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Whatcom County OC


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
Open Carry Luncheon Saturday, January 26 in Bellingham.

Gather once again, Patriots of Whatcom County! We will meet Saturday, January 26 at 11:00am at the Bellingham Ferry Terminal, 355 Harris Ave, Bellingham, WA 98225. I will bring some chicken, you make sure you bring your rights. I look forward to celebrating a new year with my Constitution loving brothers and sisters.
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Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
Whatcom Open Carry Luncheon Saturday, March 30, 2019, 12:00pm

Gather once again, defenders of liberty, to share another meal with like minded patriots. We are gathering at an absolutely fantastic restaurant in Blaine called "Tony's Just a Bite". This eatery is owned by a like minded patriot who just happens to cook my favorite brunch in Whatcom County. Bring your appetite and your love of freedom, but leave your credit cards at home; Tony takes cash only. There is an ATM on site.

We will arrive by noon. If you are going by I-5, be careful; it is the last exit before the border. You do NOT want to miss that exit!

Tony's Just a Bite
679 Peace Portal Dr
Blaine, WA 98230


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
Whatcom County Open Carry Luncheon July 13, 2019 12:00pm (Noon)

Attention, Patriots of Western Washington! We once again gather to share a meal and friendship at one of our favorite places, Tony's Just a Bite, in Blaine, Washington. It is a time to celebrate our sacred Second Amendment rights, and strategize for our community outreach. We will be meeting Saturday, July 13 at 12:00pm for lunch. Remember, Tony's is a cash only business, so bring some folding money. Also, bring your appetite, because the food is great!
Tony's Just a Bite
679 Peace Portal Dr,
Blaine, WA 98230
*CAUTION! GPS and internet directions generally recommend I-5, taking the last exit before the border. BE CAREFUL!


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
Bellingham Gay Pride 2A Educational Outreach Booth July 14, 2019

Time to celebrate our LGBT brothers and sisters and let them know that they deserve the right to self defense, too! As usual, we will have a booth setup to perform some education and outreach. The parade is at noon, but we will be there to setup at 9:30am. Anyone with an interest in helping further our 2nd Amendment efforts is welcome to come and help us setup, and/or help man the booth. Even an hour or two is helpful. The folks are nice, the food is great, and our message is really starting to find a receptive audience. We will be coordinating with the Bellingham chapter of the Pink Pistols. The festival may last as long as 6:00pm, but any time you can spend is welcome.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
Whatcom County Open Carry Luncheon February 8, 2020 12:00pm (Noon)

We once again gather to break bread with like minded, pro rights patriots. We will meet at Bellewood Acres, 6140 Guide Meridian, WA-539, Lynden, WA 98264. We will meet at 12:00 pm (noon) in the cafe for lunch. This is a great, family friendly venue, so children are welcome to attend.


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
"March For Our Rights" Pro Gun Rally in Olympia June 27, 2020 (12:00-4:00)

Wuhan Flu and anti-freedom gun grabbers won't stop us! We gather once again to show our solidarity, and lead the fight against those who would reduce our liberties and endanger our communities. They told us that only the police should have guns, and we would be protected; now we see their real intent. Let us come together, one and all, and fellowship in Liberty. We are meeting at the State Capital:

1500 jefferson St. SE
Olympia, WA 98504

Bring a friend!

We will be arranging a carpool from Bellingham. Anyone local who is interested, feel free to PM me.

color of law

Accomplished Advocate
Oct 7, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio, USA
"March For Our Rights" Pro Gun Rally in Olympia June 27, 2020 (12:00-4:00)

Wuhan Flu and anti-freedom gun grabbers won't stop us! We gather once again to show our solidarity, and lead the fight against those who would reduce our liberties and endanger our communities. They told us that only the police should have guns, and we would be protected; now we see their real intent. Let us come together, one and all, and fellowship in Liberty. We are meeting at the State Capital:

1500 jefferson St. SE
Olympia, WA 98504

Bring a friend!

We will be arranging a carpool from Bellingham. Anyone local who is interested, feel free to PM me.
Midnight to 4: am in the morning seems to be an odd time to have a rally.

MSG Laigaie

Campaign Veteran
Jan 10, 2011
Philipsburg, Montana
You guys are going to have a tough row to hoe for the next couple of years. Your politicians seem to be moving AWAY from Liberty. Sad days to come. Persevere, adapt, overcome!!


Regular Member
Mar 3, 2010
Bellingham, WA, USA
All right, Whatcom County. In the face of a new mask mandate, some of us have decided to keep practicing our Second Amendment right AND our First Amendment right guaranteeing freedom of assembly. We are thinking about gathering at a local park and having a low key cookout. Planning on early September. Anyone up for it?