students comprehension" of those topics and they decide that the ONLY way to "practice" the comprehension of those topics is a TEST. So every class then has to have a test and if someone doesn't score a certain ranking on the test, they fail the class?
This is just ONE example of how the DOJ could, in the future, use the text of these new permanent rules, to tangibly affect your kids, your friends, your families ability to get a CCL.
Its imperative we push back against the over-reach now.
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