With these types of bills, it's sometimes difficult to get to the precise reason(s); there are the public ones like what Dempsey posted, but it's very feasible/likely there was another more subtle, not broadcast to the public, reason. In all likelihood, we may never know the 'reason(s)' other than what the politician wants the public to know. But in many instances, if you follow the money, you can get a very good idea.
My opinion, he was threatened to loose $$ from the NRA and so he made the issue of the 1st Amendment the scapegoat, which allowed him to vote no, but still retain his support from the NRA. Again, follow the money trail, and there could be several of them.....and you'll see a bigger picture.
Here and other places there is second guessing, questioning motives and a lot of negative comments. I like you am more than NOT HAPPY. I got over it and joined with people making positive suggestions for the rewite of the 2nd amendment preservation act. Theoretically chnages are made and there will be a fast track of this new bill in January whenthe session starts. (If we believe the powers that are).
There is no doubt the NRA is not our friend when it comes to open carry rights. Two years ago they killed our better OC bill on the floor of the house. The presnt OC bill in what was HB436 was a very serious compromise on our OC rights. I wrote it (with the help of others, some here on this forum, soem not), made it farily restrictive to get something as opposed to nothing. I spoke with the state NRA rep and he agreed not to kill it as he did two years ago. If I submitted preemption again, we'd have gotten killed before the ink was dry. So I went with what you see in HB 436. when the bill as submitted by paul Curtman it never got a hearing in the House General laws. It would have sat and died. I was nauseated when it was adopted as an amendment to HB436, but if not there it would have gone no where. Certainly as an amendment to SB75 it would be law now, but that didn't happen.
I'm looking to January and hopefully those idiots (Who of course support 2A rights...????) will get their act together and do as they have said and fast track the bill through the House and Senate. We'll see.
There is no advantage in beating a dead horse, it serves no purpose except as a feel good thing and does more harm than good. There are some good people, in and mostly out of the legislature working on wording to get the dang thing to pass. That is the best approach, getting it done. Because there was no significant opposition to the OC bill as it appears in the 2nd amendment preservation act there wil lbe no changes in the wording. I would like to dump all the restrictoions there are in it, but as I've been told it was veted and passed the house and senate the first time. If changes of any kind are made it just raises the odds of more opposition and risk of failure. we can't risk failure even with the parts I wrote and don't care for much myself.
If you get anyhting, especially as high profile as OC in Jefferson City you've done well. I'll take it if we can get it.
Preemption, Constitutional carry.... Great, but we are not going to get that in 2014. That is the reality. There are "plans" for the bills beyond 2014 by more tah just myself. It is unfortunate we have to wait that far out, but that's the way it is. It is easy to introduce bills, it is totally some thing else to move them along.
There are "things" that I won't post here, and that folks like LMTD know about and will post at the appropriate time maybe this year or next that wil have a significant impact on OC legislation in the future. Soem things just have to wait to be posted here.
Stay tuned my friends. All that can be done is being done to regain our OC rights in Missouri. Politics sucks, but that's just the way it is. Just hope beyond 2014 when the whole House and 1/2 of the Senate in Misouri is up for elections there is still a pro-2A majority or OC rights will be out od the question for a long time...