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Why Carry?


Regular Member
Mar 23, 2007
, ,
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It's not a little ironic - mestizochicks saying "go back to Europe." Which part of yourself do you revile most, honey?



Regular Member
Jul 5, 2007
, Washington, USA
imported post

openryan wrote:
USN_MA1 wrote:
Just showed that to my taco bender...I mean wife. LOVE IT!

Does she like being called your little taco bender?
That is probably the nicest of the bunch...;) One of the reasons I love her...her sense of humor(i.e. tolerance of mine!)


Campaign Veteran
Jan 13, 2007
El Paso, TX (formerly Colorado Springs, CO)
imported post

Mexico has had plenty of revolutions and for a lot less cause than they have today...I don't know why they don't have another one either. The trouble in Chiapas a few years ago with the Indians was the last "disturbance" I recall but I forget what it was about. As for a full-scale country-wide revolution...none for a very long time now, since 1912 or something.

They should revolt though...if for no other reason than to redistribute all that oil money the rich have been/still are stealing. But that's business as usual down there and I guess thepoor (i.e., most people in Mexico) just accept it.

-- John D.


State Researcher
Apr 18, 2007
, Indiana, USA
imported post

cloudcroft wrote:
Mexico has had plenty of revolutions and for a lot less cause than they have today...I don't know why they don't have another one either. The trouble in Chiapas a few years ago with the Indians was the last "disturbance" I recall but I forget what it was about. As for a full-scale country-wide revolution...none for a very long time now, since 1912 or something.

They should revolt though...if for no other reason than to redistribute all that oil money the rich have been/still are stealing. But that's business as usual down there and I guess thepoor (i.e., most people in Mexico) just accept it.

-- John D.
Why revolt, when you can take a nighttime walk into a country that has already done the hardpart for you!?


State Researcher
Apr 18, 2007
, Indiana, USA
imported post

cloudcroft wrote:
Good point.

But if they had a revolution and fixed their own country/economy, they wouldn't need to come here.

That's one reason I hopeto leave Mexico soon and move back to America.

-- John D.
HA! I first thought you lived in Mexico, then looked at your location, too me a minute to get that one! :D