Liberal, conservative, progressive, libertarian.......what ever label one may attach to themselves or others is really irrelevant as I see things. Human beings are selfish beings and all they are motivated to do is most always for selfish reasons. The politicians need those that would rather sit on their back sides than work to keep them in power. Hunger is a powerful motivator but when a politician says we must help the most needy in our communities then all other good working taxpaying citizens are then forced to pay for them, which is not and should not be a governmental role but has become one, like it or not. We know that is all focused on reducing crime, because desperate people are dangerous people, so we bribe them with free stuff.
The conventional thinking here is that the liberal would rather pay off those that would prey upon them to leave them alone and the conservative would just as soon defend himself against those that would try to take what they have worked for than rely on a government agent to do the dirty work for them. I like watching old westerns on TV and the townsfolk always cower in the doorways when the bad guys ride into town. I used to think that was a ridiculous portrayal but that seems to be the reality, even today. I believe we will always have that very clash of thinking and making anyone explain their position on an issue is a good exercise in understanding, as futile as it may be.