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Why carry a gun to the Grocery store


Regular Member
Feb 23, 2009
Richmond, Virginia, USA

Investigators say they received reports of a robbery in the parking lot of the Kroger at the corner of Hull St. Rd.and Hicks Rd. at 9:48 a.m. Saturday. They say a male suspect approached the victim, who was walking toward the entrance of the Kroger, from behind, grabbed the money and ran.

I normally shop here for food and buy my gas. The store is not in view from the street and the BG took off thru the woods.

My wife is starting to understand why I carry my gun now!


Regular Member
Jul 7, 2011
The report said it was a bank deposit bag.

Many of the Kroger stores in my area have banks inside.

This incident shows us that, perhaps, it would be better to "conceal" the bank deposit bag in some manner until once inside the store / bank.

Thanks for sharing this with us.