Haggens Barkley, Starbucks Barkley, Lowes, Western Forest Products.
At Job site homeowners (wife and kids) developer with his son. Around 11 or 12 I think, he told me he wants to get a gun but wants his son to know more about them could I show him mine and the basics. So ejected magazine unloaded and had an impromptu show and tell and lecture on gun safety for the children (the adults were very attentive too) and let the son hold the pistol while reiterating what to do and the safety rules.
Father asked how he should go about getting one, but stated he wants his son to learn about them before he has one in the house. I offered to take them shooting and to help him go to the store and choose a weapon.
Homeowners are from India the Developer is from India but is a citizen his son is an American thru and thru, my help is from Ukraine, the electrician is Russian and we all ended up in a very positive conversation but our natural rights and how every household should have at least one firearm. (Not my words I mostly listened and corrected a few minor gun myths)